Categories: Pipes

The nuances of installing a collector for underfloor heating with your own hands: preparation, installation and tools

Underfloor heating is one of the most popular heating systems. When installing it, one of the stages is the installation of the collector. Many owners, which are decided on the independent installation of such a heating system, are asked questions, whether it is possible to carry out its installation by own hands.

There are several types of underfloor heating. One of the most popular species is water heating systems. There is one feature associated with them. The point is, that it cannot be connected to the central heating system. exept this, it is forbidden to use such heating systems in apartment buildings. Such systems are usually installed in private homes and cottages, located outside the city. They are a great solution for housing, where a water heater is installed on the ground floor. Proper installation of underfloor heating - the opportunity to get an active heating system, which will provide maximum comfort for people living in the house in the winter.

In comparison with usual radiator heating the heat-insulated floor is more effective for heating of the house. The technology of its installation requires the installation of the collector. This work can be easily done with your own hands, thereby reducing the cost of installation work.

Even before installation, need to buy the necessary materials and tools. After that it is necessary to carry out preparation of the basis of a floor covering in rooms. When performing work it is necessary to be guided by existing safety requirements.

How to prepare the foundation

When work is carried out on the preparation of the basis, then the first, what to do - remove the old screed. After that it is necessary to carry out work on leveling of a floor strictly horizontally. It is necessary to exclude occurrence on a surface of differences of heights more 1 div.

After that it is necessary to lay on a horizontal surface a layer of waterproofing material. To do this, around the perimeter of the room should be fixed a special tape. It will eliminate the expansion of the floor at temperature loads. If the heating system will have several circuits, then its laying should be carried out not only on the perimeter of the room, but also between all contours. After that it is necessary to carry out work on thermal insulation of a floor by a qualitative heat insulator to avoid heat losses.

Thermal insulation

The choice of materials for thermal insulation is carried out, focusing on the following parameters, as:

  • floor type;
  • room area;
  • purpose of the installed heating system.

When performing work indoors, in which central heating has already been carried out, underfloor heating will act as an additional source of heat. Therefore at performance of works on thermal insulation it is possible to use the made foam polyethylene.

If the installation of underfloor heating will be carried out in the rooms of a two-story house, in which the heating is the lower floor, then a sufficient measure for insulation will be laying sheets of polystyrene foam thick from 25 to 40 mm. Or you can use another insulation of the same thickness.

When installing a "warm" floor in the apartment, located on the ground floor, provided, that under it in the basement there is no heating, to create a layer of insulation using expanded clay as backfill, and on top of it perform the laying of expanded polystyrene. You can also install a special insulation, which is designed specifically for underfloor heating. The peculiarity of such insulation is, that the material on the inside has holes for laying pipes.

When the insulation layer is mounted, we move on to the next step, which provides for the installation of reinforcing mesh. It is necessary to secure the screed, by means of which all system will be kept.

Pipes can be attached to the reinforcing mesh after installation, using screed. If the owner does not have the opportunity to use the reinforcing mesh, then for fastening of pipes are applied special strips for fastening.

Materials and tools

Tools and materials are required for the work. You should also calculate the required amount of materials, and besides, take care of purchasing the necessary system components.

  • boiler;
  • collector;
  • pump;
  • valve for adjustment;
  • air vent;
  • valves;
  • fittings;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • cement;
  • sand.

Except for them, must be purchased before installation main components of the system. The main element of the heating system is the heating boiler. When performing installation work, do not do without the injection pump, which can be connected directly to the boiler.

Installation of valves is carried out at the inlet of the device. Pipes should also be prepared, which will be used to create wiring. After that, the collector is prepared. This device contains elements, used to adjust the system temperature and regulate it.

The owner must also purchase pipes for laying on the floor surface. In addition, fittings are purchased, which during work are used for laying of the main highway. These elements are also used to connect paved pipes to the underfloor heating system.

Pipes intended for a heat-insulated floor can to be made of polypropylene. The best choice - products, having a reinforcing layer of fiberglass. Their advantage is that, that at high temperatures they expand less. In addition, you can use plastic pipes, because when heated, they expand to a minimum.

Polyethylene pipes are most often used when installing surface heating systems. You should choose products with a diameter of 18 to 22 mm. The pipe must be designed for operating pressure up to 10 bar and temperature to 90 degrees Celsius. Some models of pipes are equipped with oxygen protection and have additional layers in their structure. However, most owners choose polyethylene pipes, because their cost is quite low. If the most important thing for the owner when installing a heated floor - to reduce the cost of installing the system, then they are usually chosen polyethylene pipes.

In appearance, the collector is a device, who has taps. It is otherwise called an adapter. It is used mainly to connect different circuits of the system.

The main line connects different circuits, providing delivery of heated water and drainage of cold.

When installing a "warm" floor suit two collectors. The first acts as an adapter and is designed to distribute heated water. The second is used to collect the cooled coolant.

Devices, used to configure the system, splitters are located in a design:

  • valves;
  • drain control device;
  • spare drain;
  • air from water.


For each individual room it is necessary to calculate the length of the pipes and their pitch. Special programs are used to calculate the water floor. Usually him carried out at the design institute. It is quite difficult to calculate the power of each circuit independently, because many factors must be taken into account here. If mistakes are made during the calculations, then this may cause the system to malfunction.

That calculation of capacity of a water heat-insulated floor was made correctly, during work it is necessary use the following data:

  • installation power;
  • the size of the room;
  • view of the walls;
  • used for system insulation;
  • type of floor covering.

Having all this information at hand, you can easily calculate the length of the pipe for the room and the step when laying it. Performing pipe divergence calculations, it is necessary to choose the optimal direction of the highway.

Nuances of pipe installation

There are certain rules to follow when laying pipes:

Pipes should be installed from the outer wall of the room, because it is colder, than everyone else.

If pipes pass into the room from the outer wall, then part of the pipe from the entrance to the wall should be insulated.

That it happened gradual decrease in heating floors from the outer wall, the method of installation of pipe products by a snake is used indoors.

If indoors, in which the heat-insulated floor keeps within, all the walls are internal, then to solve the problem of uniform floor heating use mounting in a spiral in the direction from the wall to the center.

The pipe should run in a spiral to the center of the room. When laying, follow the double step between them, and then it can be unfolded and unwound in the opposite direction to the exit of the room directly to which the splitters.

Installation of a collector for heat-insulated floors

When choosing a collector track start from the number of contours, included in the system of water floor heating. There must be enough outlets in the collector for underfloor heating. This appliance is responsible for adjusting the floor heating and adjusting it. Shut-off valves must be present in the collector.

The control valve device is provided in some devices. These valves adjust the water flow for each turn of the pipe. By adjusting, you can ensure uniform heating of the room.

Installation of the device is carried out in a special locker, in which thickness is 12 cm. When choosing the size of the collector box based on the dimensions of all elements of the collector for underfloor heating, as well as additional elements, which he has:

  • pressure sensors;
  • air drains;
  • air ducts.

You should know, that after installation of collector group in a box there should be a place, which is used for bending from water pipes of all circuits.

Work on the installation of the system begins with the installation of a collector for underfloor heating in the cabinet. It should be located as follows, so that the pipes from each room were the same length. In some cases, a place is chosen to place the locker, as close as possible to the largest contours. Installation of a locker for the collector can be held in the wall. However, do not dig into the load-bearing walls.

Fasten the cabinet as follows, so that it is above the level of the heated floor. At the same time branch of a pipe from a collector upwards should be excluded. Only in this case it is possible to ensure the proper operation of the exhaust system.

Installation of a heating boiler

The installation process of the system requires the installation of a heating boiler. Installation power should be greater, than in all circuits, which are a part of a heat-insulated floor.

When the boiler installation work is completed, installation of the pump is carried out. After that installation of shut-off valves is carried out. They are necessary for the repair of equipment and for preventive purposes.

When this work is done, it is possible to be engaged in installation of pipes of a heat-insulated floor and creation of a coupler. Profile fastenings are used for fastening of pipes of a heat-insulated floor. They are fixed to the floor with screws.

Pipe turns must be carried out neatly. Bends in the pipeline must be excluded. If laying of a heat-insulated floor is provided under a tile, then the thickness of the concrete screed should be 4 cm.

A thinner screed is made under the laminate. Laying of thermal insulation is not carried out, so as not to reduce the heat transfer of the heated floor.

This completes the work on the installation of underfloor heating. It only remains to check the system. The test takes several hours, to make sure that the installation work is correct and that the installed system is functioning effectively.


Underfloor heating is the most effective solution for heating homes. It can be the main source of heating or used as an additional. It is most often used in country and country houses. There, in most cases, there is no central heating, therefore installation of such heating system is the best solution to create a comfortable atmosphere. Proper installation of all components, including the collector, guarantees trouble-free operation of the entire system.



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