What to cook with chicken fillet - the best recipes quickly and deliciously, for dinner, in the oven, multicookers + Photo
If you do not know, what to cook from chicken fillet quickly and deliciously, for dinner or for the holiday table, then you should pay attention to recipes with mushrooms, pasta with cheese, mayonnaise, in sour cream or tomato sauce with garlic, vegetables or a dish in Chinese, baked in the oven, multicookers, on a frying pan with a fragrant crispy crust…
Pre-treatment of chicken meat
Poultry meat, in particular, chicken fillet, participates in the preparation of a variety of dishes in many countries. It is low fat, tender, goes well with various side dishes. However, it has its own peculiarities, so before, than to solve, what to cook with chicken fillet, need to know, how to properly process it before cooking.
Whatever recipe you choose with chicken breast, first, than start frying, quenching or baking in the oven, the meat must be processed, you can do this in the following ways:
- Soak in clean water
- Нарізати на скибочки і відбити
- Замаринувати в спеціальному соусі
- Натерти сіллю і приправами (in this case, you must use oil during cooking)
The taste of chicken fillet, prepared using various spices and ingredients for the marinade, will be significantly different. Optimally, chicken is combined with such spices, like ginger, curry, pepper, cardamom.
What to cook with chicken fillet - options for dishes
Experienced chefs say, that chicken fillet can be prepared according to the same recipes, as well as pork, veal, as a result of this part of the chicken carcass may come out:
- Juicy pieces of fillet on skewers - chicken skewers
- Нежирні перші страви, example, soups, especially for those, who follows a diet
- М’ясні завиванці, stuffed with various fillings
- Шматочки філе з овочами – гуляш
- Курячі котлети, meatballs, noisettes
- Соковиті відбивні в клярі і без нього та інші страви
Every housewife uses her secrets, preparing chicken fillet dishes in the oven on a frying pan or in a multicooker. We will dwell on traditional simple recipes, but incredibly delicious dishes from tender chicken breast meat.
Win-win fillet recipes
What to cook from chicken fillet quickly and deliciously is a question, which torments not only housewives in the kitchen, but also many professional chefs. I want to, to make the dish of this tender meat tasty and fragrant.
The most popular recipe for chicken breast is juicy chicken fillet in the oven. We will need this dish:
- Half a kilo of chicken
- Банка (200 G) canned pineapples
- Сир м’яких сортів – 130 G
- 100 мл томатного соусу
- 100 г бекону
- Сіль і приправи за смаком
Cook the chicken breast in the oven step by step:
- Washed fillets cut along the fibers and do not beat hard, the resulting pieces of beaten meat in an even layer (layer) lay out on cling film
- Smear this layer of beaten chicken fillet with tomato sauce, except for a narrow strip along the edge of the formation
- Pour an even layer of grated cheese on the tomato, spread out pieces of bacon, evenly distribute the pieces of pickled pineapples
- Twist everything tightly into a roll and carefully tie it with a strong thread
- Boil the roll in salted water (cooking time in boiling water - half an hour)
- Remove the roll from the pan, remove the film and transfer the boiled roll to a hot pan. Put the deco in the oven for 20 minutes at room temperature 180 degrees
This baked chicken roll is suitable for any side dish - potatoes, pasta, assorted vegetables or rice, and will be an excellent independent snack.
You don't know, what to cook with chicken fillet, if you do not have an oven? so, the following recipe is for you! To cook chicken fillet in sour cream sauce on a frying pan, you need the following ingredients:
- ? glasses of sour cream with a low percentage of fat
- Півкіло філе
- Часник – 2 teeth
- Олія, salt, spices to taste
Rinse the chicken breast thoroughly and dry it on a towel or napkin. Cut into small pieces. Place the chicken pieces on the boiling oil in a hot frying pan and fry them well on all sides., constantly interfering. After, as the meat evenly becomes a beautiful fried color, add a little less than a glass of water to the pan. Reduce the heat under the pan, cover and leave to simmer.
After half an hour, pour half a cup of sour cream into the pan, garlic crush, salt everything. Leave the meat on low heat for a while 7-8 minutes, it is necessary for that, so that the pieces of chicken fillet are soaked in the sauce.
Many housewives today are accustomed to making their kitchen chores easier with the help of a multicooker. The following recipe will tell you, what to cook from chicken fillet in a multicooker. We take the following components:
- 400-500 g fillet
- 1 кабачок або цукіні середнього розміру
- Морква і солодкий перець – за бажанням і уподобанням
- Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
- ? glasses of cream
The algorithm for cooking in a multicooker is as follows:
- Poultry should be soaked in 60 minutes in clean water, then cut it into neat pieces and roll them in spices
- Zucchini cut into neat cubes
- Grate carrots on a large grater, pepper cut into slices
- Put all vegetables and meat in the bowl of the multicooker, salt, add to them 200 ml of water
- Select the "quenching" mode and leave for half an hour
- Across 30 minutes, open the pan and add half a cup of sour cream to the dish
Chicken, cooked in a multicooker, it turns out incredibly tender and juicy. This dish will be appreciated by family and friends.
Chicken breast meat goes well with mushrooms. What to cook with chicken fillet and mushrooms, read more - professional chefs recommend using mushrooms for this dish, experienced housewives claim, which is very tasty with ordinary wild mushrooms. We need it:
- 300-400 g breast
- Часник – 3 teeth
- 200 г грибів
- Вино білого сорту – 50 ml
- Соєвий соус – 1 tablespoon
- 200 мл вершків (better low-fat)
- Олія, salt, spices
The method of cooking according to this recipe is as follows:
- Washed and carefully sliced fillet fry in vegetable oil to form a golden crust
- Add the crushed garlic to the pan
- Across 2-3 minutes there to lay out finely chopped mushrooms or other mushrooms
- Fry the meat with the mushrooms a little less over a high heat 10 minutes, then add the wine to the pan, cream and sauce (add in this sequence)
- Transfer the heat to low heat and simmer for a few more minutes, until the sauce in the pan becomes thick
Now you know, what to cook with chicken fillet, and how best to do it! We have not told you all the successful recipes for this meat, there are many more, and each has its own taste and characteristics. Cook with pleasure and appetite!