Categories: Pets

Methods of treating diarrhea in chickens and adult broilers, what to do to prevent disease

Any owner of a small or large farm is always worried about the health of their chickens and hens, after all, this is a guarantee of permanent income. But sometimes situations happen, when the birds start to get sick, and the most unpleasant symptom of many diseases - diarrhea. Despite the well-developed veterinary medicine, diarrhea of ​​broilers, and even more chickens, the owner is almost panicking. The question immediately arises - what to do, how to rid birds of diarrhea. First of all, you need to find out the cause of this symptom.

There are only a few reasons to provoke diarrhea in chickens of different ages:

  1. - low quality feed, poisoning and other causes of indigestion;
  2. - infectious diseases;
  3. - vitamin deficiency.

Usually like chickens, and in adults, diarrhea is accompanied by lethargic behavior, lack of appetite, temperature rise. Swelling of the legs may also occur, movement coordination is disturbed. Liquid feces can be white or green and even bloody.

To establish an accurate diagnosis and, so, properly treated, it is best to send the stool for analysis in the laboratory. Preference is given to better differential diagnosis, this analysis eliminates many diseases, which are very similar in symptoms.

Infectious diseases

If the cause of diarrhea was an infectious disease, then it is better not to treat yourself, and entrust the appointment of a course of treatment to a veterinarian. Self-treatment of infectious diseases can lead not only to the death of sick birds, but also all livestock. Any infectious diseases spread quickly among all individuals of the chicken coop, therefore, first of all, the infected bird is isolated from all other individuals.

The most common infectious diseases, which are accompanied by diarrhea:

  • pullorosis;
  • pasteurrelosis;
  • salmonellosis.

Pullorez affects broilers of all ages and can become chronic, which will accompany the bird for life. This disease is characterized by liquid white stools. Treatment of this disease requires not only the proper selection of antibiotics, but also their exact dosage, and, naturally, timeliness of action. You have to be careful, pullorez can be transmitted from broilers to humans.

Pasteur is more common in adults, this disease is also called avian cholera. Diarrhea is usually green. This disease is very difficult to treat, so the answer to the question, What shall I do? - one, kill chickens and adult chickens, infected with avian cholera. Of course, you can try to cure, example, helps a lot, sulfamethazine, but you have to remember, that this disease spreads very quickly throughout the chicken coop.

Salmonellosis, apparently, the most famous and common disease of broilers. Chickens suffer from it to a greater extent and the first sign is the appearance of diarrhea. Treatment of the disease lasts at least 20 days. Furazolidone and streptomycin are commonly used, repeated and mandatory course of treatment is carried out not later than a week, after recovery of the bird.

Preventive measures to prevent infectious diseases

First of all, it is necessary to carry out timely vaccination of chickens. Cleanliness of the broiler house, and even more chickens, should be close to ideal, sanitation is carried out on a regular basis. The veterinarian should perform a preventive examination on a regular basis of chickens and adults.

Low quality feed, poisoning and more

If the cause of diarrhea in chickens and adult chickens was poor quality feed, then this problem is easier to solve. You should immediately review your diet, especially in chickens. Chickens can also be fed probiotics for a short time, for example Flosan. In case of diarrhea in broilers, they can be given baby biseptol or chloramphenicol.

It will be useful to use a weak solution of manganese for broilers of all ages. The best way to prevent diarrhea in chickens and adult broilers is a completely natural diet, example, corn or ground wheat. But you can not make a sharp transition, from artificial to natural food and vice versa, such behavior can also cause diarrhea.

Chickens can eat stale green food, what, probably, will cause green diarrhea, or eat food waste, insects. When such symptoms appear, be sure to exclude green fodder and change to coarser. If there is diarrhea in chickens, treatment should begin immediately.


Although infrequently, but all the cause of diarrhea may be spring beriberi. Then it is recommended to include in the diet - salt or feed. At the same time, feeding broilers can also lead to diarrhea, therefore, their purchase can be made only from proven manufacturers. At the first signs of diarrhea in chickens, treatment should begin immediately, as vitamin imbalance will not lead to good and rapid growth and weight gain.

Other problems with diarrhea in broilers and chickens include normal stress. Example, the owner of the birds moved them to another place, or just the chicken fell off the perch. In such cases, do not rush to treat diarrhea.

Remember, if in addition to diarrhea in chickens or adults there are no signs of the disease, they are active, look good and eat, then treat the chicken and his parents can only be proven folk remedies. Example, you can drink broiler chickens with strong tea, until the complete disappearance of signs of diarrhea. Broilers are happy to eat hard-boiled eggs or millet porridge, which also helps to get rid of diarrhea. You can also crush rowan berries and dried branches. If the symptoms of diarrhea can not be eliminated, it is better to seek professional help from a doctor.

As can be seen from the article, that the causes and methods of preventing the plague of broilers are many, therefore, folk remedies are often not very effective, it is better to consult a veterinarian. If diarrhea has started in chickens, treatment should be started immediately, as the future profits will depend on the health of the young birds.



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