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Homemade beer recipe, cooked on barley malt

Any homemade beer recipe includes two main ingredients - malt and hops. It is they who add flavor to the drink, color and strength. You can hear it very often, as a homemade beer called malt or intoxicating drink. In Russia, it was able to cook in every family. Drunken drink was drunk at weddings and funerals. It had ritual significance. Modern homemade beer is not like its taste, prepared by the Russians. Most of the old recipes are lost, but new ones have emerged, which allow you to make homemade beer of good quality.

How to cook malt?

The technology of malt preparation is quite complex. For beginner brewers it is easier to buy the finished product in the store. But, such a solution to the problem does not guarantee that, that the intoxicating drink will turn out good quality. Most malt is made from wheat grain, rye or barley. The taste of the finished drink depends on its quality.

In the old days, homemade beer was made mainly from barley product. Sacks of grain of this cereal were lowered into the river or placed in large tubs, filled with water, on 2-3 weeks. Soaked grain in a thin layer scattered in a dark room on the floor and covered with straw.

Attention. Before preparation of barley malt in modern conditions it is necessary to carry out cleaning and disinfection of grain. To do this, it must be rinsed with water, having a temperature 40-50 ° C and clean from impurities. The second wash is performed with water with temperature 10-15 ° C, in which the grain remains on 60-90 minutes. Disinfection of grain is carried out with weakly concentrated solutions of manganese or iodine. This is the third stage of grain processing. The duration of the disinfection process is 2-3 years. Sometimes disinfection is carried out 1-5% lime solution. After this procedure, barley is soaked in water with temperature 9-17 ° C, which should cover it on 1/3, and it remains to get wet on 6 hours. This procedure is repeated at least twice.

The process of germination of grain at home is carried out at temperature 12-16 ° C. This is the optimal mode for the stage of protein cleavage occurring at this time. The length of germinated roots should reach? from grain size. Sprouted barley has the smell of fresh cucumber, when bitten, it crunches and is easily crushed with your fingers.

To obtain light malt, the grain must be germinated during 7-8 days, dark - 9 days. Activators can be used to speed up the process.

You can dry malt under the sun or in the oven, as well as an electrical cabinet. Forced drying is carried out for 24 hours at room temperature 40 ° C and 4 hours at room temperature 80 ° C.

The simplest recipe for brewing beer at home

There are many recipes, for which you can make beer very quickly. One such homemade recipe includes:

— 25 And water;

— 4,5 kg of barley malt;

— 15 gr of hops.

Barley malt is rubbed with water, having a temperature 68 ° C for 60 minutes. At water temperature 78 ° C mash the malt for 10 minutes. Prepared ??thus the mixture boils 90 minutes. Hops are added to the product 15 minutes before the end of boiling.

The simplest recipe for homemade grain beer includes the following ingredients:

— 5,5 And water;

— 600 g of barley grain;

— 5-6 glasses of hops;

— 50 gr of yeast;

— 1 a glass of sugar;

- white and black rusks to taste.

This recipe for brewing beer can be described in the following words, як «просто» і «Смачно». It is better to prepare an intoxicating drink in glassware. Barley grain is placed on the bottom of such a container and filled with water.

The process of soaking the grain must be carried out for at least two days. Raw grain germinates before sprouts appear. They must reach the length 1,5 cm.

Sprouted grain is dried, ground in a coffee grinder, mix with breadcrumbs and pour boiling water with temperature 70 ° C. After an hour of infusion, the water is filtered and boiled, after which all the ingredients are mixed in it and sent to wander in a dark place for three days.

Original recipes for intoxicating drink

There are a huge number of recipes and tips about it, how to brew beer at home. Among them there are quite original, which were used several centuries ago. Many of them do not contain the main components of the product - malt and hops.

juniper beer

This beer recipe reveals the secret, як зварити домашнє хмільне вино без солоду.Він містить в собі такі інгредієнти:

— 200 g of fresh juniper berries;

— 2 And water;

— 25 gr of yeast;

— 50 gr honey.

The berries are cooked for 30 minutes. Then filtered and cooled to room temperature. In the cooled liquid add all the other components, mix them and send the resulting product for fermentation.

The fermentation process continues 5-6 days. During his period, the drink must be mixed at least 1-2 times a day.

Such a drink can have a fortress from 3 to 5 degrees.

How to make English beer according to old recipes?

To prepare the drink is taken 3,5 kg of barley or oats. підсмажені зерна подрібнюються і відправляються в котел де змішуються з 15 liters of boiled water, cooled to temperature 65 ° C. After 3 hours of infusion, the liquid drains, and the remaining grains in the boiler are poured again 12 liters of water, having a temperature 72 ° C The second portion of water is drained after 2 hours of infusion. For the third bay grain is taken 12 liters of cold water, which is insisted on 1,5 hours.

All three plums are mixed and added to them 6 kg molasses, 200 grams of hops and it all boils. Add to the product cooled after boiling 2 tablespoons of yeast. The fermentation process continues 3-4 days. Then the beer is bottled and sent to a cool place.

How to make beer from dried apples?

Beer, among the ingredients of which you can find dried apples, was named "Baturynske". It is being prepared from 2,5 kg of juniper, 8 kg of rye malt and 80 grams of dried apple powder. Salt, mixed with water is brought to a boil, then poured into a wooden barrel, to which juniper and apples are added. The fermentation process takes place under a tightly closed lid of the barrel.



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