Categories: AutoElectricity

Battery electrolyte density: how to properly increase and what should be after charging

During the operation of vehicles, drivers often face the situation, when the car starter does not rotate from the battery, the crankshaft speed from the starter is insufficient to start the engine, etc.. In other words, The battery is very low.

No less common is that, that the battery is fully charged from the charger and discharges quickly, while recharging (even with observance of all rules and recommendations, how to charge the battery) the problem still can't be fixed.

It should be noted, that the electrolyte density and the battery discharge are interrelated. The electrolyte is one of the main components in a battery device, allowing you to accumulate and hold a charge.

It turns out, it is the low density of the electrolyte in the battery after charging does not allow the battery to save stored energy, also the charge is not restored from the car generator after installation of the battery on the car.

If this happened, then the item requires maintenance, which involves equalizing the density of the electrolyte in the battery or its complete replacement. Note, that in some cases it is enough to restore the battery, that the density of the electrolyte in the battery banks was normalized.

In this article we will consider, why there is a decrease in density, how and in what the density of electrolyte in the accumulator is measured. We will also talk about that, what to do to the driver, if a low electrolyte density in the battery was detected during the measurements.

The density of the electrolyte in the battery has dropped: cause and effect

Usually, the decrease in density occurs as a result of evaporation of the aqueous-acid solution in the battery sections. In this case, we are talking about the boiling of the electrolyte in the banks, which occurs when recharging the battery. Also, water gradually evaporates from the battery and for natural reasons, while the process is slow, allowing the battery to remain in working order for a long time.

Given the above, it becomes clear, for which serviced batteries are required. Access to banks allows you to control the level of electrolyte. Most often, this level is maintained within the specified limits by topping up with distilled water. Many car owners are well acquainted with this process.

However, not everyone understands, that one refill of water does not solve the problem in all cases, as in parallel check of density of the received solution is required. The point is, that together with water the electrolyte partially evaporates. For this reason, you need to add more than just water, but also an electrolytic solution.

After that, it is mandatory to measure the density of the electrolyte in the battery with a hydrometer. It is necessary to consider, that the correct density of the electrolyte in the battery will not only effectively accumulate and retain charge, but also protects the battery from freezing with the onset of cold weather.

In practice, this means, that if the driver regularly added only water to the jars and did not monitor the density of the solution, then in winter such a battery can freeze and / or fail. The point is, that when in the winter the temperature of the battery electrolyte in the sections decreases, and the solution itself is not dense enough, then the water in its composition turns to ice.

Quite obviously, that the annual or winter density of the electrolyte in the battery is a relative concept. It is necessary to constantly maintain the recommended density, regardless of the season. Also, the density for regions with cold climates can be slightly increased, while leaving the values ​​within acceptable limits, that is, without exceeding.

It is still important to understand, that the minimum density of the electrolyte in the battery may not cause problems in the warm season, however, with the onset of cold weather, the battery fails even at normal levels of solution in the jars. Also note, that the electrolyte in the battery may turn black or cloudy. In this case, its replacement helps, in the process of which the density is also regulated.

How to properly increase the density of the electrolyte in the battery

As you can see, the need to increase the density of the battery can occur for various reasons. First of all, need to understand, what is the density of the electrolyte to pour into the battery in a given case. pay attention, solutions are available, the density of which is initially slightly inflated.

This means, that distilled water may be required during the adjustment process to reduce the density. This must be taken into account, that the gulf of ordinary running water is not allowed, technical water, etc.. so, let's move on. To determine, what density is needed, we recommend reading the electrolyte density table (div. Above).

The next step will be to prepare the necessary devices, tools and basic components to create a solution:

  • hydrometer;
  • Cup (dimensional);
  • drain tank;
  • rubber pear;
  • distilled water;
  • battery electrolyte;

Before, how to get started, pay attention, that the performance of operations with acid involves compliance with safety precautions. To protect the skin and eyes, it is desirable to use rubber gloves and goggles.
Also in cases, when the electrolyte solution dissolves on its own, it is forbidden to add water to the acid! It is necessary to fill in water first, then the acid is carefully and carefully added to it! This will avoid injuries and chemical burns.

If the electrolyte is completely replaced or the fluid needs to be drained, it is forbidden to turn over or tilt the battery sharply. The point is, that such actions can lead to shedding of lead plates, after which there is a short circuit and the battery fails.

As for density measurements, it is necessary to carry out measurements then, when the outside air temperature is close to 20 degrees Celsius. It turns out, if it is cold outside, the battery must first be brought into a heated room and allowed to warm up.

It is also important to remember, that the density of the battery decreases with discharge and increases after charging. For this reason, you need to fully charge the battery before obtaining the most reliable readings.

If it is not possible to replace the battery, thus available type of battery (that is, work is carried out with a maintenance-free battery), then to gain access to the banks will need to drill holes in the body with a drill. You also need to prepare a soldering iron for further sealing of cans. Plastic, which will be used for sealing, must be resistant to acid.

To drain the old electrolyte or collect its excess, you need to prepare a container in advance. Glass jars or bottles are best for such purposes. You will also need to take care of further disposal. It is forbidden to pour electrolyte into the sewer, drain on land or in ponds!

The acid solution must first be neutralized with alkali. If you do not have certain skills, then it is necessary to consult with specialists in advance, explore issues on profile forums, ask a similar question at the reception points of old batteries, etc..

After, how all the nuances were taken into account, you can switch to battery maintenance. Next we will consider the process on the example of an acid battery. Note, what if the alkaline battery, then some figures will be different, which are listed below.

How to increase electrolyte density

so, density is measured in grams per cubic centimeter, ie d / sm3. Density measurements must be made in each battery bank. The density of the solution should be from 1.25 to 1.29.

The scatter of indicators on sections of the battery should not be above a mark 0.01. In cases, when the figure fell close 1.20, then you can increase the density in the jars by topping up the electrolyte, which has a density 1.27.

To perform the task you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Topping up is carried out in each individual bank. To do this, the pear is pumped out of the jar as much as possible of the old electrolyte.
  • The electrolyte is then poured into a beaker, which allows you to measure its quantity.
  • Then the jar is filled with fresh electrolyte, and you only need to pour? from that volume, which was previously pumped out.
  • Then shake the battery from side to side, preventing strong tilts and overturning. Such actions will allow to mix the remained liquid in joint stock bank with fresh.
  • You can now measure the density. If, when the value does not reach the desired value, you can add another half of that volume, which was previously pumped out.
  • Such actions are repeated until then, until the desired density is reached.
  • After, as the density returned to normal, you need to add distilled water level, then move on to another bank.

If the battery density is reduced to 1.18, then it is necessary to top up NOT electrolyte, and battery acid. The density of this acid is much higher. In cases, when the density could not be raised immediately, the process is repeated until then, until you can get the desired value.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to replace the electrolyte in the battery. In this article you will learn about the features of electrolyte replacement in the battery, and read the basic requirements for this procedure.

When work with all sections of the battery is complete, the battery can be charged. After charging the battery, measure the electrolyte density again, if necessary, the figure is adjusted with distilled water or electrolyte.

Tips and tricks

In some cases, you may face a situation, when the electrolyte density is initially very low, at the same time after topping up it is not possible to raise it. The electrolyte is also gray, black, muddy or red in one jar or in all sections at once. This indicates the need for a complete fluid replacement.

  1. To replace the electrolyte with a pear, you need to completely remove the liquid from the cans.
  2. Next, you need to close the control ventilation plugs on the sections.
  3. After that, the battery is placed on its side or propped up.
  4. Then in the bottom of each section in turn a small hole is drilled (diameter 3-5 mm).
  5. Through the specified openings in in advance prepared capacity the electrolyte remained in the case of the battery merges..
  6. Then the plugs are unscrewed, jars are thoroughly washed with distilled water.
  7. The next step is to seal the holes with plastic, resistant to acid.
  8. Then you can pour fresh electrolyte into the battery, repeating the above steps to adjust the density of the solution.

We also recommend reading the article about it, What shall I do, if the electrolyte in the battery is frozen and ice has formed. In this article you will learn about it, how to defrost the battery and restore its performance.

Finally, let's add, that in some cases such operations allow you to restore battery life for a long time, however, this is not always the case. Certain chemical processes in the battery, as well as the gradual shedding of the plates leads to that, that even after a complete replacement of the electrolyte, the battery may not hold a charge.

If after all the work done, the density of the liquid still drops rapidly or does not rise after charging to the desired values, then you should think about replacing the battery.

The driver may also notice, that during the operation of the battery fresh solution turns black again, becomes cloudy, boils (given that, that the battery is properly charged from the memory, as well as a working generator and relay-regulator on the car), then such a battery will need to be replaced.



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