Categories: Pets

Quail pharaoh: features of keeping and breeding of this meat breed

Many people breed quails, not the trigger. This choice is due to the lack of need to build a chicken coop. So, for 30-50 quail will suffice 1 small cells. In this case, a similar number of birds of the breed Pharaoh is able to demolish a day 40-50 eggs. Naturally, before buying young animals should take care to create the necessary conditions for housing and study the peculiarities of breeding.

Breed description

Pharaoh's quail breed is meat. Some experts say, that the weight of the female can reach 500 g with proper feeding. However, in practice this parameter is 300-350 p. Males weigh less - 200-280 p. It is important to remember, that's all 30-40% the chicks grow really big.

It is important to consider that fact, that not every novice quail breeder is able to find a pure breed for sale. Some unscrupulous breeders offer Japanese or Estonian quails as pharaohs, whose color is almost identical. The main difference between these breeds is egg-laying, as well as weight gain.

The advantages of the quail pharaoh are:

  • endurance of chickens;
  • close 90% fertilized eggs;
  • egg-laying at the level 200-270 pieces annually;
  • possibility of use for production of broilers.

The disadvantages include the demands on the conditions of detention, especially to the temperature regime. Also, some experts consider the disadvantage of the breed wild color, which can degrade the appearance of the product.

Buying quail

It is necessary to buy adult quails of breed Pharaoh at the age of a maximum 1,5 months, after all, such females have already reached sexual maturity, and therefore, they are able to lay eggs.

For young animals should contact the quail farm or directly to the breeders. That fact must be taken into account, that you can buy quail at any time of year, because weather conditions do not affect their performance.

Conditions of detention

Appropriate conditions must be provided for the proper development of pharaoh quail. So, you need to prepare the place in advance, where the constant air temperature is close 20? C . If it goes down 12? C or climb higher 25? C , bird productivity will decline. In the heat of the quail will begin to lose feathers, and at a temperature less 5? C they may even die.

An equally important condition is the presence of the correct cell. People, who first decided to engage in breeding quail breed Pharaoh, you need to buy a special cage, designed specifically for quail, and not parrots and other birds.

Cage requirements:

  • The main parts must be made of galvanized mesh, as well as metal.
  • Drinking bowls together with feeders should be located behind the front wall. At the same time you need to follow, so that the quail could push their heads to eat food.
  • The height of the cage should not exceed 20 cm, otherwise some individuals may be injured.
  • You need to make sure you have egg trays, because females are carried directly on the floor.
  • The tray should be prepared in advance, intended for manure. Due to its absence, eggs will quickly become dirty, and the likelihood of developing infectious diseases will increase.


Experts recommend buying a mixture with quail, which were used for their feeding. It is very important, after all, due to a sharp change in the place of detention and diet, egg production is reduced. Digestive disorders are also possible. Need to buy food, the amount of which will be enough for a month. During this time it is necessary to gradually transfer the birds to their own food. Its main components are wheat and crushed corn. It is also allowed to use no more than one grain 10%. exept this, the diet should include fish meal, sunflower meal, chalk and seashell.

Compound feeds are optimal for growing quail meat breeds. They should be selected based on the age of the quail:

  • to 3 weeks of PC-5;
  • after 3 weeks PC-6 and 5-10% turtles;
  • adults - PC-1 or PC-2 with the addition of a seashell.

Quails of all ages drink a lot. In accordance, it is necessary to monitor that, so that water is available at all times. It is changed at least 3 times a day. When growing large livestock, you should prepare drinking bowls with running water.

Vacuum drinkers will be suitable for young animals. This is an inverted bank, the neck of which is lowered into a small container. Due to this feature, the water layer will not exceed 15 mm, so, the chicks do not choke. In such a drinking bowl, the water must be changed at least 2 times a day.

Basic care

In general, the care of quail breed Pharaoh is not particularly difficult. In most cases, it takes a lot of effort to have a large herd. So, manure should be cleaned regularly, change the water, hand out food and collect eggs. They will cope with such work as children, and the elderly.

  • That quails grew well, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room, and, if necessary, ventilate it. It is important to avoid drafts.
  • A bath with sand should be placed in the cage several times a week, where birds will bathe. Due to this, quail get rid of parasites.
  • Livestock should be inspected periodically to identify sick birds.
  • Although quail are generally considered resistant to infections, with improper care, there may be loss of plumage and pecking. This can lead to a lack of food, too bright lighting, wrong temperature and drafts.


An incubator is often used to breed pharaoh quails. This allows you to get meat and eggs, and increase livestock. Experts recommend placing a small batch of eggs in the incubator, due to which the percentage of hatching of quails will increase. Fresh eggs are suitable for this purpose, which no more 7 days. They are bought on special farms or from breeders.

The chicks are born about 17 days. Eggs should be turned over at least in the incubator 3 times a day. Temperature during the first 10 days should be 38,5? C , in the latter 7 days - 38? C , and on the last day and during the withdrawal - 37,5? C .

Hatching of chicks occurs en masse. So, quails are born just for 10 hours. Features, which came out through 12 hours and later, it is better not to leave, because they almost always die.

Keeping chicks

In the first few days the temperature in the room with quail should be 30-35? C . It is reduced to a month 25? C . Round-the-clock lighting is required throughout 2 weeks, and then the daylight is reduced to 17 hours.

A brooder should be prepared for hatching. Essentially, it can be a box made of cardboard or wood. It should be covered with a soft net. When the chicks are full 2 weeks, they are placed in a cage for adult quails. To maintain the required temperature here, the structure is sheathed with cellular polycarbonate with pre-prepared ventilation holes.

Feeding chicks

During the first few weeks, the pharaoh quail is fed a hard-boiled egg, which is pre-crushed. A little later you can use compound feed, designed for broiler chickens.

Small feeders with low sides will be suitable as feeders, and drinkers must be vacuum, otherwise the chicks may choke.

Getting meat

When raising pharaoh quails, chickens and roosters must be separated for meat 1 moon. High conditions in the cell and low light are considered important conditions at this stage. exept this, it is necessary to monitor the constant availability of water and food.

Selection for further slaughter is made from 1,5 month. First, large birds are killed, and with 2 months comes the turn of all the others. This is due to the fact, that quails reach maturity. In accordance, their further content leads to overconsumption of feed.

For 10-12 hours before slaughter you need to remove water and food, to free the intestines of quail. Secateurs or scissors are used to trim the head. The carcass is processed, when all the blood is gone. To do this, the birds are immersed in a container of hot water, whose temperature does not exceed 70? C , for a couple of seconds. After that, you need to carefully pinch the carcass.

At observance of the correct temperature mode of cultivation of quails of breed the pharaoh will not deliver special difficulties. To get more meat and eggs, you need to choose good food and periodically inspect livestock for timely detection of sick individuals..



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