Tincture of chokeberry on vodka at home

Rowan can safely be called the calling card of Russia. It is not inferior in popularity to Russian birches. Poems and songs are dedicated to her. There is more in nature 200 varieties of this plant, but in the people they are all divided into two large groups - red and black. The latter can be found in the gardens of summer residents, which of its fruits prepare jams, jam, mountain ash wine, tinctures and liqueurs.

Useful properties of rowan tincture

In medicine, the fruits of chokeberry insist on alcohol. Such tinctures are called chokeberry. The berry of this plant has a huge number of useful properties, which are determined by its nutritional composition. It includes the following elements, as tannins, vitamins, acids, iodine, iron, riboflavin and many other elements, necessary to stimulate the human body.

Chokeberry tincture is recommended for human consumption, suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension. It increases immunity, improves appetite, stimulates the process of production of gastric juice. Nutritionists recommend taking 1 tablespoon of tincture on an empty stomach 10-15 minutes before eating.

Advice: people, suffering from thyroid disease, rowan tincture should be taken daily, as a therapeutic agent. You can use the drink to prevent this disease.

Chokeberry perfectly removes radionuclides from the body. The berries of the plant are recommended

Tincture of chokeberry

include in the diet of people, who suffer from radiation sickness or live in areas with high radioactive background. For men, the tincture of chokeberry helps increase their potency. The tincture effectively fights cancer cells, improves metabolism and removes toxins from the body.

We prepare mountain ash tincture at home

"Rowan on cognac" is very popular among the people.. At home, most often, tincture of chokeberry on vodka is prepared, alcohol or moonshine. Ripe berries are taken to prepare the product, slightly caught in the cold. They are washed, rejected and kneaded in a wooden mortar.

Advice: you do not need to knead the berries with metal objects. This leads to oxidation processes.

The mashed berries are placed on the bottom of the container prepared for cooking. The classic recipe for tincture includes 1 kg of berries and 1 liter of vodka. Based on this recipe, you can diversify the taste palette of the drink. To do this, additional ingredients are added to the two main ingredients.

Cherry and currant go very well with chokeberry. Not only berries can be added to the tincture, but the leaves of plants.

Vodka is poured into the container as follows, so that its layer was above the berries on 2-3 cm. It is best to cook the product in glass jars. They are closed with plastic lids, shake the product and put on 60-70 days in a dark room at room temperature.

The finished tincture is filtered through gauze, bottled, sealed and sent for storage.

How to insist on rowan on cognac?

Rowan on cognac can be prepared from red and black berries. To prepare the drink you need to take only good alcohol. The process of infusion is the same, as in vodka. The difference in cooking is, that syrup is added to the drink, which can be cooked on honey or sugar. On 0,5 liters of cognac is added 5 grams of vanilla.