Categories: Pets

Husky care tips: content, feeding and education

Many people dream of having a beautiful pet. Most often the choice falls on the puppy of an interesting breed, namely the Husky. Such a dog attracts with its blue eyes, fluffy fur and playful nature. She needs special care and proper upbringing.

breed description

Husky belongs to the Siberian breed. They are used mainly as driving, that is, in the Far East they were harnessed to sledges and carts. Today, the husky is considered a decorative companion dog because of its original color and friendly nature.. Animals often take first place in numerous exhibitions. Moreover, they are loyal, obedient, sociable and able to perform various commands.

The main feature of the breed is endurance, which can cause some difficulties if the husky is kept in the apartment.

The appearance of the dog:

  • sharp nose;
  • long ears stick out;
  • curved tail;
  • thick coat with good undercoat;
  • blue, brown and gray eyes, there are also individuals with eyes of different colors.

Animal care

Everyone, who wants to get a husky, should provide the dog with proper care. It is important to follow certain rules, that the animal developed well and felt comfortable. The main difficulty is hair care, because it is very thick, because of which it often no longer gets wet in the rain.

  • Puppies need special care, because their fur is soft and very thick. It should be combed regularly. For this purpose it is necessary to buy a special brush. For the first few months, the puppy is combed daily. Naturally, the coat of dogs is gradually changing, ie with 5-6 months it becomes less soft. During this period, huskies comb their hair 1-2 times a week. With the onset of the year, this procedure is performed daily or once a year 2 of the day.
  • It is very important to regularly clean the husky from dust and dirt. A special shampoo will be needed for this purpose.
  • The tail of the husky should be properly combed. This can be done provided, that the dog lay down. In this case, she will not have any unpleasant sensations.

Naturally, Husky care is not just about wool. It is important to remember, that you need to bathe the animal no more than once a year. Exceptions are dogs with snow-white fur, however, they should not be bathed too often, because the animal's body is not adapted to this procedure. If you do not take into account this factor, possible development of skin fungus and other health problems. Instead of bathing, it is recommended to wipe the dog with a damp sponge, namely her paws and abdomen.

It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the nails. They are not cut only on condition, that the animal often walks on asphalt or stones. Otherwise, claw trimming is mandatory, otherwise it will be difficult for the husky to move through them.

The weakest point of the breed - the ears. They need special care. They need to be cleaned 1-2 times a week with cotton swabs, soaked in hydrogen peroxide or warm water.

It is worth noting, that huskies are neat dogs. They lick themselves the same way, like cats. Despite this, it is necessary to periodically check the animal for ticks, fleas and other parasites.

Keeping an animal in the apartment

Husky puppies are not recommended to keep in the apartment, after all, it is a large long-haired dog, which requires constant care and special education. Despite this caveat, many people raise puppies in similar conditions. In this case, it is important to allocate space for the animal, where it can not only sleep, but there is.

It's no secret, that puppies and even adult huskies can ruin furniture. Therefore it is necessary to buy special toys and from the childhood to wean puppies to gnaw and scratch everything in a row.

Remember, that the dog needs free space and active pastime, so you should walk the puppy several times a day 30-60 minutes. Only in this case, the puppy will feel comfortable even in a small apartment.

feeding the husky

Most dog breeds do not require a special diet, but huskies are an exception. When buying a puppy you need to ask the former owners about food, after all, abruptly change the diet is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the dog may get sick.

The diet of this breed has evolved. Animals carried heavy loads and ate infrequently, and the basis of their diet was simple food. As a result, huskies have become unpretentious. They can even eat fried meat, however, this does not mean, that the body will respond positively to such a "diet".

  • Puppy metabolism is considered protein-fat, what to consider when forming a diet. In other words, 70% food is meat. Experts recommend preferring veal or lamb. In any case, it is important to monitor this, to keep the menu balanced. Meat should not be minced, because it will lead to stomach upset. It is better to cut the meat into small pieces.
  • Huskies should be given boneless sea fish. And it is always pre-boiled.
  • 20% diet - it's vegetables and fruits. Only raw carrots are allowed, tomatoes and cucumbers. All other vegetables are boiled.
  • Except meat, cereals should be in the diet, namely buckwheat, millet and rice.
  • To amuse your favorite pet, you can periodically feed it low-fat cheese or unsweetened yogurt.
  • Chicken eggs are given once in 1-2 weeks.

Premium dry food can be used to feed the husky. It is necessary to make sure, that the ratio of fats and proteins is quite high.

Puppies and adults need vitamins and minerals, so it is best to immediately buy a special complex in a pet store, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the dog.

Small puppies are fed several times a day in small portions. To 2 months of huskies shown five meals a day. IN 3-6 months puppies should eat three times a day, and after that - twice. One-year-old dogs are fed once a day.

Husky upbringing

Representatives of this breed need proper education. Many people buy such puppies only because of the beautiful color, without thinking, how to raise a husky. However, this is very important, after all, an adult big dog can bring a lot of trouble.

First of all, need to be considered, that the husky is considered riding, so, she needs movement. It will not be interesting for a puppy to constantly bring a stick, he needs to run a lot. Therefore, it is best to go for a long bike ride with your favorite pet. Also worth remembering, that the husky is considered a friendly dog. In accordance, it is important to walk the pet on a special platform, where there are other puppies and adult dogs.

Naturally, you should learn the basic commands, namely "to me", "near", "Sit" and "fu". Usually, training begins with 2 months. If a six-month-old puppy does not know the basic commands, then his training should be entrusted to professionals. Learned commands must be repeated daily, thanks to which the puppy will be obedient and interesting.

To make the husky obedient, faithful and friendly, it is necessary to bring him up properly. The dog also needs proper care and maintenance. This will help maintain the health of your pet and make his life as comfortable as possible.



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