Alcohol overdose poses a serious health risk

Everyone is well aware of the dangers of alcohol, but not all of this knowledge stop their use. Alcoholism is a serious illness, which is especially difficult to treat in children and women. History knows many facts, when an alcohol overdose caused a person's death.

symptoms of overdose

Alcohol overdose, whose symptoms resemble a severe hangover, causes death in every second case of poisoning before hospitalization. The cause of death can be not only a drug coma, but also profuse vomiting, which occurs in a hangover. Severe consequences can be avoided with timely first aid.

The greatest danger is methanol.

Signs of methyl and ethyl alcohol poisoning have a number of similar features and their own distinctive features. With heavy alcohol intoxication, caused by ethyl alcohol, such symptoms can be observed, as:

  • Skin discoloration. It begins to acquire a blue or very pale hue.
  • Heavy alcohol intoxication causes dizziness. The person is nauseous and tears.
  • Very often consciousness is lost, the temperature decreases, numbness of various parts of the body and paralysis occur.
  • In humans, pain is reduced, the pulse is barely palpable, slows breathing and reflexes, language is disturbed, memory lapses and hallucinations.

Severe methyl alcohol poisoning leads to loss of consciousness, CNS lesions, impaired or complete loss of vision and other consequences. As well as overdosing on ethyl alcohol, methanol poisoning requires urgent hospitalization and medical care. It is necessary to bring to consciousness before arrival of the doctor of the drunk person.

First aid

Too many people get lost in the face of drunkenness and don't know it, what to do when alcohol intoxication, especially in a state of severe poisoning. Alcohol overdose, symptoms, which can be recognized by severe nausea and vomiting, should make the drunken people around him take care of his safety. From that, how quickly first aid will be given in case of overdose of strong drinks to a person depends on his life.

Never think about it when you are heavily intoxicated, how and what to do. The countdown is minutes. Putting the person aside, so that he does not choke on his vomit, you need to call a doctor immediately. You can bring a drunk to consciousness by lifting a cotton ball to the nose of a drunk person for a split second, soaked in ammonia. This will help bring the drunk to consciousness quickly.

Very important, if a person drank a lot of alcohol, try to clear his stomach. Excessive drinking and pressing your fingers on the base of the tongue can cause the necessary vomiting in this state. Activated carbon will not be superfluous, which can be found in the first aid kit of any driver.

Do not induce vomiting in humans, who is in an unconscious state.

Man, if he drank a lot of alcohol and could not move independently, should not lie on your back. When intoxicated, before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to monitor his pulse and not allow him to fall into an unconscious state. It is much easier to alleviate the effects of alcohol poisoning, when there are doctors and necessary drugs among the people around the drunk.

In this case, you can fight alcohol by intravenous administration 2 ml of cordiamine together with a solution of caffeine, as well as glucose. There are other ways of resuscitation in that case, if a person is ill from alcohol. If breathing is impaired, the injection is given intramuscularly 0,5 ml cititon. Lobelin can replace it.

Folk remedies

Folk medicine holds hundreds of secrets, how to treat alcohol poisoning, and what to do if a person is in serious condition. Any hangover is accompanied by blood sugar loss. The patient in this condition is recommended to give fresh water. Fructose is very necessary for a weakened body. It is best to dilute warm boiling water with natural honey and a slice of lemon.

Bee product accelerates metabolic processes in the human body.

Decoctions of various plants are an excellent remedy for poisoning by strong drinks. Thyme is especially good for alcohol, lime blossom and horsetail. They act as a diuretic tea. There are other ways, how to quickly alleviate the effects of alcohol overdose, leading to poisoning. Including:

  • Saffron tincture. It helps a person to recover from vomiting. She is preparing with 0,5 liters of boiling water and 1 dessert spoons of dry grass, ground to a powder. Insist the drink until cool. Drink in small sips throughout the day after poisoning.
  • Can help a person, if overdone, in the morning raw eggs. Drink egg yolks and proteins. Standard rate of use - 2 raw eggs on an empty stomach.
  • Tansy decoction is given to the patient in that case, if he drank too much alcohol. Before, as the flowers of the plant brew boiling water, they are kept in the oven at high temperatures for 10 minutes. It is good to add chamomile to this decoction. When it is added, the broth is boiled. Insist tansy decoction during the day and use it to intoxicate the body 5 days in a row. The drug should be taken with food.
  • Very often in that case, when a person has drunk alcohol he is given to drink 0,5 glasses of water with 10 drops of ammonia or 1 dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar. These drinks are drunk every 15 minutes after 1 throat.
  • Alcohol and various juices interact well. In that case, if it is bad from a hangover it is better to drink juices: orange, tomato and lemon.

Regardless of the severity of the poisoning, you need to drink a lot. It helps fight dehydration and reduce toxins in the human body.

What drugs to drink in alcohol poisoning?

The most effective way to intoxicate the body - the use of medical drugs. To restore the water-electrolyte balance take "Regidon". Such drugs have a similar effect, as "Hydrovit" and "citraglucosolan".

Filtrum-STI drugs absorb toxins, Neosmectin and Polysorb MP. When vomiting, flatulence and disorders of the bile ducts take "Metoclopramide", Cerucal, Gastrosil and Perinorm. Its dosage is 10 mg. The liver in alcohol poisoning is restored with the help of tablets "Essliver Forte". They help to quickly break down and remove residual toxins. The daily dose is 2 capsules 3 times a day.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated by the drug "Linex". It helps to cope with nausea and vomiting. The drug contains bacteria, having a stimulating effect on the immune system.

How to recover?

For 5-7 days after alcohol poisoning is the process of cleansing the body of toxins. After that, the recovery process begins. It is very important to follow a diet during this period. It includes boiled chicken, vegetable soups and porridges. Vitamins must enter the human body along with fruits and juices. It is useful to drink kefir and yogurt during this period. Only green tea is drunk after poisoning.

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