Categories: Auto

Flushing the engine cooling system with citric acid: proportions and features of the procedure

Let's start with that, that experts recommend flushing the engine cooling system with each change of antifreeze or antifreeze, in the event of an unexpected increase in operating temperature and engine overheating, emergency faults, etc..

Usually on a serviceable car you need to change the antifreeze through 2-3 years. The exception is ??the latest generation of coolant, starting with G12 antifreeze + etc. However, in this case it is better to change the coolant no later than later 3 years of operation, especially if the car is actively used.

As for washing, there are several ways, which allow you to remove scale, dirt, decay products of additives and other various deposits from the channels of the cooling system, as well as from the surfaces of parts. Available for sale ??a large number of special active ingredients.

At the same time, for one reason or another, many motorists prefer long-known and time-tested solutions instead of chemicals. Usually, such solutions mean flushing the engine cooling system with serum or citric acid. Let's focus on citric acid and consider this method in more detail.

Flushing the engine cooling system: citric acid as a cleanser

As mentioned above, the need to flush the cooling system can occur for various reasons. Usually, the reason for washing can be considered cases, When:

  • in the expansion tank darkened or clouded antifreeze;
  • in antifreeze visible "flakes" of scale, lumps of dirt;
  • the engine began to overheat regularly;
  • the cooling fan often trips;
  • there were problems with the thermostat;
  • interior heater (stove) not functioning properly, etc..

It's not hard to guess, that ignoring these symptoms will soon lead to more serious overheating of the internal combustion engine, what, in turn, will disable the engine. At the same time, a number of simple and accessible actions allow you to solve an existing problem with your own hands in advance, and further avoid undesirable consequences.

One of the most available formulations for washing the cooling system is citric acid. At once we will note certain advantages of such way. First of all, the use of citric acid does not require any additional precautions, as the risk of getting chemical burns, airway damage or injury is virtually absent.

To this should be added, which is similarly minimized and the harmful effects of such a cleaner on the cooling system itself. This means, that citric acid when used properly is not able to damage parts, rubber pipes, seals, etc.. In other words, the composition can be safely used for cleaning, regardless of the material of their manufacture (aluminum, brass).

It is also worth noting the availability of the method, since citric acid is a cheap product, especially if to compare with ready special cleaners of system of cooling of various domestic and foreign manufacturers. The main thing, the car owner needs to know, how to prepare a flush and rinse the cooling system with it. In other words, you need to understand, in what proportions mix citric acid and water.

It should be noted, that the proportions of citric acid in the solution for washing the cooling system are conditional. Moreover, the opinion of many motorists in this regard is somewhat different. However, one should not jump to conclusions, since it is a mistake to believe, that the more acid, the better.

Let's move on to concentration. Analysis of information from various sources indicates that, that most drivers use half a pack or a whole pack of citric acid at a time 5 liters of water. It is important to consider, that the packages themselves for sale can be 30g, on 40, on 50 or even 80 m

If you remember, that to remove scale in the home (example, in the teapot), enough 1 sachet 30g. for a couple of liters of water, then we can conclude that, what on 5 l. 70g will be enough. citric acid, that is, for one cycle of cleaning it is advisable to immediately buy a large package on 80 m

If the cooling system is very dirty, then it is possible, that you will have to clean several times to achieve the desired effect. This means, that you need to have at least two or even three large packages in stock.

How to clean the cooling system with citric acid

If we talk about the washing procedure itself, then water should be prepared, citric acid, as well as save time. The process is not complicated, however, may well be time consuming.

  • pay attention, distilled water should be used to prepare the wash, and not flowing. As a last resort, ordinary tap water should be boiled well, and only then mixed with acid and poured into the cooling system.
  • For effective mixing of water and acid you need to take about 0.5 liters of water in a separate container, then this water should be boiled. After, as the water begins to boil, citric acid falls asleep. This allows the acid to dissolve well. Next, the resulting solution is cooled. After that, you can pour the finished solution into the main volume of water, then stir again.
  • Then the antifreeze or antifreeze from the cooling system can be drained, assessing the degree of contamination and condition of appearance (color, smell, impurities, etc.). If the antifreeze or antifreeze is very dirty, then the aqueous acid solution must be saturated (about 80g. Acids of 5 l. Water). If the antifreeze is relatively clean, then 40-50g will be enough.

We also recommend reading a separate article about it, how to properly flush the cooling system of the internal combustion engine with your own hands. In this article you will learn about the various features, subtleties and nuances in the process of performing this procedure, as well as what to look for for maximum effect after cleansing.

  • Now in an expansion tank instead of antifreeze washing is filled in, the engine must be started and warmed up to operating temperatures at XX (until the thermostat opens and the cooling fan turns on).
  • Usually for cleaning the motor works close 10-15 minutes, it is also possible to gasify additionally at idle. When finished, the engine must be stopped.
  • After, as the engine cools down a bit (15-20 minutes), the solution can be drained. Its color should be evaluated in parallel, condition, etc.. If you see dirt, then the washing procedure must be repeated, pouring a fresh portion of cleaner into the system.
  • A sign of that, that the system is cleaned, there will be a clean wash, which merges. Next is more 2-4 rinse the system once with distilled water, but without acid. Now you can pour fresh antifreeze or antifreeze.

Tips and tricks

As you can see, the amount of citric acid in the solution can be considered conditional. At the same time do not try to significantly exceed the concentration, as citric acid in large quantities can also be aggressive towards certain parts of the cooling system.

To obtain the result, it is optimal not to increase the amount of acid, and repeat the washing procedure several times. Some owners even practice a more radical way, when driving for a short time with a cleaner filled instead of antifreeze, then the system is flushed, then distilled water is poured and the car is operated in the usual way.

The next day the cleaner is refilled, and washing under load is repeated. Only after that, when the rinse is drained and the distilled water is clean, fresh antifreeze is poured into the system.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to flush the engine cooling system radiator without removing it. In this article you will learn about ways and means to remove scale, rust and deposits from the radiator.

Finally, note, that preventive flushing of the engine cooling system with citric acid or other means allows to prolong the service life of individual parts of the specified system and reduce the load. It is also possible to increase the life of antifreeze or antifreeze.

Remember, the quality of its operation of the engine cooling system allows you to maintain an optimal temperature balance in all conditions, which has a positive effect on the overall service life of the internal combustion engine.



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