Categories: Machinery

Rating of the best sewing machines for home use

Nowadays, the sewing machine has become a common tool for creativity (and for someone and earnings). This device is no longer treated as a boring machine, which has to spend a lot of time. Reviews say, what is the most reliable sewing machine in 2017 is a complex and multifunctional device. Let's try to understand, whether it is or not, based on the rating of the best models.

10. Brother X-3

In search of a strong sewing machine, we will focus on the model from the famous company Brother. Despite the quite loyal price tag (from 4593 to 6850 p.), The device has excellent equipment (like all German home sewing machines), Besides, the manufacturer guarantees reliability, confirmed by a long warranty period. This device has an electromechanical control type, and equipped with a rocking shuttle type.

Speed ​​control is carried out by means of step switching, there is also a reverse button. Device power - 80 W, which is quite enough for all tasks. The loop is performed in a semi-automatic mode. The length and width of the stitch is equal 4 and 4 mm respectively. The complete set includes special paws (it is possible to sew a zipper). The car has a convenient compartment for accessories and a reliable case. Device weight - 5.5 kg.

If you can't decide, which semi-automatic sewing machine is better, then pay attention to this option.

  1. Simple and reliable model.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Good equipment.
  4. Availability of additional options, found in older models of the manufacturer.
  5. Acceptable energy consumption.
  6. Inexpensive maintenance and repair.
  1. Sensitivity (it is not recommended to use cheap consumables).
  2. The device makes a lot of noise.
  3. According to reviews, many complain about the lack of LED lighting.
  4. No Thread Puller.

9. Micron Classic 1 035

In ninth place out of ten is the Micron device. Apparently, it will be difficult to say "affordable and inexpensive" about this sewing machine, its average price is 24650 p. For this amount, the user receives a multifunction device, so that in the end the price will be justified. The rotary-vertical type of shuttle is perfectly combined with the electromechanical control unit. The picture is complemented by the presence of the upper fabric conveyor and the possibility of disabling the feed mechanism. Reverse button (reverse) also present.

One of the main distinguishing features of this model is the number of operations, which she carries out in a minute, Rivne 35.

The loop is performed in a semi-automatic mode, and the strings can be as secret, and elastic. The model is deprived ??embroidery block, but this disadvantage is easily compensated by the presence of a hose platform. Reviews say, that some users lack an accessory compartment.

  1. Strong and durable cover.
  2. Low power consumption.
  3. High level of embroidery.
  4. Presence of the Thread puller.
  5. Ability to select stitches (3 options).
  6. Works great with different types of fabrics.
  7. Evenly feeds the fabric.
  1. Attractive price.
  2. Difficult to understand operating instructions.
  3. Weak backlight.

"Advantages. Lots of convenient and important options, works just fine!

Disadvantages. For the entire service life did not find.

Bought to replace a broken Soviet car "Podolsk". Comparison, of course, not in favor of the latter. Works quietly, smooth and neat string. There is almost no vibration, there is even a thread puller. If you are thinking about buying, pay attention to this model ».

Lera, 34 years.

8. Janome My Style 100

Janome is one of the world's most popular garment companies. For many years, the Japanese brand has been creating interesting models at an affordable price for everyone, this is its key advantage. The review of the 100th series should start with the price: it starts with 5629 rub. and can reach 9100 p. The rotary-horizontal type of shuttle is adjacent to the electromechanical control unit. Also in this model, in addition to the reverse, there is an option to disable the fabric feed mechanism. The backlight function has several LEDs, built into the housing of the device. Number of operations per minute - total 15.

The device makes loops in a semi-automatic mode and is able to work with three types of strings. There are also feet for sewing zippers. There is no embroidery unit, but there is a container for accessories. Device weight - 5,5 kg, dimensions allow you to move the machine without much difficulty. Good semi-automatic sewing machine, which should be considered when buying.

  1. Easy control.
  2. High degree of reliability.
  3. Easily transported by handle.
  4. Low noise.
  5. The string is smooth, even if sewn in three threads.
  6. You can process a thin fabric, using an overlay string.
  1. Sometimes arbitrarily breaks the thread (user reviews confirm this).
  2. No protective cover or case.
  3. Not enough quotes included.
  4. The thread can be wound on the shuttle, which leads to serious consequences.

7. Aurora STYLE 3

Our top 10 will be incomplete without mentioning the Aurora brand. This brand has long been known among sewing machine manufacturers. Some of its models can be classified as cheap and affordable for everyone, but this does not mean at all, that the goods will be of low quality. At a cost of 4650 to 5780 p. the user will get all the necessary options.

The review of the model should begin with the characteristics: the electromechanical control unit is supplemented by a rocking shuttle and step switching of sewing speed. The reverse button is conveniently located on the body of the device. The foot is able to rise to a height of 10 mm. The coil is mounted vertically. The maximum power of the model is equal to 70 W, and the number of operations per minute - 10. The loop is performed in a semi-automatic mode, stitch in three versions. There is also a sewing consultant. Like many other brands, this model of sewing machine can work with a thin fabric.

  1. Beautiful design.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Works great with threads and different types of fabrics.
  4. Good build quality.
  5. Reliability and durability.
  6. Versatility.
  1. Poor device backlight.
  2. Some copies of this model do not cope well with sewing zippers.
  3. The width of the stitch may not match the stated.

6. Bernina Bernette Moscow 2

Which sewing machine is best suited for home use? Probably, and, which is able to provide maximum convenience and reliability. This is exactly the new model from Bernina.

Let's start the review with the main characteristics: the rocking shuttle works under the control of the electromechanical module. It is possible to turn off the fabric supply, as well as run reverse (reverse). There is lighting, but it is not implemented in the best way. The device performs 12 operations per minute. The loop is performed 1 kind, in semi-automatic mode. As for the lines, then everything is standard here - three views. The width of the screed - whole 7 mm. The set also includes feet for sewing buttons and zippers. In addition to the compartment for accessories there is a thread pull. The device can be covered with a thick soft cover, which is also included in the delivery.

  1. Concise design.
  2. Availability of electronic sewing advisor.
  3. Ease of operation (if you already know how to sew).
  4. Availability of overlock for processing different types of fabrics.
  5. It copes well even with denim.
  6. No slipping on the seams.
  1. Noise during operation.
  2. The instruction is complicated and overloaded with unnecessary details.
  3. Insufficient stitch length.
  4. Few operations (per minute).

"Pros. I chose the design, as I am not very good at sewing yet. I liked this machine right away!

Cons. Didn't find out.

I wanted to try myself in sewing, after a long search, the choice fell on this model. First of all, I chose with my eyes, well, the price was very important. So far satisfied with my choice ".

Anna, 24 years.

5. AstraLux 155

The best models of sewing machines for the home have several invariable features: affordable price, reliability and wide functionality. AstraLux is characterized by all these qualities. This is a machine of the middle price segment (from 6690 to 8490 p). The characteristics of the model are as follows: rocking shuttle type with electromechanical control unit. There is a reverse button, the foot is able to rise on 9 mm. There is also a lighting function, but the light bulbs are not bright enough. The manufacturer stated 2 sewing operations per minute. The loop is semi-automatic. String only Obmetochnye, the stitch has the maximum length 4 mm.

The set includes zipper sewing feet, sewing buttons and quilting. Device weight - 7.3 kg. A big plus is the soft cover made of dense fabric, well protects the device from dust and moisture.

It, apparently, one of the best semi-automatic sewing machines in the middle price category.

  1. Works quietly.
  2. Optimal value for money.
  3. Copes well with thick and dense fabrics.
  4. It is convenient to round the ends.
  5. Compact.
  6. Nice appearance.
  1. The smell of burning may appear at high loads.
  2. Low speed operations per minute.
  3. There are malfunctions.

4. Jaguar LW-200

Perhaps, the best sewing machine with electronic control unit. The most popular household models from well-known brands, usually, have a mechanical or electromechanical control module.

The device from Jaguar has fully electronic control and high speed operations per minute (60). And this despite that, what is this device from 9450 to 13030 p., Thus refuting the established stereotype: electronic, means the road.

The machine has the ability to adjust the pressure of the foot on the fabric surface, able to automatically turn off the fabric feed mechanism, and is equipped with a reverse button. The backlight of the device is also available. The machine is able to recognize 4 see loops (instead of standard 3) and 4 see the lines. Included, in addition to the display, hose platform and thread puller with accessory compartment also includes cover. It is soft, but made of durable fabric, which protects the case well. One of the best electronic home sewing machines in the middle price range.

  1. Value for money.
  2. Perfectly copes with different types of fabrics.
  3. High speed.
  4. The presence of the display.
  5. Good equipment.
  6. Low noise.
  7. Convenient and effective lighting.
  1. Some types of loops (with a head) turn out not very good.
  2. Dense types of fabric can be badly requested.
  3. The instructions are quite complex to study.

"Advantages. Optimal value for money, ambulance (60 operations), electronic control unit.

Disadvantages: Did not notice.

Bought, focusing on the price of equipment. It turned out, this is a modern and very comfortable machine, with pleasure neck on it as for myself, and to order. It is written on the case, that service life 7 years. Here we will check ".

Catherine, 45 years.

3. Singer Confidence 7463

One of the best sewing machines from the well-known manufacturer Singer opens the top three. The price of the device - from 10241 to 17150 p. For this price, the user gets a wide range of opportunities for work and creativity. The electronic control unit works with a rotary-horizontal type of shuttle. In addition, it is possible to adjust the pressure of the foot on the fabric surface and smoothly adjust the sewing speed. The speed of the sewing machine is 30 operations per minute, what, in the middle, not bad. Automation recognizes two types of loops and 4 see the lines. The set includes a foot for sewing zippers, thread puller and cover. The weight of the device is 7.5 kg.

  1. Quality, time-tested.
  2. Works with all types of fabrics.
  3. Good set of lines.
  4. Convenient speed control.
  5. You can sew with two needles at once.
  6. Can sew buttons.
  1. The plate for darning and sewing of a thread badly fastens.
  2. Uneven string.
  3. Not always correct regulation.
  4. The glass under the needle quickly breaks down.


Nowadays, sewing machine manufacturers rarely produce mechanical devices. However, the second line of our rating we gave to the mechanical model. Connoisseurs of handicrafts and exclusive tailoring, certainly, will appreciate the classic style and capabilities of this device. The cost of the model - from 5190 to 5967 p. For this money the buyer gets a swaying shuttle location, smooth adjustment of sewing speed, the presence of the reverse and the coil, located vertically. The number of transactions here is equal 1 units, but fans of handicrafts, usually, acquire such devices consciously. The loop is made manually, there is a table to expand the work surface and a compartment for accessories. The cover is hard. You can sew without a pedal.

  1. Price.
  2. Simplicity and reliability.
  3. Ability to sew without a pedal.
  4. Long warranty period.
  5. Beautiful classic case.
  6. Durable case.
  1. Slow sewing.
  2. Can be used, only having the skills to work with a typewriter.
  3. It is difficult to master management.

1. Janome DC 4030

The ranking of sewing machines is completed by the leader today - the Janome DC model 4030. The cost of this electronic model is 15490 - 26160р. Computer control type, rotation-horizontal shuttle, with the ability to adjust the pressure of the foot on the surface of the fabric. Sewing speed 820 Art. / Min with the possibility of restriction. There is a reverse and automatic measurement of the size of the button. The number of operations is equal to 30. The machine recognizes as many as six types of loops and 4 see the lines. The device can work with thin fabric. The case has a monochrome display, thread puller and hard case. The weight is 8,3 kg.

  1. High sewing accuracy.
  2. Work with many types of fabrics.
  3. Stylish design.
  4. Convenient operation.
  5. Reliability.
  6. High quality of the finished product.
  7. Ease of learning.
  1. Poorly handles denim.
  2. Weight and dimensions do not allow you to move the device alone.
  3. No puncture amplifier.


As you can see, the category of the best sewing machines is very conditional and may vary from one user to another, depending on the tasks and preferences. But judging by the choice, as well as many reviews, you can be sure, that everyone will be able to find the device, which will suit him. The main thing when choosing a sewing machine - to consider and compare several options, comparing different price categories, because "expensive" is not always the equivalent of "better".



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