Power of the electric kettle and its energy consumption per month

Power of the electric kettle and its energy consumption per month

The modern world can provide a huge variety of manufactured technical products, varies in size, and in its capacity. Electric kettles are no exception. Many people are interested in the question, what is the power consumption of the kettle and, Consequently, electricity consumption of this type of equipment.

What determines the power of the kettle

Power of a modern electric kettle may vary from 700 to 3000 W. Although power is a fundamental characteristic, must be understood, that the amount of energy consumed per month depends on many factors:

  • the volume of the flask;
  • type of heating element;
  • water quality, etc..

Power consumption directly depends on the installed heating element. Everything exists 2 type of Ten, used in the production of this type of equipment.

  1. TEN of open type. Such a heating element is a spiral, installed in the housing of the device and has direct contact with the liquid. The device with this type of water heating will emit much less noise and perform its task much faster than the "closed" analogue.
  2. TEN of the closed type. Usually this type of Ten is a special heating plate, which is mounted on the bottom of the case. Although the indicators of water heating time and noise level exceed the analogues of the "open", devices with such an element form much less scale.

The average heating time in a kettle with a closed Ten - about 3 minutes. Despite the lower heating rate, modern models are represented by this design. Appliances with open heating elements heat the liquid a little faster - for 2-2,5 minutes.

The heating rate is also affected by materials, used in the manufacture of the device. Teapots made of metal cope with their task the fastest. But their body is very hot during operation, which requires additional electricity consumption (to heat the metal). Glass kettles also heat up quickly, but the glass itself is not so hot, like metal. Ceramics are somewhat losing in terms of heating rate, however, it retains heat much better. The water inside the ceramic kettle will be hot for a long time.

The amount of energy consumed

How much energy does the kettle consume? At first sight, it's hard to believe, that iron, kettle in the house may take the lion's share of funds, going to pay for electricity. The average power of an electric kettle is 1,5-3 kWh / year. Assuming, that the average heating time 3 minutes, and you use it 4 times a day, we will count, how much such a device consumes:

kW / month = 3 * 0.2 * 30 = 18 kW / month.

For comparison, an example of the average energy consumption of major household appliances is given:

  • washing machine - 20-25 kW / month;
  • computer - 30 kW / month;
  • refrigerator - 30 kW / month;
  • TV - 35 kW / year.

As you can see, the kettle does not have such a large consumption of electricity. But if you be a little more careful and count the amount of time, that all devices work, it will become clear, that the machine and the iron consume the maximum amount of energy in the minimum amount of time!

How to save electricity consumption

so, The kettle can be attributed to rather uneconomical devices in terms of saving electricity. However, following some recommendations, you can slightly reduce consumption.

  1. If you do not use the kettle - unplug it. Even in standby mode, the appliance consumes a certain amount of electricity.
  2. Boil only that amount of water, which you now need for tea or other purposes. After all, for that, to heat 2 liters of water, energy will go in 2 times more, than for heating 1 liters. It makes no sense to pour water to the maximum mark, to drink one cup of tea.
  3. Regularly clean the TEN of the device (and in general the entire inner surface) from scale. The presence of sediments makes the process of boiling water longer and, so, more energy consuming. in addition, TEN in general can fail in the presence of a large layer of scale.
  4. If you believe, that it is more economical to boil water on an electric stove - you are wrong. In this regard, the kettle wins significantly - it heats the water faster and with less electricity.

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