Categories: Garden and town

Tomato seeds: review of the best varieties

The abundance of offers from seed sellers poses a difficult task for gardeners, what are the best varieties of tomatoes on 2017 year to prepare for seedlings. It is important to be clear, where and when the seedlings will be planted, because there are species exclusively for open ground, and there are tomatoes, whose fertility is determined by the greenhouse content.

Varieties for greenhouses

Selecting seeds follows from the criteria:

  • yield and fertility;
  • resistance to frost and damage by viruses and bacteria;
  • taste;
  • appointment;
  • maturation rate;
  • conditions of detention;
  • climatic features and soil type.

Find the best tomatoes for the greenhouse is not easy and here every gardener when buying seeds is based on their own knowledge and experience, as well as on the recommendations of famous collectors, example, Valentina Redko and Volodymyr Popenko. Many prefer Indent, which are characterized by constant growth and the presence of fruit before the cold. Often, these are precocious hybrids, which are not susceptible to pests, which grow under the film, and in greenhouses made of glass and plastic.

Among the successful varieties gardeners distinguish:

  • Evpator F1 - round tomato of deep red color, mass to 160 G, having a pleasant taste;
  • Sprinter F1 is a precocious hybrid with round flat fruits, weighing about 200 G;
  • Alexia F1 is a great option with fruits up to 200 G, grown all year round;
  • Kronos F1 -hybrid for film greenhouses, dense red tomatoes, mass to 180 G;

  • Cosmonaut Volkov - unpretentious in care variety with bushes to 2 m and sweet fruits, weight 200 — 600 G, bright red-orange color with a fragrant aroma;
  • Orange strawberries are early ripening tomatoes, who opt for a short cool summer, differ in the compact size of a bush and juicy yellow fruits, mass to 500 G;
  • Completely - a productive species with rounded fruits of light weight, grows in the middle lane;
  • De Bar - a series of "cream of different colors - red, yellow, pink, black or striped, weigh up 100 G;
  • Airleaf is a tall, medium-ripe variety from the Redko Valentina collection with pink sweet elongated tomatoes., very productive and grainy;
  • World Cherry F1 - a beautiful decorative tomato, tall bush to 4 m, each brush contains about 20 red fruits with excellent taste.

When there is no time for constant care and watering, which leads to crop loss, low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses help out, which are unpretentious in maintenance and often do not require pasynkuvaniye. Among the novelties of this season:

  • Raja - an early variety with large burgundy fruits, weighing up to 300 G;
  • Yellow delicacy - tomatoes, which can be grown in unheated greenhouses, have fairly large fleshy fruits and are well suited for salads;
  • Paradise - high-yielding tomatoes, when in one hand ripens to 8 fruits, weighing up to 200 G;
  • The Hermitage is an ideal choice for cold summers, differs in endurance to temperature differences, fruits of rich taste and small size;
  • Russian trio - a great hybrid for novice gardeners, with large fleshy tomatoes to 200 m

Growing tomatoes with large fruits requires a careful approach, especially before the formation of the bush. Distinguished by later maturation, but give a good harvest and bear fruit until the autumn cold. So-called, "Beef tomatoes" are not used in canning, their sugary flesh and extraordinary taste fit perfectly into many salads and stand-alone dishes. The most preferred and proven varieties are:

  • The king of giants is tomatoes with large red fruits, the size of which reaches 1 kg;
  • Bovine heart - pink tomatoes of characteristic shape, weighing up to 900 g on the lower inflorescences and to 400 g - on the upper hand;
  • Mazarin - a salad with sweet fruits in the shape of a heart 600 G;
  • Belmonte KUPR - a popular tomato in Valentina Redko's store with red fleshy fruits, mass to 600 G;
  • Scorpio - raspberry or pink tomatoes, weighing up to 800 G;
  • Pink honey is a unique tomato, growing on low shrubs to 70 cm and bear fruit, size up to 1,5 kg;
  • Pink accordion from the catalog of rare collectible tomatoes Popenko VD. - original corrugated look, originally from Mexico, with sweet flat fruits, which housewives like to add to salads or use in stuffing.

Cherry tomatoes are no less popular among the seeds for greenhouses this year, which with a very small mass in 25 g give multicolored clusters of 16 — 20 fruits. In addition to greenhouses, cherries are well grown in hanging pots on the balcony or directly in pots. New proposals for greenhouses are presented as follows:

  • bonsai;
  • Minibel;

  • Marishka;
  • Cherry red and cherry yellow;
  • Golden Bunch and Rowan Necklaces by Valery Popenko.

Video "Practical tips for gardeners"

Demonstration video with practical recommendations for gardeners to harvest seeds for planting.

Varieties for open ground

Usually, Tomato seeds for open ground are in great demand in the southern and middle lanes, where summer is hot and long, but there are collections of tomatoes, grow well in cold climates. Open ground requires only an individual approach, when it is necessary to properly prepare seedlings and competently cultivate it. Early tomatoes with high yields are best for open ground:

  • Red cheeks from Valentina Redko - delicious tomatoes, which bear abundant fruit in all weather conditions, with smooth dense fruits, mass to 200 G;
  • Dinar is a precocious variety with small fruits of small weight, which sow the whole bush;
  • Sub-Arctic - exclusive tomatoes from Popenko, are considered champions of fruit ripening, have a small weight to 50 g and high vitamin content;
  • Junior F1 is a juicy ribbed hybrid with red fruits, weighing up to 100 G;
  • Amber is an early frost-resistant early tomato with small yellow fruits;
  • Red canine from the Redko catalog is an excellent early variety for canning and beautiful serving, long red fruits with a dense skin and weight up to 40 G;

  • Amber heart is a new yellow hybrid, heart-shaped fruits contain a lot of carotene, the average weight is about 150 G;
  • Medok is an unpretentious domestic species with original red fruits, like cucumbers.

Low-growing tomatoes are also great for growing in the garden, which is preferred by many experienced gardeners for their unpretentiousness and compact size. Among the many options presented are noted:

  • Iceberg - delicious tomatoes, sprinkled with bushes to 50 cm tall, which do not require stem formation and pruning;
  • Renet from the catalog B. Popenko- collectible variety, which, at the height of everything 40 cm, bears juicy fruits, mass to 100 G;
  • Cherry Fingers F1 - tomatoes especially for children: small in size with a pleasant sweet taste;
  • Mongolian dwarf and Pink Stella - low-lying tomatoes, often grown for salting and preparations for the winter, with small elongated fruits and dense skin;
  • Compliment - does not require a garter variety with direct sowing of seeds in the soil and very juicy sweet fruits, weighing about 120 G.

With good care in the open ground and tall tomatoes grow well, which often ripen later, but give a harvest all season. Here you can see and have proven themselves over the years, and novelties 2017 year:

  • Tsarskoe Selo - a versatile tomato with large fruits, with proper watering pleases all summer;
  • Kangaroo heart - rare, time-tested tomato, often found in experienced collectors, example, Valentina Redko, soft and sweet fruits to 1 kg contain few seeds;
  • Commissioner F1 is a disease-resistant hybrid, rarely below 2 m, round fruits are eaten fresh, and in whole canning;
  • Admiral F1 is a medium-ripe hybrid, which requires the formation of a single stem, well transported and retains its flavoring properties;
  • White Vincent - an interesting exotic from the Popenko collection with unusual flat white fruits with pink streaks, mass to 300 G.

Regardless of the selected variety of tomatoes, seeds are recommended to buy only in proven stores or collectors. This will avoid unpleasant surprises and acquaint with the interesting findings of breeders. The largest collection of seeds is presented ??Valentina Redko from the Kurgas region and has more than 1000 varieties. If you are interested in trying the seeds of rare or exotic tomatoes, then you should look in the catalog of Valery Popenko.

Video "What seeds to choose in 2017 year »

Informational video, which will help with choosing a variety of fruit plant on 2017 year.



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