Soap oil: the cause and solution of the problem

This is a fairly common problem in many domestic and foreign cars, that drives the oil through the soap. In winter, especially with the onset of significant cooling can be found malfunction, when the soap froze, squeezed out the oil and you can see the leaks on the outer surface of the power unit. Let's note at once, that given the sign, as well as smoke and oil from the breather are the basis for immediate diagnosis of the engine, as ignoring this problem can lead to quick and expensive engine repairs.

We also recommend reading the article about it, what is a soap and what is its purpose. In this article you will learn about the structure of the engine breather and other components, principles of operation of the element and other features.

Note, what if the oil goes through the soap, diagnosis of the root cause can be difficult. Skills are needed to pinpoint the underlying problem, special equipment, etc.. d. However, in some cases the driver can understand, why oil runs out of the breather, without the involvement of outside experts. In other words, diagnostics is carried out independently in garage conditions. In this article we will talk about that, why dripping oil from the breather, as well as what to do to the car owner, if the oil spills out through the soap.

Soap oil: what to do and how to find the cause

Let's start with that, that during the operation of the engine in the crankcase accumulates so-called crankcase gases. For, so as not to create excessive pressure, there is a special valve for ventilation. This solution allows a closed crankcase to communicate with the atmosphere. This valve is a breather. In simple words, soap on the engine is actually needed for that, to equalize the pressure inside the engine.

It should be noted, that in the crankcase the gases are mixed with the oil mist. As a result, oil particles get into the breather. Although inside the device there is a special oil trap, some of the oil may leak out. Based on this information, minor contamination of the system is allowed, which is the norm. In cases, when a lot of oil leaks, should be searched separately, why he throws oil out of the soap.

Leakage of oil through the soap leads to that, clogged channels, in some cases, soot is formed, etc.. d. Excess soot enters the crankcase, the mastic system is coking. As a result, loaded parts are lubricated worse, accelerates engine wear. Let's add, that traces of oil will not necessarily be visible from the outside in the bonnet space. On engines with a carburetor at leaks through a breather oil in the case of the air filter or on the filtering element is a characteristic sign of malfunction..

Traces of oil in the throttle area are visible on the injector motors, the power unit also loses its grip and power, significantly increases fuel consumption. It turns out, to check it is necessary not only to inspect the outer surfaces under the hood, but also remove the air filter, throttle assembly, etc.. d.

Why the oil leaks through the soap

If soap oil has appeared, there may be several reasons. Taking into account the various features before self-diagnosis, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms.

  1. First of all, the oil presses as a result of significant wear of the piston rings. This means, that the gases from the combustion chamber penetrate through the seal into the crankcase, after which there is a very high pressure. Excess pressure causes the oil to leak through the breather.
  2. Another possible cause may be clogging of the oil drain. In this case, gases and oil particles, who lose the ability to pass normally, come out through the breather, and not through the cleaner.
  3. Also on the list is a significant reduction in air filter capacity. In this case, the engine simply does not have enough air at the intake. The result is the appearance of oil in the filter housing and on the filter itself.
  4. Possible problems with the soap itself should not be ruled out. Usually, the valve fails, the through hole in the breather is clogged, etc.. d. Normal ventilation is disturbed, the exhaust gases enter the crankcase and raise the pressure.
  5. In some cases, the overflow of engine oil much higher than the recommended level leads to this, that the excess flows through the breather. It turns out, excess oil simply squeezes out of the engine. In such a situation, you should check the oil level and bring it back to normal if problems are detected.

Wife oil through the breather: diesel and gasoline engine

Diagnosis of the engine with oil leaks through the breather involves a comprehensive approach. There is no need to disassemble the power unit to check. It becomes clear, that at the initial stage the condition of the breather should be assessed, make sure that it works and clean the device if necessary. The oil level on the probe is also checked. If the level is OK and there are no additional signs of a problem, then it is optimal to replace the breather with a consciously serviceable one.

Convinced of that, that the breather is in good condition and the ventilation is at an acceptable level, it is necessary to carry out a number of measurements and to estimate a condition of CHP. As already mentioned, the reason may be a failed ring, that is, you need to measure the compression in the engine.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to properly measure compression in cylinders. In this article you will learn about it, for what, how and with what tools this procedure is carried out to obtain accurate data.

The need to measure the compression may also be indicated by the color of the exhaust gases. It is enough to start the motor for check, then evaluate the exhaust. If the engine smokes blue or blue smoke, then this may be a sign of engine oil entering the cylinders due to wear of the piston rings. During the compression test, the readings in each individual cylinder must be measured. In the normal state of the CPG compression should be at the mark from 11 MPa and above (it is recommended to read the technical literature on a particular type of internal combustion engine). In case of discrepancies with the readings in the cylinders, the differences should not exceed 1 MPa.

A clear reduction in compression even in one of the cylinders may well indicate that, occurring gas leaks, causing the oil to pass through the soap. It should be added, that compression can also decrease as a result of valve problems. For a more accurate definition, you should inspect the spark plugs or just one spark plug on the problem cylinder. The presence of abundant gray-black oily deposits is a sign of problems, associated with the cylinder-piston group. If the compression is low, but there is no soot on the candle, then there may be problems with the timing valves.

The lack of compression reduction will indicate that, that further inspections will be related to the ventilation system. The method of testing this system will be considered on the example of the domestic model of VAZ 2110. On other cars some individual features can meet, but the general principle will be similar.

  • At the beginning, you need to disconnect the tubes from the valve cover, breather and air duct. Then you should assess the degree of their contamination. If the tubes are clogged or dirty, then they can be cleaned with a carburetor cleaner or gasoline. Then you need to blow them with compressed air or dry naturally.
  • Next you need to get to the oil separator, unscrewing the locking bolts and removing its cover. After that the oil separator is removed. This device is made of special plates. You need to disassemble the item and rinse. Flushing can be done in gasoline, then dry.
  • It is recommended to inspect and rinse the valve in parallel, as well as check the working stroke of the rod. This is possible after removing the device. Valve wedging is also eliminated by rinsing. The whole list of described actions allows to keep the crankcase ventilation system clean and to keep it working.

Let's summarize

Given the above, it becomes clear, that the increase in crankcase gas pressure and oil leakage through the breather indicate a number of problems with the breather or internal combustion engine. Quick detection and troubleshooting will reduce the cost of repairing the power unit. This is relevant in that case, if the problem is fixed at an early stage, that is, without consequences, which occur after prolonged ignoring of the fault and subsequent active operation of the engine.

We will also add, that cleaning the crankcase ventilation system is not a complicated procedure, so in some cases such an operation can be carried out in the garage with your own hands. Moreover, it is recommended to clean the ventilation system regularly during each scheduled maintenance in parallel with the engine oil change.

Finally, note, that quite often abundant oil leaks through the soap do not appear immediately. In other words, the lubricant may leak slightly, which is sometimes inconspicuous. In other cases, through the breather from the lubrication system, taking into account the low mileage (in the middle 1-3 thousand. km) can go close 0.5 or liters of lubricant. With such a significant leak, the operation of the internal combustion engine is stopped, diagnostics and repair are carried out.

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