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Self-assembly and installation of satellite dishes, how to configure without special devices

Modern television broadcasting systems are developing rapidly. Analogue terrestrial television is being replaced by digital broadcasting. It provides excellent image quality, excluding the imposition of the channel on the channel, picture distortion, the appearance of "snow" on the screen and other obstacles. Along with improving the quality of terrestrial television, do not lose their relevance and satellite television systems.

And do you need satellite TV?

Satellite TV greatly expands the consumer's ability to watch TV channels. It is a source of a huge variety of TV channels, broadcast in almost all languages. However, many channels are available for free viewing.

Satellite TV is relevant in the area, where there is a complex natural relief, or in places of dense high-rise buildings.

As you know, meter and decimeter waves of terrestrial television broadcasting are not able to bypass spatial obstacles. They bounce off any object and create additional television interference. Satellite TV allows you to receive a signal directly, excluding the impact of artificial and natural obstacles.

Another advantage of satellite television is the ability to capture the broadcasting area in the regions, where the distance between settlements is huge and the organization of a continuous coverage is impossible.

That fact is also important, that even a non-professional will be able to install a satellite dish without calculations and special devices.

Advantages of satellite TV

Apparently, the main advantage is the relatively low price of equipment, which will pay off in the short term, due to the lack of subscription fee for watching TV channels.

A big plus of satellite TV is the excellent quality of video and sound, which is not inferior in characteristics to the best DVD.

How satellite TV works?

In the direction of the southeast, south and southwest over the equator, satellites are located in the same place relative to the Earth, which take the signal from the broadcasting center.

Signal received, satellites broadcast to Earth, covering large areas like an electric searchlight beam. The signal level itself decreases from the center to its edges.

It should be noted, that the signal does not pass through natural and artificial obstacles, such as walls, buildings, trees and more. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a place to install the antenna.

The satellite signal with the antenna is focused on the convector. After primary treatment, it is transmitted to the receiver via an antenna cable. The receiver is converted into a TV channel and then transmitted to the TV.

The principle of operation of the antenna

A satellite dish is a round plate-shaped parabolic structure. It independently receives microwaves from satellites, which broadcast signals from television sources.

The parabolic shape of the offset plate reflects the incoming signal to the antenna, fixed in the center of the structure. The horn irradiator is automatically adjusted to the plate coordinator. This part is a signal amplifier. The front heads of the convector select radio waves from the focal point, with the transfer of the step-down conversion unit. The role of the loudspeaker is to convert radio waves and electromagnetic signals into electrical ones. Additionally, their spectrum is adjusted. The signal from the convector enters the receiver, and then on TV.

types of plates

There are two types of satellite dishes:

  • offset;
  • direct focus.

The principle of installation of offset plates is concluded in their orientation below the satellite broadcast line. The signal is reflected by the plate and at an angle to the converter.

Attach offset plates almost vertically, which eliminates the accumulation of precipitation in the structure, capable of affecting signal reception quality.

In direct-focus designs, much of the mirror is covered by a convector. As the diagonal increases, it becomes almost invisible.

Antenna installation location

If you plan to install satellite dishes yourself, then you should follow certain rules:

  • there must be no obstructions on the signal reception track (trees, buildings, buildings);
  • the initial direction of the antenna - south.

Satellite TV set

The standard set of equipment consists of six items:

  • satellite dish. Used to receive a signal from a specific satellite;
  • bracket. Needed to attach a plate to a building or support;
  • convector. Converts the signal received by the plate and sends it to the receiver;
  • disk. Used to connect two or more convectors;
  • connecting cable. Transmits the pre-processed signal to the receiver;
  • DVD tuner. Used to convert incoming signals to television.

Preparation for the installation of satellite equipment

We determine the location of the sides of the world with a compass and choose the optimal place to mount the antenna. It should be taken into account, that placing the antenna on the roof of a high-rise building can provoke its theft, and permits may be required for mounting on the facade. That independent installation of satellite antennas did not turn into a problem, these issues should be resolved in advance.

The satellite dish assembly itself is not unattainable. The instructions are described in detail, how to install a satellite dish yourself.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • assemble the plate according to the instructions;
  • assemble and fasten the bracket taking into account the natural loads and wall material;
  • fix convectors in special holders with connectors down to prevent moisture from entering;
  • connect the receiver and convectors with a cable using F-connectors. A meter of cable stock must be left near the antenna;
  • secure the cable to the arc of the holder;
  • seal the connectors with silicone or sealant;
  • attach the antenna to the bracket, leaving the possibility of moving vertically and horizontally.

Cable preparation involves connecting it to an F-connector. To perform this work you will need a mounting knife and pliers.

Installation of F-connectors

Follow this sequence to connect the connectors correctly:

  • with a mounting knife remove the upper part of the cable insulation at a distance 15 mm;
  • shields the braid, it is necessary to straighten and bend on a cable;
  • the foil is cut at the base of the bend of the braid;
  • remove the layer of internal insulation at a distance 10 mm before the appearance of the copper core of the cable;
  • remove the protective layer of enamel with a knife;
  • screw the F-connector all the way in. In this case, the core of the cable should protrude 2-3 mm;
  • remove the excess braid with a knife.

The connection cable is ready. Now you can start setting up the antenna. Of all the work done, self-tuning of satellite dishes is more time consuming and responsible.

Satellite dish settings

You need to make sure, that the antenna is installed ??correctly and oriented to the south.

We make settings on Sirius. Installation of satellite dishes begins with the installation on the frequency receiver 11766 and speed 27500. Choose the polarization "H".

We observe two bands on the receiver:

  • red - displays the connection of the dish and the satellite signal;
  • yellow - indicates the signal level.

If the antenna is connected correctly, then the signal level reaches 40%. The signal quality is zero.

We approach the climax, how to set up a satellite dish yourself. Set the initial position of the antenna all the way to the left and up.

Then gently turn from left to right and control the signal quality level. In its absence, lower the plate on 2-3 mm down and repeat the procedure in the opposite direction - from right to left until it stops. We carry out this algorithm until then, until a yellow bar appears.

We control an inclination of a plate on specially put figures on its fastening.

At this stage, it is difficult to independently orient the plate at height and simultaneously control the appearance of the signal on the receiver. Therefore it is necessary to connect to the work of the assistant.

When the yellow bar is within 21%, fix the position.

We make more precise settings

Slightly lowering the antenna, make a slight turn to the left. If the signal quality has deteriorated, we return to the starting position. We turn right, as well as up and down.

When the signal is reached 40% we pass to adjustment of the convector. Rotate first clockwise, and then counterclockwise and seek to improve the signal to 65-70%.

Setting up side convectors

When the main plate is set, side convectors are much easier to set up.

We make settings on Amos. We set the frequency on the receiver 10722, speed 27500 and polarization "H".

For Hotbird the frequency is 11034, speed 27500 and polarization "V".

The setup procedure is based on the example of Sirius.

By bending the side brackets from the upper left to the right and gradually descending to 2-3 mm, we achieve the appearance of the signal.

To improve the signal quality, we rotate the converters around their axis. First, rotate clockwise, and then counterclockwise.

So we figured it out, how to set up a satellite dish yourself. With some experience and a work plan, it's easy to do.

After final adjustment of the antenna, carefully fix the cable and turn on the SCAN function on the tuner. The tuner automatically scans the available TV channels and lists them.

After that, you can start watching TV.



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