Categories: Auto

Washing and cleaning the soot filter of the diesel engine

Modern diesel cars have many design solutions for cleaning exhaust gases. These include the EGR exhaust gas recirculation system, and one of the solutions is the widespread installation of DPF soot filters. During active operation, such a filter can quickly fail under certain conditions.

The main task of the filter element is to capture soot. The next step is to burn the accumulated soot deposits in this way, to minimize damage to the environment. At the very beginning, the filter collects soot until a certain point. This moment is determined by the difference in pressure before and after the element. When the pressure deviates from the allowable and the capacity of the filter does not allow to effectively pass the exhaust gases, The ECU of the diesel internal combustion engine activates the corresponding mode for afterburning of the accumulated soot.

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Diesel soot combustion is activated under different conditions, which are individually set by the manufacturer of a model. Generalizes these conditions then, that the diesel must have a medium or high crankshaft speed and be in motion. The ECU gives the command to increase the amount of fuel at the time of injection. The result is an increase in the temperature of the exhaust gases at the outlet. At such increase in temperature soot burns out. If the car is operated within the city limits with short trips at low speeds, constantly warms up in the winter and stays in traffic jams for a long time, then the self-cleaning mode of the soot filter of the diesel engine is simply not activated. Constant exposure to such conditions leads to rapid clogging of the element.

Soot actively accumulates and clogs the filter element. Once the bandwidth is reduced by 9/10, Exhaust resistance will lead to power loss and complicated diesel starts. This is a malfunction, which is associated with the actual blockage of the exhaust system, can affect like new cars, and with high mileage.

The service life of the soot filter directly depends on a number of factors and individual conditions of operation of the vehicle. Critically scored item needs to be replaced. It is worth noting, that the cost of a quality new part is quite high. For this reason, the question became acute, how to clean a diesel soot filter.

Why the soot filter gets clogged

The pollution process begins due to the combustion of diesel fuel in the cylinders of the diesel engine. A by-product of combustion of a mixture of diesel and air is soot. This soot does not cause much damage to the filter, as it is a fine powder. When filtering on the grid, particles are simply trapped.

The problem arises because of that, that the presence of hydrocarbon particles is noted in the exhaust, not burned in the working chamber. Hydrocarbons lead to that, beginning active formation of resinous deposits. Soot microparticles are literally bonded with resin, resulting in accelerated formation of soot. Components of diesel engine oil in the form of metal sulfates are also present in the soot, formed after combustion got oil into the cylinders.

Sulfates in the exhaust result, that metal-containing additives are part of the basic package of additives for diesel oils. This is especially true of universal motor oils, which can be used equally for diesel, and for gasoline engines. The result is that, that the diesel self-cleaning system is not able to remove the dense scale on the soot filter.

Benefits of regular prevention, cleaning and rinsing

The service life of the soot filter directly depends on the total number of self-cleaning, initiated by the ECU. The more often the part is self-cleaning, the greater the amount of platinum catalyst burns out under the influence of elevated temperature.

The main advantage of the constant maintenance of the diesel exhaust system is the economic aspect, as well as the possibility of operating the engine with consistently optimal performance. If the diesel engine is in conditions, which lead to increased carbon black, then preventive cleaning of the soot filter is much more favorable driving without its service up to the replacement. This is clearly expressed in financial terms. A working diesel engine with a cleaned filter always gives full power, moderately consumes fuel, easy to start, does not harm the environment, reliability and total resource of the internal combustion engine are increased.

It is desirable to additionally clean the element on each planned, after troubleshooting fuel equipment or repairing the engine itself. In short, cleaning is required for both prevention, and after elimination of the reasons of long failures in work of the diesel engine, which lead to the formation of soot on the soot filter screen.

Additionally, you can extend the "life" of the part by using special additives in diesel fuel. Such additives allow to improve a number of parameters in the course of operation of the diesel engine. A separate group of supplements is aimed at those, to make the process of carbon black formation less intense, а також націлена на зменшення загальної кількості і зниження температури в процесі автоматичного самоочищення очищаючого елемента.

Additive to diesel helps diesel fuel to burn completely in the cylinders, which reduces the amount of soot in the engine exhaust. At self-cleaning there is no need to harden the diesel catalyst for a long time, the burnout of the catalyst in this case becomes less intense. If the engine is working, good quality diesel fuel is poured, as well as regularly using the additive once in 2-3 thousand. km mileage, then additional filter cleaning may not be required at all.

Способи очищення

A common problem has forced leading companies to develop cleaning methods, prevention and protection of the soot filter of diesel cars. There are two main approaches to increase the regeneration efficiency of the diesel filter element:

  • cleaning the diesel soot filter without removing it;
  • washing of the soot filter of the diesel engine with removal;

You also need to know exactly, than to wash the specified element of exhaust system of the diesel engine, as the use of non-intended cleaning agents can permanently remove the contaminated element.

Cleaning the diesel soot filter with your own hands

Let's start with the method, which involves removing the soot filter. This washing procedure usually takes about 8 hours. After finishing work on dismantling the filter element and removing it from the machine, the case is completely filled with special washing liquid for cleaning. Such soot filter washes are widely available. The market leaders are Liqui Moly products, Luffe, PRO-TEC.

Liquids are made from petroleum components, most often packed in 5-liter canisters. The average cost for quality washing of one soot filter is not less 4 liters of composition. Moreover, the canister may have a special neck in advance, as you will need to connect the hose next. Canister variants are also possible, equipped with a ready-made hose.

The principle of operation of the washing liquid is based on that, that the composition effectively dissolves the resin (kept close 8 years), on which the formed deposit keeps. The requirements of the fluid manufacturer must be carefully monitored, as it is very important to wait for the necessary time for the full effect of washing on soot.

Next, the released soot is simply washed away with an ordinary stream of clean water under pressure, which is fed to the filter. After that the filter is dried and put in place. The resin solvent itself is oil-based, well washed with water, does not harm the structure of the catalyst.

Flushing with removal allows the use of only special liquids, which at the molecular level affect the resin. It is strictly forbidden to use other means, so the matrix inside the filter has a fragile platinum layer. After washing, the effect of cleaning is monitored visually. Most often, this method provides a complete and most effective cleaning of the filter element.

Car wash without removing the filter

The second way is to wash the soot filter without removing it, which means carrying out work directly on the car. The filter part of a diesel car is equipped with pressure and / or temperature sensors. If the sensor is unscrewed, тоді з’являється можливість подати промивальну рідину.

Since washing is carried out by car, manufacturers take into account the possible risk of fire in the flushing composition. In such conditions it is no longer possible to use oil products. For cleaning, water-alkaline solutions paired with a rinsing liquid are recommended. This liquid neutralizes harmful alkali afterwards, as the solution completes the cleaning process. The supply of liquid to the body of the element is carried out using a specially designed gun. A straight or curved probe is also used, in addition the nozzle-spray is provided.

Set of liquids, pistol, sprays and probes allow you to work with almost any model of diesel car, equipped with a soot filter. Cleaning in this way involves a step-by-step dosing of the cleaner through the hole of the sensor. The place of installation of the pressure sensor is most often used, which is located in front of the element. The car is warmed up in advance, then allow to cool the filter to an approximate estimate of about 40 degrees Celsius. The point is, that the alkaline cleaning composition is most effective at this temperature.

It takes about to clean 1 liters of liquid, which is left in the body of the element on 15 minutes. The high-pressure spray gun is connected to a straight or curved probe, which is inserted into the sensor hole. The cleaner is sprayed intermittently (to 10 sec. saw, to 10 sec. break) directly on the surface of the soot filter. The working pressure when spraying should be close 8 there is. It is desirable to rotate the probe in the process of spraying the composition, and move back and forth to achieve the best quality of the cleaning fluid on the matrix of the filter element.

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Then the rinse aid is sprayed in a similar manner, which neutralizes and washes away the cleaner. It will take close 500 ml. cleaning composition. Flushing is done with the same spray gun, similar time intervals of pauses between stages of sawing are observed. Due to this approach, the soot is distributed more evenly on the surface of the matrix. The result will be that, that soot can be burned much more efficiently in the process of automatic self-cleaning.

At the end of the pressure sensor is installed back in place, the diesel starts and warms up. Then you need to run the self-cleaning mode for that, to burn the soot particles freed from the bonding resins. This can be done as a "natural" way, and forcibly. In the first case it will take close 20 minutes to actively operate the diesel engine on the go in the mode of average and high turns, that the electronic engine control unit independently initiates the process of soot filter regeneration.

If this is not possible or the initiation of automatic start of self-cleaning does not occur due to malfunctions of diesel electronics, then the mode is activated forcibly. This is done using a diagnostic scanner. Diagnostic equipment will also allow you to assess the quality of cleaning the soot filter from soot. To do this, compare the bandwidth readings before and after rinsing.

Quick self-cleaning

Today there is also an option of packing washing liquids in aerosol cans, which eliminates the need to use a spray gun. Additionally, the need to spray rinse aid can be eliminated, depending on the specific manufacturer of the fluid and the composition of the proposed cleaner.

It is extremely easy to use such solutions, which can be assessed by the example of the use of washing the soot filter without removing the filter element from the company Pro-Tec. The DPF Catalyst Cleaner product is a spray cartridge for soot filters 400 ml, which also comes with a flexible probe. This amount is enough for that, to completely clean one item regardless of the degree of contamination. The tool can be used to clean soot filters of any generation.

  • Shake the canister for at least one minute before use;
  • Then the pressure sensor is removed, providing access through the hole;
  • Then the diesel is warmed up a bit and then shut down the engine;
  • The next step is to insert the probe and spray the cleaning agent;
  • It is not necessary to spray cleaner at once, and through several approaches (5 seconds cut, break 5 seconds);
  • The procedure continues until the visible appearance of foam in the hole of the sensor;
  • After the spray probe must be removed, installing the removed sensor in place;

Before starting the diesel engine for the first time after cleaning, the manufacturer recommends filling the additive with diesel fuel called Super Clean. The composition is poured directly into the fuel tank of the car in accordance with the dosage indicated on the package. As you can see, додаткової промивки самого фільтра після очищення не потрібно.

How best to clean the soot filter

According to the manufacturers, each of the described cleaning methods provides a quality result. Each method has advantages and disadvantages in terms of implementation. In the case of flushing with removal, you should have difficulty dismantling the element in the housing, spend a certain amount of time rinsing, as well as pay cash for 5 liters of washing liquid. The advantages of the method can be considered its simplicity and the absence of the need to have on hand special diagnostic equipment for that, to forcibly activate the self-cleaning system.

The second method significantly saves time, but may be even more costly than the first. In this case the equipment most often is required not only for a spray of a cleaner and washing, but also a diagnostic scanner for forced afterburning of soot. For this reason, the procedure of cleaning without removal is better to perform at the service station by experienced professionals for an additional fee

The third way is cheaper and faster, but inferior to other efficiencies. Many motorists more attribute the last two solutions for cleaning without removing faster to preventive methods, which must be performed regularly under conditions of minor contamination of the diesel catalyst. Для серйозного очищення сильно забитий елемент потрібно однозначно знімати.

Finally, let's remind you again, що своєчасна очищення фільтр сажі дизельного автомобіля здатна істотно продовжити термін служби деталі та на практиці обійдеться набагато дешевше повної заміни елемента на новий.



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