Categories: Auto

Pros and cons of installing HBO on the car

The main reason, on which motorists resort to installation of the gas-balloon equipment, there is a desire to save money, given the ever-increasing prices of gasoline and diesel fuel. As well as any other re-equipment of the vehicle, HBO installation has obvious advantages as well as certain disadvantages as a result of such a decision. Let's deal with the obvious at first glance and the subsequent pros and cons, which will be waiting for the motorist during the operation of the car after the transition to the gas supply system.

We also recommend reading the article on HBO devices. From this article you can learn about it, what it consists of and how the gas supply system of the car engine works.

Advantages and main advantages of HBO

Significant savings, apparently, this is the main advantage of HBO for cars. Gas consumption up to 20% higher than gasoline, and the cost is almost in 2 times less. It is necessary to consider, that you will be able to save noticeably only in that case, if you actively operate the car, and mileage far exceeds 10-15 thousand. kilometers traveled per year. If you drive less, then the feasibility of buying HBO becomes questionable.

Do not forget about the cost of your specific engine. If it does not exceed 6 liters of gasoline, then you should think again about the need to purchase gas equipment. The point is, that the cost of purchasing HBO and its subsequent installation will pay off for a very long time with low mileage and low-volume engine, even taking into account the significant difference in prices for 1 liter of gasoline compared to one liter of gas.

Parallel use of gasoline and gas

This is the advantage of the parallel use of fuels, undoubtedly, will appreciate those drivers, who need to travel regularly over long distances. It turns out, that you have extra power reserve. You can travel a considerable distance in the presence of HBO. This feature reduces the risk of refueling the car with poor quality fuel at questionable gas stations far from large settlements. Example, part of the way you move on gas, and after the end of its stock immediately switch to gasoline or vice versa. Many drivers use practice, when gasoline for high speeds and intensive overtaking is used in the track mode, and in populated areas the motor is switched to gas supply, as it is on gas that the internal combustion engine often loses its power, that the track is not always good for obvious reasons.

Gas and engine

Many motorists in the process of operation note, that the gas engine runs more stable and quieter than gasoline. This feature is due to the fact, that the octane number of the gas is higher and is at about 110. This allows the engine to run on gas softer and smoother, and reduce its noise and vibration levels. If we talk about noise pollution in densely populated cities, then there is another advantage of HBO, although in the CIS this is not given due attention, what can you say about the developed countries of Europe and the United States.

There is also an opinion among HBO supporters, that engines, running on gas, have a greater resource. The main argument in favor of such a statement is the fact, that propane-butane, which is a liquefied gas in the power supply system of passenger cars, enters the engine cylinders in the most optimal gaseous state. Let's add, that methane installations in "cars" are not used due to the large weight of the system and dimensions. As we have already said, gasoline does not have a similar property to be in a gaseous state when entering the cylinder, and designers around the world are trying to bring the working mixture of air and gasoline to gas.

On gas, ignition in the engine becomes much more efficient. The gas itself burns more slowly than gasoline, but the process is more uniform. This means, that the shock loads on the cylinder-piston group are significantly reduced. A higher octane number of gaseous fuel minimizes detonation and the consequences of this unpleasant phenomenon. The end result is reduced wear of engine parts from HBO on 30-45% compared to the petrol unit.

The gas mixes more evenly with the air and leaves no deposits on the walls of the cylinders. Therefore, the engine oil in the engine after running on gas is cleaner, its viscosity lasts longer and its service life increases from replacement to replacement 30-40%. Moreover, protective oil film in the gas power unit is not washed off the cylinder walls. The combination of such features allows us to talk about it, that gas instead of gasoline theoretically increases the total life of the engine.

There is also an increase in the service life and quality of spark plugs. When working on gas in the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine there is no accumulation of resinous deposits, the formation of soot on the candles decreases. It turns out, that the resource of candles increases to 40%. This can be explained by that, that the gas has a higher hydrogen content.

Environmental friendliness of HBO motors

Gas engines are less toxic. Gas is a cleaner and more environmentally friendly fuel compared to gasoline. The use of gas reduces emissions, the gas does not contain sulfur, it does not add additives. Gas is more environmentally friendly than unleaded gasoline at least 3 times. According to experts of the famous company BOSCH, gas combustion the level of toxicity is second only to electric cars and hydrogen engines. There is a more complete combustion of gas in the engine cylinders, which also helps to reduce CO levels.

If you look at this aspect, then the environment really suffers less from engines on this type of fuel. This advantage of HBO is not particularly valuable in the CIS, but later it is possible to strengthen environmental standards. Suffice it to mention a clear example and look at the experience of more developed countries. In Europe, there are even certain benefits for gas cars.

Some European cities, where close attention is paid to air pollution and the protection of cultural monuments, prepare drivers of "gasoline" and "diesel" some restrictions on the movement of such cars. Notable, that such prohibitions do not apply to vehicles, equipped with gas equipment, as well as electric cars.

Ease of operation

Modern HBOs are easy to operate. Current gas injection solutions automatically switch to the required fuel type. The system also reports self-diagnostic data to the driver and analyzes the residual gas level in the cylinder. The driver can easily operate the car on gas, and on gasoline. The function of independent change of a kind of fuel by means of the switch from salon is available at any time.

Explosiveness and probability of fire

HBO is less likely to catch fire or explode. A gas leak is not as dangerous as a gasoline leak. If there is mechanical damage to the pipeline or gas cylinder, then the gas is immediately cooled. For example, note, that at an external air temperature about +20?C will decrease to -130 degrees Celsius. Then the gas turns into a gaseous state and simply evaporates. If the outside temperature is negative, then the risks of gas ignition are almost completely absent. This is the difference between liquefied gas and gasoline, which is a flammable fuel at any temperature even from a small spark, which allows us to talk about the benefits of HBO.

Experiments of foreign and domestic specialists have been repeatedly conducted, which confirmed this statement. Use of equipment from well-known HBO manufacturers, installation in specialized centers and planned gas systems will make ignition virtually impossible. A modern gas cylinder is equipped with safety valves and placed in the car so, to minimize the possibility of deformation or its destruction in an accident.

ADAC Club from Germany, which represents the interests of car owners in this country, conducted a number of tests. The Germans simulated an accident with a blow to the back of a HBO car. Gas equipment suffered maximum damage, then the damaged car was set on fire. The results of this test were considered quite acceptable. The experts came to the conclusion, that serviceable and correctly installed gas equipment is not dangerous under the condition of its normal operation. HBO is even less dangerous compared to a gasoline tank in the event of an accident.

The strength of the gas cylinder is much higher, than the strength of the same gas tank. Car fires with HBO occur, but they are a demonstration of a gross violation of the basic rules of operation of gas engine power systems. Such consequences can be caused by driving cars with knowingly faulty gas equipment. Similar examples of fire or explosion of a car with a faulty gasoline fuel system is not less. The advantages of HBO include that, that the smell of a gas leak in the car is felt much earlier and more clearly. In order for the leak to be recognized in a timely manner, special substances called mercaptans are added to the gas mixture, which have this specific odor.

  • Never try to install HBO with household gas;
  • Do not violate the requirements for the maximum allowable pressure in the gas cylinder;
  • Follow the HBO manufacturer's recommendations;
  • Take into account the requirements of gas system maintenance specialists;

It remains only to follow these basic rules. If you notice the slightest sign of a leak in the engine compartment, recorded the presence of the smell of gas in the car or in the trunk, then it is necessary to immediately check the gas equipment and its elements for leaks. Operation of the car until the problem is eliminated is strictly prohibited! Pay special attention to the mounting elements of the gas cylinder. If the mount is loose, then there is a very high probability, there was a rupture of the pipeline.

The main disadvantages of HBO

The biggest disadvantage is the high initial cost. You can't argue with that, since the 4th generation HBO with a turnkey installation can cost about 500 у.е.. You invest these funds in the "prospect" of savings, like a bank deposit with its interest. So the benefits of HBO will not be immediately apparent, as well as taking into account many factors.

Power of the internal combustion engine on gas

The gas shows a decrease in power, which is caused by that, that the combustion rate in the gas is less, than gasoline. The power of the car drops to 15 %, this is especially noticeable during intense acceleration. Slightly saves the position of smoothness when gaining speed on the gas, no failures and twitches in transient modes. This feature is similarly related to the slow combustion of gas.

The need to re-equip the car

Forced re-equipment leads to the need for further additional service of the gas supply system, which should be held regularly. However, financing HBO is not particularly expensive, but only when taking into account a properly installed and configured gas system. Anyhow, but with HBO the engine needs the increased care of its technical condition. We will not talk about the first gas supply systems, but even with the solutions of the 3rd and later generations of the HBO motor requires more frequent maintenance and replacement of the filter group.

Gas is a "rough" fuel compared to gasoline, at the same time it is more difficult to set fire to and temperatures inside the combustion chamber are higher. It is obvious the need for regular care for the state not only gas, but also a gasoline injection system, as well as ignition systems. Some cars additionally require accelerated replacement of high-voltage spark plugs, etc.. d. The interval of scheduled maintenance of a car with HBO is clearly reduced to 10000-15000 km. This recommendation should be taken into account by drivers, who try to save as much as possible on the maintenance of their cars.

Maintenance of HBO systems

Such additional costs are clearly present, and the price depends on the generation and type of system installed, from the quality of refueled gas and from the individual price list of each car service for the installation and maintenance of HBO. Actually, it is quite possible to tell, that HBO is not so expensive to maintain. For example, the Italian BRC 4th generation system does not require special additional procedures or repairs. The only manipulation, this is a replacement filter through each 15 thousand. km. mileage. The planned resource of the specified equipment is on a mark approximately 200 thousand. km, but with a caveat.

It is necessary to start the engine in the winter on gasoline, as cold start on gas reduces service life of a diaphragm of a reducer. When the engine warms up to 50 degrees, then you can switch to gas.

The serviceability of the system also depends on it, what quality of gas do you usually refuel. If gaseous fuel contains impurities or dirt, then the elements of gas injection will fail relatively quickly (gas injector). The resource of this part of the system actually determines the cost of maintaining gas equipment. Filter, which is subject to planned replacement in relation to the 4th generation of HBO, costs about 10-15.e. depending on the system. Relatively simple HBO with Valtek gas injector, Rail or Lovato in parallel requires periodic adjustment, cleaning of gas injectors and repair of related elements. The cost of such routine work and filter replacement is usually about 30-40.e. Maintenance is provided every 30 000 km mileage, which is quite affordable.

Car weight and trunk capacity

If the first nuance about the weight can be called conditional, then it is impossible to disagree with the other. Gas equipment really takes up space and takes up useful space in the trunk, since right there in 95% gas cylinder installed. The cylindrical cylinder literally "eats" the trunk, and the toroidal cylinder occupies a niche for a spare wheel.

In the second case, car owners often carry a full-size "spare", placed in a special case, just in the trunk. In the CIS, only a few acquire "dokatka" or compact kits for repairing wheels, as not the best condition of domestic roads dictates the rules, according to which the presence of a full-fledged spare wheel in the car is almost a prerequisite for normal operation of the car.

Gasoline power system and HBO

There are difficulties with the gasoline fuel system in the presence of HBO. Difficulties may arise in diagnosing faults, repair of gasoline power system, as well as in the process of regular maintenance of the car, depending on the model of the vehicle. If there is a malfunction of the regular fuel system, diagnosing problems becomes much more difficult due to the tight integration of gas and gasoline systems. Access to the elements of the gasoline power system is becoming more difficult, since the installation of HBO implies a connection with the regular elements.

If the malfunction is due to incorrect installation or installation of HBO, then ordinary car repair shops can refuse you in general to carry out diagnostic procedures and repair of the car with gas system. This problem is especially relevant in large settlements, but in the case of "garage" repairs are quite common.

Gas "kills" the engine

You can often hear from car owners, that gas is useful for internal combustion engines, and others say, that it is he who disables the cylinder head engine ahead of time. Let's understand. The second statement is partly true, but today, to a large extent, this is not the case . Rumors of engine damage appeared at the same time as the first generations of HBO 15 years. This applies to ejector-type equipment and HBO 2nd generation. Then the engines were simpler, designed for 76, 80 and 92 octane number of gasoline. Such motors do not have detonation sensors, there was no automatic adjustment of the WHO, etc.. d. and the first and second generation systems themselves were not configured from a computer, and manually.

There was another such phenomenon, when after tuning on the gas analyzer, the owners themselves or dishonest installers twisted the fuel supply as follows, that the consumption of gas was in the end less than the consumption of gasoline in relation to a particular engine.

Such adjustment is inadmissible at absolutely serviceable power unit and normal for it indicators of an expense of gasoline.. It was the dubious "savings" that led to the cylinder head problems, there was shrinkage and even burnout of the valves.

The second unpleasant phenomenon was "cotton", when a micro-explosion of the gas-air mixture took place in the intake manifold. Micro-explosions led to serious consequences and even fires. With the advent of HBO 4th generation, these nuances are eliminated. Modern engines are designed for gasoline 92-98, equipped with detonation sensors. Starting with the 4th generation HBO, gas injection in the system is controlled by a regular ECU or controller, the working mix on quality does not concede to petrol mix. This has reduced or completely eliminated the problems with the cylinder head. Accelerated cylinder head wear is still possible, but this is more true of motors, in which there are structurally no hydrocompensators, and owners of such cars neglect timely adjustment of a backlash of valves.

It is well known, that the combustion temperature of the gas mixture is higher than that of gasoline 30-50 degrees. If this is taken into account, then the valve clearances should be slightly larger (close 0,05 mm) in the process, as the adjustment is done manually. After installing the gas equipment, be sure to adjust the valve and increase the clearances, as this will help avoid unwanted overheating. Additionally, it is not recommended to turn the engine to maximum speed when driving on gas.

Compliance with these conditions and the presence of HBO 4th generation allows us to say, that the occurrence of problems with the cylinder head during operation on gas is similar to the frequency of problems of this element of the internal combustion engine when working on gasoline. This is confirmed by the statistics of repairs of gasoline engines. The advantages of gas remain the same, that it does not wash away the oil from the walls, does not cause soot, does not cause engine detonation, prolongs the life of candles and lambda probe, and also spares the catalytic converter of exhaust gases.

Most modern 4th generation systems work on this principle, that the engine is started on gasoline automatically, which does not depend on the outside air temperature. After warming up the engine to the set threshold there is an imperceptible switch to gas, and automatic. This transition can occur at idle or in motion, and the moment of transition determines the control unit of the HBO system. The only thing, you need to consider that, that gasoline is still consumed when starting and warming up the power unit, because its presence in the tank becomes a must.

Parking problems

Some underground car parks and parking lots prohibit parking cars with HBO. This disadvantage is due to this, that liquefied propane-butane is heavier than air and has the ability to linger in low points of underground parking, which are ventilated much less intensively, than open ground areas. HBO car is not recommended to be left in garages with a canal or open manhole, and there is a strict ban on the stay of such cars in some underground parking lots.

Registration of gas equipment

Gas equipment must be documented in the relevant services. This statement is fair and severely limits the ability to install HBO with their own hands. The point is, that for registration of HBO in Autoinspection it is necessary to present the special certificate and the license for the right to be engaged in works on installation of such gas equipment. It turns out, that independent interference with the design of the car is unacceptable.

Among motorists the question of that was repeatedly raised, that car with installed, but has no registration with the gas supply system, can't pass THAT. Such cars with HBO refuse to register or deregister in the traffic police . Problems will arise, but only in the absence of relevant documents for the established HBO. Documents on HBO can also be legally requested at a gas station, although in practice this does not occur.

There are difficulties with that, that the installation of any systems, and from the 4th generation and above especially, requires significant re-equipment of the car. For HBO-4 you need to drill holes in the intake manifold for gas injectors, it is necessary to cut the wiring to the gasoline injectors, make connections to car sensors, etc.. d

Difficulties in selling cars with HBO

HBO cars are sometimes harder to sell. Really, the car can be sold with difficulty then, when your potential buyer is negative and opposes any interference in the design of the car. If you try, then almost all the consequences of the installation of the gas installation can be completely eliminated or carefully hidden from prying eyes. But this step requires certain financial costs. Some sellers remove HBO from the beginning before selling, but only if you plan to install the system on another car or sell separately. This approach allows you to save up 40% funds when converting another car to gas.

Lack of gas stations with the possibility of refueling

Naturally, gas stations with noticeably less fuel, than gasoline. Stricter safety requirements are imposed on such gas stations, there are difficulties with transportation and storage of liquefied gas. The gas filling process is slower and requires increased attention of the gas station operator and control of the process of installing a remote filling device, as well as other equipment. For this reason, the development of the network of gas stations in the CIS is not particularly intensive. If you do not have the opportunity to freely refuel at any time, then it is better to fill a full gas cylinder at the first opportunity.

Let's summarize

If you have made a responsible decision to switch to gas fuel at the same time as gasoline, then be sure to consider all the pros and cons of using HBO, listed in this article. It happens, that for one car owner the obvious advantages of gas over cars significantly outweigh, for another driver, the use of liquefied gas becomes completely unnecessary or even unacceptable, given the specific features and operating conditions of the car.

Remember that too, that a HBO car needs more attention. Only the correct installation, no current problems with the gas system, regular maintenance and refueling with quality fuel will talk about the final savings. We do not claim, that the gas in the car is the optimal solution, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern car. Anyhow, but the "right" HBO has a whole list of benefits, due to which such systems are invariably popular not only in the CIS countries, but also in the developed countries of Europe.



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