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Decoding of markings for grinding emery wheels: purpose and types, marking, grit

Every homemaker has to use different tools when performing certain tasks. And among them a very specific variety are grinding wheels. These devices have different characteristics, and also provide their own nuances of use. The home craftsman should be aware of all this, to perform certain works most effectively.

Grinding wheels - why they are needed

Grinding wheels belong to the category of cutting abrasive tools, which is an integral part of grinding machines, machines and is one of the tools, used in domestic conditions for treatment of various types of surfaces. A feature of such products is the presence of a porous structure, which includes grains of abrasive materials and binders of artificial and natural origin.

The grains used in these circles are quite similar to the teeth of an ordinary saw. This similarity is evident in terms of their purpose. If we talk about the differences between such tools, it is necessary to mention the special placement of cutting elements: on the abrasive device grains are located strictly on perimeter. As for the saw, then her teeth are on the edges.

Due to the presence of a large number of solid particles on grinding wheels with this tool of any size, you can with minimal time and quality to remove unnecessary fractions from the surface. Moreover, to ensure the efficiency of the use of circles is possible, if you equip them with an electric sharpener. Products of any size from the most various materials are suitable for processing:

  • made of carbon steel;
  • of malleable cast iron;
  • made of durable plastic;
  • of bronze;
  • of non-ferrous metals;
  • from glass;
  • of wrought iron.

In addition, with the help of the considered circles, you can perform such an operation, like cutting bricks, roofing slate, drywall, as well as various types of ceramics and concrete products. These circles are suitable for surface treatment of any type. With their help you can successfully create grooves and cut the material to the required depth.

Grinding wheels - classification

If we proceed from the current Gost 2424-83 “Grinding wheels: technical conditions "and the new standard in force today (“Grinding wheel: GOST R 52781-2007 »), such abrasive products can be made in several variants:

  • with two indentations;
  • bilateral conical;
  • direct profile;
  • with conical one-sided or two-sided recess;
  • ring;
  • plate;
  • cup, having the shape of a cone or cylinder;
  • conical;
  • provide a recessed center;
  • have one- or two-sided recess;
  • have a hub and a bilateral recess;
  • have a hub of two or one-sided;
  • have reinforcing elements, supplemented by a recessed center;
  • have fastened pressed details;
  • have a cylindrical and conical recess, each of which is located on a separate side;
  • have a cylindrical and conical recess, for which space can be allocated on one side, or on individual.

Circles of household use

If with such a device, as grinding wheels, meets the average person, then it is much easier for him to understand the household classification of these devices, where the sign of their separation is the purpose and features of use. The following types of circles were the most widespread:

  • Self-locking on Velcro. Among the benefits, which have these products, it is necessary to allocate fine engagement with a support of the grinder. A similar effect is provided by the use of special fabric, which is applied to the sanding paper.
  • Petals. Among the features is the excellent ability to adapt to the surface, from which grinding is performed, as well as excellent elasticity. The name of these products is directly related to the fan direction of the petals, which are fixed on the material, have an abrasive base. Among the benefits, which are inherent in these devices, the main thing should be called that, that they have no secondary burrs. Most often, products of this design are used in the processing of pipes. In some cases, they can be used for both wood and shaped surfaces, provided, that there are dissections on the slats. This characteristic of these circles often deserves the most attention, as mechanical strength.
  • Fiber. To fix these products on a grinder, use a support plate, having the required cross section. Vulcanized paper is used as a material to create such a circle, having a multilayer structure. Such circles can be used to clean products, as a basis for which stainless steel acts, tree, steel and metal.
  • Diamond. According to experts, such circles should be used for final surface treatment. However, we should not forget about it, that the material of these circles has low strength and at the same time has a high rate of fragility.

Features of marking of grinding products

Combining all the characteristics is an extremely difficult task, on the basis of which it is possible to classify grinding wheels available today. Grinding devices from various manufacturers are available on the market, which can be classified, based on the following parameters:

  • degree of granularity;
  • type of abrasive;
  • connection type;
  • size and geometric shape;
  • class of imbalance and accuracy;
  • hardness coefficient;
  • relationship between the relationship, abrasive material and product pores;
  • maximum speed.

Deciding on the best brand of grinding wheels, you should pay attention to the parameters described above. It is worth noting, that when processing separate materials it is allowed to use a circle, abrasive and the form of which differs less, than necessary for them, taking into account the structure and level of hardness. Considering the complete marking of abrasive tools for grinding surfaces of various types of any size, It should be noted, that it contains all the above characteristics.

Decoding of marking

Common practice among companies, specializing in the manufacture of grinding wheels, is to use your own labeling. The most commonly used labeling option will be presented below, applying which consumers will be able to understand quite easily, what parameters a product has. If the circle considered by you contains marking 25А25СМ26КБ3, then on the basis of this we can draw a conclusion, what:

  • The product is made using white electrocorundum, selected for the role of abrasive - 25 A;
  • The degree of granularity inherent in it has the size 315-250 - number 25;
  • The circle in question is a category of medium soft (SM2) , and also has an average structure - 6;
  • The product uses a ceramic bond - K;
  • The device has an accuracy class of B, and imbalances - 3.

By analogy with the above scheme, can be determined, what are the characteristics of other products. This should be borne in mind, that they may not have certain parameters or may be new in the labeling.

Graininess of a grinding wheel

Among the key parameters, which must be taken into account when choosing an abrasive grinding wheel, should include the size of the grain size. The considered characteristic has a direct influence on surface cleanliness, which can be achieved upon completion of processing. In addition, some other characteristics depend on it:

  • the degree of wear of the product;
  • the coefficient of productivity of the grinding procedure;
  • the proportion of metal content, which is removed in one pass of the tool.

Solving problems with the degree of granularity of the abrasive grinding wheel, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of allowance, which must be removed from the surface, as well as the degree of roughness, which must be purchased after the operation surface. It is important to consider the material itself, which will have to work with. To obtain a cleaner surface, it is necessary to use the material of the product with the lowest grain size. But when using a tool with small grains, you need to be prepared for that, what will happen to the salting of the grinding wheel, as well as burning material, which is processed.

Another unpleasant consequence of such a decision is a decrease in the productivity of the grinding procedure, which often happens when using circles, have low strength.

It should also be mentioned, what, according to GOST 1980 year, units are used to measure grain size, levels 10 micron. A more modern version of the standard P 52381-2005 refers to such products circle, which are marked with the letter F with a certain number. And with the increase of this number will decrease and the degree of grain size.

Editing abrasive grinding wheels

When using a grinding tool, you may encounter a geometry violation. The point is that, when performing such operations, as smoothing, abrasion, abrasive ligament rupture is observed. To give the product the best cutting ability and the initial geometric shape, the most effective procedure is to edit the circle. Its essence is to remove the bond and abrasive from the surface of the circle, for which a special tool is used.

Today, various methods can be used for editing, involving the use of diamond-free or diamond tools. In industrial conditions, this problem is most often solved by using a free abrasive. Rolling technology can also be used. If such a task arose before the homemaker, then a fairly simple device for straightening the abrasive grinding wheel can help him in this. With its help it is possible to carry out reprofiling, leveling and cleaning from salting.


Grinding wheels can in some situations simplify certain works. Therefore, every home builder should take care of the availability of such a tool. To use it most effectively, you need to choose the right device, for which it is necessary to consider first of all the tasks facing him. Considering, that the market offers different types of grinding wheels, the choice of equipment for grinding will become quite a difficult task for a home craftsman.

Therefore it is necessary to consider many parameters, paying attention also to the surface material, degree of granularity, not forgetting the need for periodic editing of the tool. Taking into account all these nuances will not only most effectively cope with emerging challenges, but also keep the sanding tool in working order for a long time.



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