Categories: Auto

Causes of oil entering the engine cooling system

The device of the internal combustion engine provides constant supply of oil to various elements and units, as well as efficient cooling. To solve the problem in the cylinder block and cylinder head made special channels, on which the working liquid of cooling system circulates (cooling shirt), as well as oil channels of the lubrication system.

During engine operation, a fairly common fault is the ingress of engine oil into the cooling system. Antifreeze oil can be detected on any engine (petrol, diesel, atmospheric, worried, in-line, opposite, etc.)

It is important to understand, that such a problem is serious, and the engine itself needs immediate repair. In this article, we will look at the main reasons, followed by oil in the engine cooling system, as well as talk about available diagnostic methods to eliminate such a breakdown of the power unit.

Oil in the engine cooling system: reasons

so, the ingress of oil into the engine cooling system is most often determined when checking the coolant level in the expansion tank. Usually, the color of antifreeze or antifreeze in this case changes, oily stains can be seen on the surface. Remains of a mixture of oil and antifreeze are also visible on the lid of the tank and its neck. The fluid level itself can be reduced.

Additional signs include the appearance of thick white smoke from the exhaust system during engine operation. If you remove the oil filter, then inside it you can also see sticky deposits. Depressurization also indicates changing the color of the oil on the oil dipstick, emulsion and foam on the lid of the oil filler neck.

Such signs clearly indicate this, that the engine oil went into the cooling system. Let's note at once, this problem needs special ??attention, since oil and antifreeze are liquids for different systems. This means, that normal channels, by which their circulation takes place, do not communicate with each other. In other words, there was a serious breach of tightness.

Based on this information, a number of main possible reasons can be identified, according to which oil gets into antifreeze:

  • problems with the oil radiator;
  • heat exchanger problems;
  • cylinder head gasket breakdown;
  • damage and defects of sleeves in BC;
  • cracks, affecting the channels in the block or head;
  • pump malfunctions, etc..

As practice shows, about half of ICE failures occur as a result, the resulting mixing of oil and coolant. Let's add, that the diesel engine is more exposed to this risk, than gasoline. The point is, that such a motor is more heavily polluted from the inside, as a result there is an active shift of various linings and sealing elements.

With that in mind, that in the process of cooling the engine fluid in the cooling system is under pressure (and this pressure is higher, than in the lubrication system), Coolant can gradually enter the lubrication system due to leaks.

Still need to understand, that in coolants, which are designed for modern motors, contains a whole package of active chemical additives. These additives prevent the formation of scale, clean the cooling system, and resist corrosion.

For this reason, it is recommended to fill the engine only with the recommended coolant, dilute the concentrate with distilled water in the required proportions, avoid mixing different coolants, as well as to make timely replacement and preventive cleaning of the radiator and cooling system.

This approach not only keeps the system clean and maintains its maximum performance, but also significantly reduces the risks of deep education (through) corrosion of metal elements.

If the oil gets into the antifreeze: consequences for the motor

Quite obviously, that the oil in the expansion tank is an alarm, and much more risk in this case is not for the cooling system itself, and for the engine. In other words, if the lubricant enters the cooling system, hence the antifreeze enters the lubrication system.

It is not difficult to guess, that when mixing two types of liquids, which contain packages of active additives, an unpredictable and uncontrolled chemical reaction occurs. The result is a deterioration in the properties of lubricants and coolants, there is increased pollution as oil channels, and cooling system channels.

Naturally, in this case, all the loaded parts of the engine begin to undergo significant wear. Root and connecting rod inserts fail quickly, on the walls of the cylinders can form burrs, etc.. Quite often the engine just jams, then expensive overhaul is required.

Usually, the reason for the intense impact of coolant in the oil is often a punctured cylinder head gasket, strong corrosion of cylinder walls and cracks, which leads to the active entry into the combustion chamber of antifreeze. By the way, if a lot of fluid collects in the piston space on the muffled engine, then when you try to start the engine there is a hydraulic shock to the engine.

Tips and tricks

As you can see, there is a whole list of possible problems, which lead to oil entering the cooling system and vice versa. It is important to understand, that once the problem is resolved, it is mandatory to change it as a lubricant in the oil system, and coolant in the cooling system.

Moreover, before, how to pour fresh liquids, both systems must be thoroughly rinsed. Example, if the coolant got into the oil through the water pump, even after simply replacing the pump, a small amount of liquid will be found in the pan. This means, that the available oil to some extent loses its properties.

Imagine a common situation. Let's say, the pump was changed, the oil was drained and new was poured, but without rinsing. At the same time to 10-15% old oil, mixed with antifreeze, will still remain in the pallet. So here it is, if you pre-wash the oil system, then additives in fresh oil can react with residues, create sediment and sediment, quickly contaminate the new oil filter, etc..

That this did not happen, you can go two ways:

  • remove the tray to remove debris;
  • rinse the oil system by rinsing with oil;

We also recommend reading the article about it, What shall I do, if an emulsion appears on the oil dipstick and under the oil filler cap. In this article, you will learn about the causes of this problem and the available solutions.

Although the first option is more complicated, this method is more effective. The second method does not require disassembly of the internal combustion engine and is simple, as a result, it becomes the choice of the vast majority of drivers.

As a result

As you can see, oil in antifreeze significantly impairs the properties of the coolant, and antifreeze or antifreeze in oil causes severe damage, rubbing engine parts.

If an increase in oil level is noticeable during the probe test, moreover, this phenomenon is accompanied by a low liquid level in the expansion tank and a clear thinning of the oil, the emergence of the emulsion, etc., then this indicates the origins of coolant.

If the coolant level in the tank has dropped, however, no signs of entering the oil system are visible, in this case, the problem may be damage to the hoses and pipes of the cooling system, as well as leaks at the joints.

To determine the location of the leak, a special dye is added to the antifreeze, glowing, pointing to the problem area. Using this solution allows you to quickly and accurately detect a crack or other defect.

We also recommend reading the article about it, why antifreeze or antifreeze gets into the cylinder block and what to do in this case. In this article you will learn about the causes of failure, as well as methods of diagnosis and repair.

We will note still, that in the case of microcracks BC or cylinder head external leaks may not be, the motor must be disassembled, then the tightness is determined by checking the removed elements in a special bath. This method detects the damaged area, then the crack in the block or head is repaired.

Finally, note, that regularly check the level and condition of engine oil, as well as the coolant in the tank will avoid the problems described above or in a timely manner to determine the fault for prompt repairs and maintaining the internal elements of the engine in working order.



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