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Working as a wood engraver for beginners: video, teaching, tool selection

Working as an engraver is an exciting procedure, with which you can create a variety of patterns and inscriptions on the surface of the product, to carry out grinding and polishing of small details, as well as to solve a whole list of other tasks. To the results of the work of the engraver, as which a typical drill can be used, were high quality, it is necessary not only to understand, why do you need it, but also to know all the nuances of using such equipment.

The engraver allows you to work not only with wood, but also with other materials

equipment selection

Choosing an engraver or drill, you have to decide, for which works such a device will be used, as well as with that, what materials will be processed with its help. Knowing this, choose an engraving installation for work on metal and other materials or a drill for wood carving (even given the huge variety of such devices, presented in the modern market) you can without much trouble.

The most significant characteristics of engravers, which should be the main focus, is:

  • power of the driving electric motor, which determines the ability of the equipment to work for a long time under significant mechanical loads and process various materials;
  • number of revolutions, developing working body, in which the engraving tool is fixed.

Nowadays there is a lot to choose from, each manufacturer produces several models of engravers, differing in price, and functional

Very often, who is going to buy an engraver for their professional activities or for work at home, have to choose between the two characteristics mentioned above. As you would like, effectively combine high power and agility is not able to any modern engraving device from among the serial models. That is why experts, which have to use the engraver often, immediately acquire and powerful, and nimble models. The best choice in such cases will be:

  • powerful engraver, the working tip of which has a reinforced structure;
  • compact and light micromotor, able to work at high speeds.

For heavy work there will be a convenient tool with an additional handle, and fine engraving is best applied with a compact device

For not very difficult works by the engraver in house conditions it is possible to make such device independently, endowing it with the same functionality and characteristics, which are needed. There is a great variety of designs of homemade engravers and videos about their manufacture, therefore, it is easy to choose an acceptable option. Example, you can make an engraver, which will be driven by an electric motor from old appliances. However, a homemade engraving machine, to work with her was convenient, must be equipped with a flexible drive and a special nozzle, in which the used tool will be fixed.

Using a homemade engraver at home, you can not only apply inscriptions and patterns on the product, but also perform various types of metal parts, plastic and bone. Engraving on wood is also possible, made with their own hands. Depending on the working tool, installed in the nozzle of such a device, it can be used as a mini-drill, small milling machine, compact grinding and polishing machine.

Homemade engraver with a flexible shaft

To select a serial engraver model, which will effectively cope with all the tasks, should focus not only on the rating of such equipment among professionals, but also on its features and functionality.

Serial models of engravers

Serial models of engravers, which are equally successfully used at home, and in the professional sphere, can be divided into the following categories.

Technical drills

These are powerful sleeveless devices, with which you can successfully perform various technological operations, namely: drilling, grinding, milling, etc.. Such units, operating at low speeds, are equipped with a convenient foot pedal and can be used together with collet, and with quick-release cartridges.

The power of technical drills allows you to use them for various operations with additional attachments and devices

Micromotors without flexible drive (sleeves)

Compact drive motor, which are equipped with engravers of this type, fastened in the back of the working nozzle. Such small and agile engravers, not designed for heavy loads, are used mainly for the finest works. At the same time micromotor, which these engravers are equipped with, not repairable, it can only be replaced with a new one. That is why it is advisable to use these devices for not too difficult work, without subjecting it to significant loads.

Engravers or drills with a flexible shaft

Such drills are very convenient to use for engraving and fine carving. However, it should be borne in mind, that flexible shaft, how they are equipped, reduces their power almost twice.

How to work as an engraver

To work, performed by an engraver, was more comfortable and efficient, certain rules should be followed.

Workplace preparation

Work surface, on which the drill is engraved, should be well lit., therefore it must be equipped with a powerful lamp, that allows to consider without difficulty in the smallest details all processed elements. If a paper template is used for engraving, then you will need masking tape, by means of which the template is fixed on the processed surface. Sometimes a sketch of a picture or inscription, which need to be engraved, applied to the workpiece with an ordinary felt-tip pen or pencil. The surface must be degreased with alcohol.

All engraving tools are convenient to store in one case, if there is no place for a full-fledged workshop

tool preparation

Various tools are used to perform engraving, installed in the engraver. Each of them performs certain functions. So, a cone-shaped tool is required for this, to outline the image, and cylindrical boron - to create small strokes. Before starting work, all tools should be laid out on the desktop in that order, in which they will be used.


Hand, in which the working nozzle of the engraver keeps, must slide freely on the treated surface, for this purpose it is recommended to put on a fabric glove. This glove will also leave no handprints on the degreased surface of the product. In that case, if you do not have experience in engraving yet, it is better to work at minimum speed. This will allow you to cut a smooth pattern, consisting of strokes of equal depth, and at the same time not to damage the processed product.

Engraving of inscriptions with a stencil

All methods of engraving involve, that the contour of the drawing is executed first, and only then with the appropriate tool "draw" its details. The made drawing should be processed by the felt platen, which will give it a neater look and remove all burrs from the treated surface, left by the tool.

If in the design of an engraver or drill, which you use, no forced ventilation system is provided, then after 10-15 minutes of operation of the equipment should be disconnected and allow it to cool naturally.

Care of engraving equipment and tools

To the engraver or drill, used at home or in a well-equipped workshop, served as long as possible, they need to be properly cared for. First of all, you need to monitor the condition of the tools, which are used in conjunction with such equipment: there should be no cracks or other defects on their work surface. Defective tools can only be replaced with drills of similar design and type. It should also be a rule to clean the engraver's vents from dust that accumulates in them after each session..

Proper care of the engraver will not only keep such equipment in working order for a long time, but also to carry out processing by means of it as much as possible effectively.



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