Squash for the winter - the best and original recipes, marinated, without sterilization, delicious + Photo

Many housewives roll squash for the winter, whose recipes are varied and can satisfy the appetites of even gourmets, the main thing is to properly prepare and follow the technology, and with citric acid you will cook or acetic, without sterilization, marinated, like mushrooms, in tomato or make caviar, only you can decide…

Squash for the winter - marinade recipes

Most often in the beds of gardeners can be found such a vegetable, which resembles a beautiful ribbed plate in shape - it's squash. Being a relative of zucchini and pumpkin, squash is not very popular in our country, however, those housewives, who know how to cook it properly, be sure to plant a few bushes of this interesting vegetable in the garden.

Squash can be kept fresh for a long time, and can be used for blanks for the winter, in any case squash for the winter, recipes for which will be described below, no one will be left indifferent.

One of the most popular recipes - squash marinated and perfect, if you use small vegetables for this preparation, which easily get into the throats of jars, if there are none, - Cut large vegetables into neat pieces. It is important to take young vegetables, whose skin is still thin and tender, which overgrown during heat treatment will become soft inside, and will not crunch. We will need it for cooking (per liter jar):

  • 0,5-0,6 kg of vegetables
  • 4-5 зубків часнику
  • 50-70 гр свіжого кропу
  • a small bunch of parsley
  • молодий лист хрону
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/3 гострої перчин
  • 5 штучок запашного перцю
  • 9 штучок чорного перцю
  • по одній ст. spoons of salt and granulated sugar
  • 1/2 h. Spoons of vinegar essence

marinated squash - in the photo

Roll the squash in the marinade in several stages:

  • Prepared young squash thoroughly rinse, if necessary, cut into halves or slices, removing the stalks and place, where was the flower
  • Put squash in boiling water and cook no more 5 minutes. Importantly, so that they do not become soft during this time
  • Remove the vegetables from the boiling water, put in a colander and place under running cold water to cool
  • Peel garlic cloves and cut each in half
  • Put a piece of horseradish leaf on the bottom of sterile jars, one bay leaf, pepper peas and a slice of hot pepper
  • Add dill and half a bunch of parsley to the jar
  • Put cooled squash on the seasoning, it is better to do it as tightly as possible. Between the pieces of vegetables put the remaining spices - dill, parsley, bay leaf and chopped garlic
  • Pour boiling marinade over the very edge of the jar (how to make a marinade - in a pint of boiling water pour a tablespoon of salt and sand and boil 5 minutes, then add acetic acid and immediately pour into jars)
  • Put a piece of cloth or gauze on the bottom of a large saucepan, put jars with marinade squash in it and fill with hot water (not boiling water!) On the shoulders of the banks
  • Sterilize squash in this way for the winter, whose recipes are tastier than each other, required for 15-20 minutes
  • Get the jars out of the boiling water, roll up and wrap up, until cool, then put away in a cool dry place

Experienced housewives recommend sterilizing marinated squash pieces, this will allow them to stand all winter and not get cloudy.

Prepare squash without sterilization

However, with the right recipe you can cook squash for the winter without sterilization. Plus this snack is, that vegetables retain vitamins and nutrients better, as well as aroma. For cooking we take:

  • 2 kg of young squash
  • 1 л холодного окропу
  • З ст. spoons of chopped green dill
  • 3 Art. spoons of green parsley
  • 1 PC. hot pepper
  • 3 лаврові листки
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 лист хрону
  • 2 Art. spoons of salt
  • 4 Art. spoons of vinegar 9% -leg

marinated squash without sterilization - in the photo

Squash whole or cut into pieces, blanch in boiling water for a few minutes, then cool and place in sterile jars, at the bottom of which are already spices and herbs.

Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Obtained brine fill jars with squash on 10 minutes. Then the infused brine is drained and boiled. In a boiling marinade pour vinegar and immediately pour it into jars. Ready squash salad for the winter without sterilization cover with iron lids and cover with a warm thing to cool. Cooled jars are removed to the refrigerator, basement or other cool place.

The shelf life of such a workpiece is less, than that, which must be sterilized, however, it tastes no worse and is great as a side dish to meat and meat.

Pattison, cooked in Korean

For lovers of spicy flavors, we recommend cooking squash in Korean for the winter, after all, this salad can be served immediately after cooking, and you can close it with metal lids and store in a dark place. You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 3 kg of main vegetable
  • півкіло цибулі-ріпки
  • півкіло свіжої моркви
  • півкіло болгарського перцю
  • 5 середніх чесночіни
  • зелень за смаком
  • 200 мл оцту
  • 200 мл олії
  • Пакетик приправи для овочів по-корейськи

Squash should be washed well, peel, cut the seeds and grate on a special grater to cook carrots in Korean. Do the same with cooked carrots. Chop onions and bell peppers into rings or halves.

Chop the garlic with a garlic press or grate on a fine grater. Finely chop the greens. Mix all vegetables in one bowl and season with prepared spices and oil. The salad is ready to eat in a few hours.

To save such squash for the winter, the recipes in this case are identical, it is enough to lay out this colorful assorted in prepared jars and sterilize. To do this, salad jars should be placed in a container with hot water on the shoulders and boil over low heat 15 minutes. After this treatment, the salad will become paler, but will not lose the unsurpassed taste and aroma. Banks roll up with sterile lids and wrap! Delicious spicy winter breakfast ready!

There are many recipes with squash, and all of them, when properly cooked, turn out delicious and healthy!



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