Categories: Garden and town

Cucumbers on the windowsill: technology of growing vegetables in winter

Growing garden crops at home not only saves money on buying vegetables, but also to get an environmentally friendly product. Most people grow cucumbers on the windowsill in winter. About all the nuances, which should be kept in mind in this situation, will tell our today's article.

Preparation for planting

It is possible to create a small garden of cucumber bushes in an apartment on the windowsill. But this requires proper training.

This procedure includes the following items:

  • selection of good planting material;
  • procurement of quality substrate;
  • selection of containers for planting;
  • choosing a place to grow (window sills should be well lit., T. To. cucumbers require a minimum 3-4 lighted hours per day).

Remember, what of that, how the preparatory stage was performed correctly, directly depends on the further growth and development of cucumber bushes. In this case, the first harvest can be removed in just a few minutes 1-1,5 months after the first seedlings.

Answer to the question, how to grow cucumbers at home on the windowsill in winter, always start with choosing the right planting material. In this case, you should prefer early and bush varieties. These are the best varieties, which will give a good and tasty harvest. It is recommended to use only self-pollinating hybrids. Otherwise without bees, about which in the apartment in the winter there can be no speech, it will be impossible to get a harvest.

The second no less important point of the preparatory stage is the choice of quality substrate. It can be purchased at a specialty store. But many gardeners recommend preparing the soil yourself. To do this, mix 23 coconut fiber and 13 compost. Both components are easy to find over-the-counter. The result is an ideal substrate for growing cucumbers in the house in the winter.

Growing cucumbers on the windowsill in winter is carried out in flower pots. The capacity can be chosen absolutely any. The main requirement is a volume of at least three liters.

It is also recommended to use a container, made of food-grade plastic. It will definitely not emit harmful substances into the soil during its operation. The bottom of the pot must have drainage holes to effectively remove excess moisture. If these holes are not, then a high risk of root rot of the plant.

After choosing the planting material, preparation of soil and pot at this stage it is necessary to prepare the seeds for planting. Their preparation for landing is as follows:

  • the seeds should be placed in a plate and filled with a warm and weak solution of manganese. They should stay in this solution for several hours;
  • during this time part of the seed emerges. They need to be removed, since they certainly will not germinate;
  • seed, remaining in solution - ready for planting.

Now you can start direct planting.

Video "How to grow cucumbers at home"

In this video you will learn all the secrets of growing cucumbers on the windowsill.

Landing technology

To get cucumbers on the windowsill uses a special cultivation technology, which is carried out in two ways:

  • in the classical way. The method is quite simple to implement, but does not bear much fruit;
  • through a pick. Carried out by transplant, therefore considered quite troublesome. However, it allows you to get a good and rich harvest, than when using the classical approach in cultivation.

The classic technology of planting cucumbers at home is as follows:

  • the prepared container is filled with soil in half;
  • we put seeds in the soil, which are sprinkled with a layer of earth on top (1-2 cm);
  • after the appearance of the first seedlings in the pot you need to add soil. It should not reach the edges about 2-3 mm. Otherwise, watering the seedlings will be inconvenient;
  • due to the addition of soil, not all sprouts will be able to break through it again.

After the emergence of seedlings care for plants, to get a good harvest, must be implemented correctly.

The technology of growing shrubs in winter at home through picks is as follows:

  • sowing seeds is first carried out in small cups (about 100 ml). Preferably, that they were made of cardboard;
  • it is necessary to sow twice as many seeds based on the calculation, that in each cup should come out 4-5 grains. Only a part of them will germinate;
  • picking is performed after that, as the first sprouts appear in the cups. Weak stairs must be removed. One strongest and strongest sprout should remain in the cup after picking;
  • two weeks after picking hardened seedlings should be transplanted. In order not to damage the seedlings, the soil in the cup before transplanting should be moistened with water, then gently turn the container over in the palm of your hand. The sprout should be between the fingers. After that, the young plant together with a lump of earth is transplanted into a flower pot.

Whatever method of growing cucumbers in the winter in the house was not used, the new stairs need proper care.

Subtleties of care

Cucumbers are quite a moisture-loving crop. Therefore, it is not always possible to get an excellent harvest in the open ground, not to mention growing them in an apartment. Cucumbers on the window should be watered very carefully, so as not to flood. Watering must be compared with the time of year, as well as stages of plant development. During the first month after emergence, the bushes should be watered frequently, but in small portions. Remember, that excess moisture in the soil can lead to root rot, and provoke the appearance of pathogenic microflora or insect parasites.

In winter, watering with cucumber is reduced. This is due to the short daylight hours. Therefore, it is in winter that the overflow will be the most dangerous for plants. It is better not to add water here, than to overflow it and lose because of this harvest. With the arrival of spring (end of March) the intensity of watering is gradually increased. During the summer, when the bushes bear fruit, do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out. During this period, the water evaporates quite quickly due to the formation of ovaries and fruits. Therefore, summer is considered, that for cucumbers the dried up earth is more harmful, than overwetted. Watering is carried out daily with water at room temperature. It is also recommended to regularly spray the bush.

Another nuance of growing on the window of this vegetable crop is to create an optimal light regime for the bushes. Remember, that the plants on the windowsill should be evenly heated, while obtaining the optimal amount of light.

To do this, the pot with the plant must be unfolded every day 180 degrees. The best time to turn is noon. This procedure should be done daily, at the same time. Otherwise, the shoots will begin to stretch strongly, becoming ugly and crooked.

Features of cultivation

In addition to watering care for cucumbers, which are grown at home, should include such equally important points:

  • brace. Be sure to tie the cucumber bushes at home, since they have a weak stem. The height of the support should be at least 70 cm. At this height, the support will be able to compensate for the weakness of the escape and give it a reliable support;
  • when appearing on the sprouts 5 real leaves hold a clothespin. To do this, carefully cut off the top of the bush. As a result, it will be much more lush and dense.

If you want a good harvest, be sure to apply fertilizer to the pot. Monthly recommends making humus in the soil. You can also use various special fertilizers as fertilizer (example, "Growth" and "agrolife"). Seedlings need to be fertilized every 2 weeks. When the seedling appears, then a week later spend another feeding. For watering you need to prepare a special solution: 1 Art. l. urea is dissolved in 6 And water. You need to spend on one seedling 1 a glass of this solution. Once in 10 days spend fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

That the grown cucumber bush did not get sick and gives birth well, it needs proper care. But if there were violations, then the plant may start to get sick or parasites will get into the pot.

At home, cucumbers can suffer from such diseases:

  • powdery mildew. The disease is caused by a fungus. It is manifested by a white plaque, which is formed on the leaves. If they are detected, it is necessary to take immediate measures to combat it, otherwise the plant may die;
  • anthracnose or copper. Here, too, the fungus acts as a pathogen. But it already affects not only the leaves, but also fruit. On them the fungus is shown by brown spots;
  • root rot. The disease is difficult to diagnose, as it affects the underground part of the plant;
  • sclerotinia or "white rot". It is manifested on the leaves, stems and fruits white plaque.

In addition to diseases, home-grown cucumbers often suffer from spider mite attacks, whiteflies and aphids. Insecticides should be used to control them.

As we see, to grow cucumbers in your apartment is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose the right planting material and care for the bushes, and they will delight you with a delicious and bountiful harvest.

Cucumber Care Video

In this video, experienced gardeners will share secrets, how to choose the right seeds and how to care for them.



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