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Mollinesia balloon, sphenops and velifera: features of content and reproduction

Molliesia (Mollienesia) belongs to the live-bearing carpozuboobraznym fish of the family Petilia (Poecilia). In the wild, mollinesia are widespread. They live in fresh and brackish water and on the coast. Different species of Mollinesia live in different bodies of water in North and South America.

So, Mollinesia Velifera lives only in the lakes and rivers of the Yukotan Peninsula, and Mollinesia latipina inhabits brackish water bodies of Virginia, Florida, Texas and Carolina. Mollinesia sphenops lives in Central America.

Description of the aquarium fish Mollinesia

Mollinesia is very popular with aquarists. Mollinesia is held captive 1899 year, a 1920 year, various hybrid forms with different colors were bred. Over the years, the popularity of these beautiful live-born fish has only grown.

In nature, these fish have a yellowish-gray or silvery body color with bluish, blue, red or green spots, the abdomen is usually lighter and without spots. The body is dense, short, fins wide and strong.

In this species of fish, females are larger than males. Under natural conditions, females can reach length 12-16 cm, and males of all 9 div. In aquariums mollinesia grow up to 6– 10 div. It is easy to distinguish between females and males - in females the anal fin is rounded, and in males it is pointed and forms gonopods.

Types of mollinesia

Types of mollinesia, grown in aquariums quite a lot. Among them are both natural, and hybrid forms of this fish. The following types of mollinesia are most common:

  1. M. velifer or sailing.
  2. M. sphenops (M. Lira, Black mollinesia).
  3. M. free.
  4. Marble or white mollinesia ("snowflake").
  5. "Golden" mollinesia or albino.
  6. M. latipina or wide-fin.
  7. M. Karlikova.
  8. M. Peten.
  9. M. red or "red leopard".
  10. M. yellow.
  11. M. silver spotted or M. Dalmatian.
  12. M. balloon.
  13. M. orange.
  14. M. high fin green.
  15. M. high-melting orange.
  16. M. high-melting silver.

Mollinesia velifer or sailing

Homeland of this fish is hot Mexico. Velifera is considered the most beautiful species of mollinesia. The color of the body of the Velifer varies from green - blue to silver, dots of more saturated color are composed of bizarre patterns.

The fins are transparent with mother-of-pearl inclusions. The dorsal fin of adult males of irregular trapezoidal shape reaches significant sizes.

On the upper edge of the dorsal fin of the male is bordered by a chain of glowing red, yellow and blue dots. In males, grown in good conditions, a pattern of symmetrical luminous lines can be seen on the transparent fins.

Females are painted much paler and more modest than males. Fish of this species are quite large, even in an aquarium they grow to 1 3-1 6 div.

Unfortunately, this wonderful fish is now rare in aquariums. This is due to some difficulties in its breeding. Velifers are very picky and capricious. They live in brackish warm water. Velifers love live food with the addition of algae. This species of fish grows quite slowly - males reach maturity only after a year.

If the conditions of the Velifer do not meet the optimal, fish grow pale and unattractive, and the dorsal fin remains at the level of other species. And the fish loses its special beauty.

Necessary conditions:

  • Temperature 24-26 city.
  • Salinity to 8%.
  • Volume 70 And on one pair.

Molliesia sphenops

This fish is also known, both Black Molly and Mollinesia Lear. This is the most famous type of mollinesia. The sphenops have a dense elongated body, big head and big eyes. Swimmers are small, tail curvature.

In the aquarium, males grow to 6 cm, and females to 10 cm in length. In captivity, these fish live up to 5 years. Natural sphenops are painted in silver or yellow with blue, black or green spots. Velvet black mollinesia was artificially bred, which has gained widespread popularity among aquarists.

There are several varieties of black mollinesia. In addition to the classic fish with simple fins and medium size, meet Molly with a high sail fin, as well as fish with elongated dorsal and caudal fins.

Another hybrid form of sphenops - yellow mollinesia. It is better to keep sphenops in a flock - they are very active and sociable fish. Sphenops love sunlight. There must be live plants and special shelters for fish. Gravel is best for the soil.

Necessary conditions:

  • temperature 24-27 city;
  • dG H 11-25 city;
  • pH 7,5–8;
  • volume 10 And on one pair.

Marble mollinesia

It is also called "snowflake" or white mollinesia. This hybrid form of sailing mollinesia was bred in 90 - x years. Mollinesia white or "snowflake" got its name because of the amazing delicate color.

Dazzling white body with a bluish tinge, black eyes and white with a blue tinge fins make the fish fabulously beautiful. The size of adult fish 10-12 see These fish love space, they are unpretentious, calm, get along well with other species.

Necessary conditions:

  • water temperature 23-27 city;
  • dG H 8-25 city;
  • salinity 5%;
  • pH not less 7;
  • volume 60 And on one pair.

Mollinesia latipina or wide-fin

This fish lives in southeastern and southwestern America. Latipina is very similar to sailing mollinesia, but differs in rather modest sizes and a small sail-shaped dorsal fin.

Its color is faint greenish-brown with red, blue or green dots. Fins are blue or transparent with dots of black, orange or blue. Latipin is very rarely bred in aquariums.

Mollinesia red or "red leopard"

These fish have a bright red or red-orange color, sometimes with black spots, for which they received the second name - "red leopard".

Peaceful, calm fish, they love aquariums with lots of plants. Under good conditions, a leopard can grow up 12 div.

Leopards vegetarian, prone to gluttony. To preserve and enhance the bright color should be added to the diet of foods high in carotene.

Necessary conditions:

  • temperature 20-28 city;
  • salinity 8%;
  • pH 7-8,5;
  • dG H 10-25 city;
  • water volume 50-60 And on one pair.

Mollinesia orange

One of the most beautiful forms of sphenops. Loves bright sunlight and dense vegetation. Mollinesia orange, Mollinesia yellow and "red leopard" to maintain a bright color need foods high in carotene. Can grow to 12 cm, but more often its sizes fluctuate within 5-7 div.

Necessary conditions:

  • temperature 23-28 city;
  • salinity to 8%;
  • pH 7, 0-8,5;
  • dG H 10-30 city;
  • water volume 50-70 And on one pair.

Mollinesia balloon

Hybrid form of broad-finned mollinesia. Very beautiful and unusual fish. The main distinguishing feature of Mollinesia balloon is inflated, round belly. There are veil and color forms. The size of the mollinesia balloon can vary from 2 see to 13 div.

If the aquarium is small or the density of fish is high, mollinesia will be small, and in a large spacious aquarium the fish will grow large. Fish can eat plants, if their diet is low in plant foods. The balloon is a large glutton and is often transmitted, therefore, once a week they need to arrange a hungry day.

Balloon very beautiful fish, but they do not live long. Their unusual shape is due to curvature of the spine - scoliosis. This congenital disease is incurable.

Necessary conditions:

  • temperature 20-25 city;
  • salinity to 8%;
  • dG H 10-25 city;
  • p H 7-8,5;
  • water volume 50-70 And on one pair.

Nutrition mollinesia and possible diseases

Mollinesian omnivorous fish. They are happy to eat algae from the walls of the aquarium, eat filamentous algae and can eat plants in the aquarium. Mollinesia is fed vegetable, dry and live feed.

These fish love space, bright aquariums, with lots of plants and gravel soil. Be sure to place pebbles on the bottom, snags or other shelters.

At very low or high water temperatures in the aquarium mollinesia can get sick. They are very sensitive to oxygen in water. Under bad conditions, fish become lethargic, lie on the bottom and then die.

The most common disease of mollinesia - skin diseases. To prevent fungal diseases, many experts recommend salting the water in the aquarium (salinity no more 5%).

Mollinesia is peaceful, active fish. They are non-aggressive and get along well with other fish, close in size. It is not necessary to keep in one aquarium mollinesia and tiger barbs. Barbs will treat mollinesia.

Breeding and reproduction of mollinesia

Mollinesia live-bearing fish. Depending on the species, they reach maturity 5-12 months. The pregnancy continues 30-40 days. Pregnancy can be determined only by the enlarged abdomen of the female. The fry are born fully formed.

No special breeding conditions are required for fish. It is enough to put a female and a male together. The female can give birth to anyone 3 0-45 days. To prevent fry from being eaten by adults, the female should be pre-housed in a separate aquarium.

The fry feed on food for adult fish, ground into a powder. The fry grow well and quickly, but to accelerate growth, you can feed them cut tubers.

Mollinesia is one of the most beautiful fish. The content of most species is simple and accessible to novice aquarists. Mollinesia velifera and mollinesia balloon are more difficult to breed, they require careful care and constant supervision. These species are more suitable for experienced aquarists.

But all the worries and anxieties are compensated by beautiful fairy-tale fish, flickering among the green algae.



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