Categories: Garden and town

Grouse imperial, planting and care - when to plant in spring and autumn, why not bloom + Photo

To make the imperial grouse bloom magnificently, planting and care of the plant must meet its natural requirements and the first step to obtaining large flowers is the correct choice and preparation of bulbs, it is also necessary to take into account the timing and technology of cultivation from spring to late autumn…

Imperial Grouse - in the photo

Preparation of grouse bulbs for planting

Imperial Grouse - a unique plant native to India, which, with proper care, grows well and blooms in Russian gardens. Bells, collected in a large bouquet on the top of a tall inflorescence, painted motley, as in birds, which was the reason for choosing such a name.

Gardeners, who seek to settle on their site this plant, The question often arises - why does not bloom Imperial Grouse and it is usually caused by low quality planting material. So, should pay special attention to the selection and preparation of bulbs and experienced gardeners follow simple rules:

  1. The bigger the bulb, the better - the minimum diameter of the tuber should reach 4 cm, small bulbs - kids, which will bloom through 3-4 years
  2. The quality and health of the bulb is a guarantee of flowering, so absolutely flat elastic flat bulbs without signs of a mold are considered ??and rot, on which there should be no stains, cracks and sores
  3. The presence of roots and last year's escape - if they are not, the bulb was stored improperly or died in the previous season, even, if you plant it by all the rules, the bulb will take root in time, and has every chance to freeze in the winter

Imperial Grouse bulbs - in the photo

Since to make the Imperial Grouse bloom without prior training will be problematic, shortly before planting the bulb should be cleaned of dirt - small sores should be scraped off with a knife and treat wounds with greenery, it is also worth giving the bulb a few days off, so that the wounds can dry and be covered with a film, and protect the bulbs from further rot can be a raspberry solution of manganese, soak the planting material in it 2 years.

At the time of planting the imperial grouse on the bulbs grow roots and, so as not to bend them (Imperial Grouse does not bloom, if the roots are above the bottom of the bulb), apply shortening with scissors, then the roots are soaked in crushed activated carbon and dried, also useful treatment with fungicides Alirin -B, Agat-25K, Vitaros, or stimulants of rooting Heteroauxin, Kornevin and others according to the instructions on the package.

When to plant an imperial grouse - deadlines

To get a beautiful flowering imperial grouse in the first year, planting and care are carried out in strict time. Novice gardeners often ask questions, when to plant grouse - in spring or autumn? According to experienced gardeners, this can be done only in autumn, as for a flower called the Imperial Grouse, planting in the spring is unacceptable for three reasons:

  1. For the formation of flower buds of these bulbs need a long period of rest at low temperatures, it is almost impossible to reproduce the appropriate conditions in the refrigerator or by distillation
  2. Grouse rooting should take place before the dormancy period, only in this case, the bulb will be able to survive the winter and bloom next spring
  3. If for a flower the imperial grouse, planting in the spring seemed to the gardener more acceptable and safe, there is a risk of losing the bulb in the cold season, the bulb does not have time to mature and accumulate nutrients for wintering and subsequent flowering

Imperial Grouse in the country - in the photo

That is why for the flower imperial grouse, planting and care should correspond to the repeatedly tested scheme - the bulb should be planted in the fall, and after flowering, when the flowers fall, and the leaves will turn yellow and lie down, dig it up and store in a warm and dry place.

At the end of the summer the main thing is not to miss, when to plant grouse - the terms are determined individually for each climate zone or region. Example, period, when to plant grouse in the fall in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region comes from 25 to 30 August and in the first decade of September in warm and dry weather. If at this time of year the air temperature drops at night to +5 degrees, you can plant in the second decade of August.

Terms, when to plant grouse in the fall in the middle lane, come a little earlier - with 15 on 30 August. As for the Urals and Siberia, ??then the local climate does not tolerate delays in planting bulbs - the soil begins to cool from the first days of August, and in the middle of the last summer month the air temperature drops to +5 already in the evening, therefore the period, when to plant grouse in the fall in the Urals and Siberia, ??limited 1 and 2 decades of August.

Grouse imperial, planting and care - growing technology

If the term, when to plant grouse, approached, the place for them should be ready and it is necessary to choose a cozy and sunny corner of the garden in advance, sheltered from northern winds and drafts. The flowerbed for the imperial grouse must be arranged on the heights, so that the melt water in the spring does not lose the bulbs. In order not to lose the imperial grouse, planting and care involves creating good drainage. If the soil is relatively dense, a mixture of equal parts of humus should be added to it, peat and coarse sand on 15-20 kg / m? beds.

flowering grouse imperial in the spring - in the photo

For each bulb dig a hole with a diameter of and in 4 times more than her, the depth of the planting hole for large bulbs should be close 30 cm, medium close 20 cm, small - not less 10 cm. The bottom and walls of the pit are covered with a layer of sand 4 cm, and already on this drainage pillow stack grouse bulbs and fill them with soil from the bed.

Grouse should be watered only in that case, if there is no precipitation. With the onset of frost, after which the soil froze to depth 3-5 cm, beds with grouse insulated with peat and sawdust, which are poured in a layer 25-30 cm and cover with spruce branches. Warming is removed after that, as the snow comes down. Young shoots do not require shelter - they easily tolerate morning frosts -5 degrees.

Imperial Grouse is fed three times a season:

  • In the spring after thawing the soil mulch the soil with humus with the addition of nitroammophoska (on a bucket of humus add 1 Art. A spoonful of fertilizer). Cost 1 buckets of nutrient mixture - 2 m? beds
  • During the formation of buds, the soil is once again mulched with a layer 2-4 cm, but already peat with the addition of ash and potassium salt (on a bucket of peat 2 cups of ash and 1 Art. A spoonful of potash fertilizer)
  • After flowering grouse, planting fed superphosphate and potassium salt, scattering on 1 tablespoon of each fertilizer per square meter. This should be done in rainy weather or during watering

It is impossible to loosen grouse after planting and during the whole growing season! It should be watered infrequently - close 2 times a month. But, even to such a modest care, he will respond to the rapid growth of leaves and lush blooms. After digging flowers, the imperial grouse, planting and care are repeated - this plant loves permanence.



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