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What is Landing Page - landing page templates + examples

Hi, readers of the financial magazine ""! Today we will talk about Landingham, what it is, what are the advantages and disadvantages of it, etc.

Landingham ( "Landing page" or landing page) Is a well-known term, denoting a web page with a specification. However, the essence of such pages is not known to everyone.

so, what is Landing Page? The short definition of "landing page" can be voiced in this way - it is a web page on the domain, subdomains in the format html / css (Or another).

Landings people are interested, engaged in the sale of various goods on the Internet.

Such an "landing page" will not be annoying, useless texts, flashing banners or pop-up menus.

You will learn from this article:

  • What is Landing Page and how to use it;
  • What are the advantages of a landing page compared to a regular site;
  • How to create a Landingham for free and promote it online;
  • Which Landingham designers are the best and where to download ready-made templates;
  • How to make money on Landing and what taxes to pay.

We wish you a productive study of the materials!

What is Landing (landing page), what species it is, how to create yourself and other information read further in the article

1. What is Landing Page (or landing page) - its features and benefits

Landingham page - This is a one page website, which may have several names:

  • landing or landing page;
  • "Lendos";
  • customer capture page.

The main task of the landing page is to encourage site visitors to take some active action - to call, leave a request, buy goods, subscribe to the newsletter, etc..

That is, Landingham is called an internet marketing tool, designed to increase sales of various goods or services on the Internet.

This page is different from other simplified navigation, lack of huge layers of text and unnecessary menus. Read also the article - "How to create a site for free - step by step instructions"

1.1. History of Landing Page development

Landing Page was invented in the United States 10 years ago internet marketers.

At some point, they began to understand, that competition in the market is constantly growing. Sites, online shopping is improving and visitors may not always understand the advantages of one company over another.

Serious competition in the industry and was the primary reason for the creation of Landing Page.

An example of the perfect sells Landingham Page

1.2. Goals and objectives of the landing page

Landingham's goal is to get in touch with potential buyers, who came to this one-page.

pay attention! Sale of goods / services are provided at the next stage, - after the target action of the visitor, ie filing an application for advice.

Internet marketing experts say, that high-quality Landing Page is able to increase the conversion of the site several times. Used properly, Landingham can increase sales conversions on 8-35%.

1.3. Sales funnel and conversion

Any site owner is constantly looking for ways to increase its popularity and maximize sales.

The main criteria, which determine the effectiveness of the Internet resource, is "Sales funnel" and Site Conversion. Understanding the essence of these concepts, you can find out the level of your sales. Let's get acquainted with these definitions in more detail.

1) Site conversion

Website conversion is considered to be the most important indicator of the effectiveness of an Internet resource.

The conversion value reflects the number of page visitors, who have become buyers of your goods / services.

In other words, site conversion is a kind of "tag", which marks the fulfillment of the requirements you need, namely:

  • purchase of goods;
  • Newsletter subscription;
  • download certain files;
  • registration;
  • other actions.

Each category of goods or services has its own conversion rate.

example for tourism is considered quite a normal level 8-13%. And here in the site, on which elite fur coats are on sale, conversion is to 10%, and this is considered an excellent indicator. (The point is, that local customers have higher purchasing power).

Importantly! Usually, conversion rate fluctuates from 2-3% to 20-40%. If the conversion is for example 20%, that means, that of a hundred target visitors, who came to the site, twenty performed the target action.

Site conversion needs to be constantly improved. This requires the trust of site users. Your website should be user-friendly with easily accessible information.

It is worth noting, that the landing page conversion rate is always higher, than the usual site.

2) Sales funnel

The sales funnel can show the number of visitors to your site, who did not perform the actions you need. It is a graph in the form of an inverted pyramid. Such a funnel has the following idea:

  • number of unique visitors;
  • number of unique visitors, who have taken the actions you need;
  • number of customers, who paid for the goods or services.

Used properly, sales funnel can be an effective assistant in planning the optimal amount of advertising material, number of contacts at each stage of sales, etc..

Based on the indicators of the sales funnel, it is possible to draw conclusions about the quality of management and the need to adjust the work at a certain stage of sales.

This analytical tool provides insight, how a potential customer decides to purchase the product or service you offer. What pushes him to do so.

After analyzing these steps, you will be able to control customer behavior with a well-designed landing page.

The value of the sales funnel is the segmentation of a huge mass of buyers by behavior and interests.

example - There are two people, who want to buy a vehicle.

One has not yet decided, what exactly he wants to buy - a plane or a car. The second on the contrary, already clearly knows, that he needs a car. These people are completely different - the first, after much thought, generally buy a bike, and here the second is ready at least tomorrow to follow the car.

Usually, all the way from interest in your product to the thrilling moment of its purchase, divided into four stages:

  • Stage 1. Awareness;
  • Stage 2. Interest;
  • Stage 3. Decision;
  • Stage 4. Action.

Imposing these stages on the number of people, which are at each stage, then in the end you really get a funnel, tapering to the bottom.

1) In its upper part there are people, who realized, that they were interested in a particular product. At this stage, a person tries to find general information about your favorite product, perhaps its analogues, minimum characteristics.

2) Then there is the interest in a particular brand. A comparison of key parameters is performed, available benefits, design, etc..

3) In the case of a decision to purchase goods, the client moves on to the next stage, in which the key role is given to clarity and clarity of content. It is he who is able to motivate a person to make a purchase or become an obstacle to such a decision.

4) At the bottom of the funnel are people, who have moved from the status of site visitors to the status of buyers. If the sales funnel is organized correctly, the customer must buy the product on the same site.

The goal of any quality landing is the invisible advancement of the visitor at all stages of the sales funnel from awareness to action. Educational articles will be the best tools, step by step guides, infographics.

Importantly! Product information must be specialized. Its purpose is to increase the motivation of a potential customer to make a purchase.

Internet sales are growing regularly. At the same time, the sales funnel will change. Maybe over time it will get harder. That is why it is very important to understand it now.

1.4. Capture page performance

The greatest efficiency of Landingham can be achieved only by participating in the development of a full team of professionals.

To create a quality landing page (before its launch on the Internet) the help of the following specialists will be needed.

  1. Project manager. Indicates the ultimate goal in the development of Landing Page, monitors all stages of implementation of the technical plan, calculates the return on investment in advertising, makes all important decisions.
  2. Marketer. His job is to develop an overall strategy, creating a prototype of the future site, effective affiliate programs and UTP (unique trade offer). Also determines the prospects of the created concepts and analyzes the results obtained.
  3. Web designer. Based on the approved prototype of the site develops a layout of the landing page, is responsible for special effects for the site.
  4. Front-end developer. Engaged in programming and subsequent layout of the landing page, tests the display of the page on different devices, adjusts the work of forms, designed to send requests and calls from the website.
  5. Copywriter. Writes "sells" content, creates 4U headers. Also involved in prototyping the landing page and optimizing its semantic blocks.
  6. SEM Context Specialist. Analyzes the semantic core, selects target queries for search engines, configures contextual advertising, conducts its analysis and, if necessary, refinement (How to build a semantic core ??for contextual advertising, we wrote in a special article).

Only the coordinated work of all specialists is able to create a truly high-quality landing page.

1.5. Why create only one page of the site - 3 the main advantages of Landingham

Next you will find out, whether to create your landing page and why.

Consider the main advantages of landing page compared to other sites and online stores. (Read also our article - how to open an online store, where you will find step-by-step instructions for creating and running a successful IM).

so, let's start in order:

  1. One-page will help increase the number of visitors, who subscribe to newsletters and e-mails, about 20-30%, compared to a regular site!
  2. raises by 50% the probability of buying the product you offer!
  3. Persuades site visitors to download and install a new program or application!

Rules and tips for creating a landing page

2. 13 basic rules for creating your own landing page

Landingham meets with conversion 40-60%. Such indicators mean, that every second visitor to the site left their data or made an application for the purchase of goods. Two factors contributed to this success:

  1. The bulk of the page's visitors are the target audience. People visited the site, who were interested in the proposed product.
  2. The landing page was created according to traditional rules, providing high efficiency of the site.

Next we will consider these rules in more detail.

Rule # 1. One product should be placed on Landingham

Could not encourage the visitor to click "buy"?

To make more customers, the following principles must be followed:

  • user's attention should be focused on any one product;
  • tell the client about the benefits of only this particular program;
  • set a discounted price for one product;
  • to interest the visitor by mailing on one subject.

When several products are placed within one screen, the customer's attention will be distracted. He instantly scanned the entire page. Maybe he will show interest in some funny or flashing image ??discount. However, as a result, the tab will still be closed. It won't take a minute for a visitor to forget about your site.

If a visitor comes to the site and sees one product, on which he will be able to focus all his attention, the degree of his interest will grow. And the probability of that, that it will do the action you need will also become very high.

Rule # 2. The call to action must be clear

Going to the page, the user immediately asks himself, where he got and why.

Importantly! If in the first seconds of his stay on the page he can not find the answer - a potential customer is guaranteed lost. You need to provide the visitor with clear and understandable information about your product.

Statistics speak for themselves, that is close 80% potential buyers leave the site in the first fifteen seconds. The main reasons for this fact are:

  • Lack of motivation to act. That is, the visitor did not find (not understood), what to do on the site. The person is not offered to order, sign up, learn more, etc.. Quality Landing should contain specific appeals to someone to act. If the page does not have the text "big red button", on which the word "buy" is written, such a landing will not bring the desired result;
  • High page load, which confuses the visitor. Man cannot understand, what is specifically offered to him. Lots of patted details, a bunch of unnecessary animation, etc., cause users only irritation. Each such element tries to attract human attention. As a result, the main call for purchase or subscription loses its significance.

4 useful tips, which will help make the call clear

These tips will help increase sales of your product.

  1. Red button rectangular with a capacious verb in the center to help you. Such a button should be present as in the beginning, and at the end of the landing page.
  2. Express yourself clearly and distinctly. A clear and concise explanation is needed, what a visitor should do and, what he will get for it.
  3. Take everything away, which can distract from the main idea, namely, obscure headlines, graphics, large advertising banners with other people's goods, neutral pictures, etc..
  4. Convince the customer of the uniqueness of the product you offer. Many comparisons should be used to describe the benefits of the product, digits. A red button should be placed next to this information. Sometimes the decision to purchase a product can be spontaneous. To instantly satisfy the wishes of the buyer and you need this cherished "buy" button
  5. Identify specific benefits from the visitor's use of your offer.

However, you should not try too hard to get a buyer. The presence of many advertising tricks and an obsessive offer to buy the product will cause the visitor only negative.

Rule # 3. Do sell and cling to headlines

In a good Landing Page there is one promotional offer, easily fits in the title.

Examples sell headlines: If your product - fluorescent lamps? Here is the title - "Save energy 4 times more effective ». Потрібно запросити товстушок в фітнес центр? Write their dream in the title - "Who wants the figure of a TV star?».

Make sure you use headlines tags h1 and h2. If possible, write key phrases in the headings - these are words or phrases, by which customers will find your site through a search engine.

Rule # 4. Use cleverly composed text,

The text is paramount.

Importantly! Landingham design should be ordered only after the final quality text.

To write a first-class text is necessary:

  1. make a portrait of the "ideal buyer", that is, a person, who needs your product;
  2. read books on the psychology of sales and marketing;
  3. learn to engage the visitor in the conversation. In this case, it will be a monologue. Try to establish a virtual dialogue with the client, mark the question, which he may have. Write the answers to them in the text. Product information should be comprehensive. Don't limit yourself to a certain number of characters.

Now the guru of internet marketing can hear critical remarks about the great Landingham. However, if you carefully understand this situation, it becomes clear, that the bulk of criticism falls on boring and uninformative texts. But fans of criticism somehow forget about good quality landing pages.

No need to be afraid of large texts, if:

  1. The product is unknown and complex. The client will need to describe in detail each of its benefits. Give many examples, which will be proof of the benefits of the product.
  2. The product is expensive. To interest a person, will have to "adopt" all the superpowers Landingham - discounts, gifts, warranty and post-warranty service, case, which lead to overheating of the gasoline or diesel engine.

Rule # 5. Design the texts correctly

This rule is one of the most important for the promotion and sale of services or goods.

The following recommendations should be followed when designing the text:

  1. Readable font - 16 kegl. (Open Sans, Garamond, Georgia, PT Serif, Arial).
  2. There should be no more in the line 80 characters.
  3. Everyone 3-5 lines must be in paragraphs.
  4. For each 2-4 the required subtitle of the paragraph. Subheadings should be composed as follows, to the user after reading it, was able to easily understand what will be discussed in the next paragraph.
  5. Tables are required, quote, lists (numbered or marked).

Rule # 6. Less aggressive advertising !!!

Three exclamation marks at the end is one of the signs of aggressive advertising. exept this, there is also "CAPS LOCK".

pay attention! In most people, words or phrases with all the capital letters and exclamation marks are suspicious.. They have a strong belief in it, that they want to be deceived.

If a copywriter, a content manager or editor uses similar things, then this indicates their low qualification.

It is also not recommended to include the phrase "lowest prices in the region" in the text., "Flexible system of discounts", "Individual approach", etc.. Information, which will not be supported by facts, in numbers, comparisons, just useless. Therefore, it must be removed from the text without regret.

Rule # 7. Competent Landing structure

It is necessary to understand, how the user's gaze will move.

If all elements of the page will be placed in their places, a person can easily perceive information. And if the visitor understands the product you offer, probability of that, that he will buy it will grow significantly.

also needed visual navigation - these are thematic pictures, icons and arrows. You can attract a person's attention with contrasting colors - highlight headings, button make red, orange or yellow.

Rule # 8. Landing should be relevant - this is very important!

The notion of relevance is meant conformity.

Example, if a visitor came to your advertising page, the title of which was - "sale of baby carriages", then the title of Landing Page and its subject matter should be related to baby carriages.

Relevant landing is called a website, which meets the expectations of the visitor.

Another example - if the user clicks on the banner ad, which encourages you to buy a certain model of smartphone at a discount, then on the landing page should also be placed an offer to buy this particular smartphone and with exactly the same discount.

Landing should be developed not only for each marketing company, and under each source of traffic. Example, if visitors come to your page from any social network, this information should be displayed on the site.

Rule # 9. You need to be prepared for objections

about 9 with 10 customers before you make a purchase, ponder their decision. People are afraid of scammers, fear for their own safety.

There are many customers, who want to hide from others the purchase. Some people have fears of losing their money or disbelief in such a low cost of goods.

Since you do not have the opportunity to communicate in person and dispel all fears of the user, it is necessary to take care in advance of the reasoned answers to various objections. They should be inserted into the text.

Here are some tips:

  • guarantee a return on investment, example, for 1-2 weeks;
  • give the opportunity to try the product for free, also, within 2 weeks. Focus on that, that such a proposal will help a person to decide.

These marketing moves have always been and will be relevant in the development of landing pages.

Rule # 10. Use the principle of deficit and the effect of urgency

With a deficit you need to be very careful, as not all are conducted on such reception.

Importantly! Today, no one pays attention to the countdown timer. Moreover, if it is updated regularly after reloading the page.

You need to use other methods. Example, show information about the number of remaining goods and regularly update these figures. The visitor must see, that the goods are sold out quickly.

example: You need to try to do so, that the algorithm of actions or thoughts of the buyer was the following: "It simply came to our notice then 100 discount bread machine 50%, this morning already 33, and closer to noon left only 5 things. It is necessary to buy urgently, while the product is still there! »

Rule # 11. Convince the visitor of your reliability

It is better to place trust elements next to calls for action.

Here are some tips, how best to do it:

  • Using social media buttons - creating a group (pages), list of subscribers in the VC group, tweet feed, likes on Facebook. (How to create a group, page Vkontakte and promote we have already written in our last issue «)
  • Post reviews along with links to companies or people, who left them.
  • Display certificates, awards. If necessary, all documents should be open in full and easy to read.

Rule # 12. Lack of complex forms to fill out on the site

Usually, the form of entering personal data does not cause irritation for most visitors. If you need people from your target audience, you're always ready to write a name, occupation, email address.

Usually problems arise in the next stages of registration, when a visitor is asked to tell the details of his life. It is better to ask such questions after that, as the user confirmed the fact of registration.

No less common is the complex captcha!

cap Is a pop-up form for entering a set of specific characters (numbers and letters). By filling in the captcha the visitor confirms, that he is not a robot.

Sometimes it takes a long time to decipher the characters and write them in the correct order. This is the reason, that's about it 30-40% people just close the tab and forget about your offer.

No need to use a captcha. Let it be with your competitors.

Rule # 13. Simplicity and accessibility of perception

This rule is presented ??the essence of all previous rules.

Importantly! You need to order a simple landing page.

She should be:

  • without unnecessary graphics and text;
  • with an offer to perform only one action - to buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, etc. .;
  • spacious and not very busy.

The perfect Landing Page is a page, which can be obtained by testing, adjustment and measurement of effectiveness.

3. Create a landing page yourself or Landing Page is better to order from professionals?

Landingham's self-development is not such a difficult task. If you have the knowledge and patience, anyone can make a landing page. However, in such a case there is as positive (+) moments, and negative (-).

Consider all the advantages and disadvantages of creating a landing page:

Pros (+)

  1. Landing, created by hand, will cost a person absolutely free.
  2. There is no need to create a technical task. You get the opportunity to do it yourself.
  3. Creating Landingham with his own hands gives invaluable experience, which in the future will be very useful when working with the Internet.

Cons (-)

  1. In the absence of the necessary knowledge, it takes time to study them.
  2. Landing page development is quite time consuming, for which you could sell a certain amount of goods.
  3. Maybe a low-quality Landing Page, and ultimately the market potential of the product, the promoted goods will not be fully disclosed.

Order Landing in a special studio to work on it yourself - only you can decide.

However, worth remembering, that creating a page with your own hands does not involve any costs. Therefore, it is still worth a try, even if at the same time you made an order for Landing in the studio.

In the case of creating a quality Landingham, in the future you can develop the acquired skills and make the development of landing pages your business from scratch. The demand for these services is growing every year.

pay attention! If such work seems impossible to you, because it requires perseverance and takes a lot of time, then it is better not to spare money and order the creation of Landingham professionals. And while they will deal with your order, you will have time to solve the main tasks of the business.

Designing a landing page with your own hands is justified only in that case, if it is your first and you want to save money. You can't be sure of that, the product or service promoted through this site will be in great demand.

However, if sales are already running, the first orders have arrived and you have confidence, that your product will become popular, then it's time to turn to specialists. They will help make your landing page better and more efficient, as well as significantly increase the conversion rate.

Paying for services 5-15 thousands rubles, your sales may increase on 2-3 units per day. A decent amount will come in a year, which will significantly exceed the amount, spent on "upgrading" your site.

Importantly! Increase conversions by only 0,5% capable of bringing in millions in a year.

Of course, you can create a better Landing, than a lone freelancer will do. About that, who is a freelancer, read the article at the link.

Ordering in the studio will not be cheap, however, you will save your time, and the money spent will be returned many times over in the form of profit.

4. Modern designers Landing Page - TOP-3 best

The great popularity of Landingham led to the emergence of many designers. Let's look at some of the most popular Russian-language designers.

Designer Landingham №1. «LPgenerator» (

Lpgenerator is an excellent site designer, with which you can create a landing village from scratch. The service can offer more 300 templates, a large number of tools - ice management, A / In testing and many other buns.

Simple tariff price - 2156 rubles per month. This tariff limits the number of visitors - 9 thousands per month.

There is a tariff without restrictions. Its cost is 4000 rubles per month.

Prices are expensive, however, many say, that Lpgenerator is worth it.

Designer Landingy №2. Flexby (

Flexbe Website Designer is considered one of the most reliable and simple Landing Page Designers. There is a free version, which acts 14 days. This time is enough to assess the convenience of the designer and its suitability for your business.

The most affordable rate - 750 rubles per month. The tariff includes: domain - 1, pages - 10, SMS messages - 250, support, own mailbox, free .RU domain, etc..

The most expensive tariff is 3 000 rubles per month. It includes unlimited number of domains and pages 1000 SMS messages, etc..

with cons (-) we can highlight the limitations in the creation of Landingham. It is not possible to get something cool because the set of tools of this site builder is not large.

To pros (+) should include the speed of creation of Landing Page. In ten minutes he gets a very tolerable one-page, which looks good on cell phone screens.

Designer Landinsy №3. «LPTrend» (

LPTrend is an understandable designer for Landing Page, which is suitable for beginners. The service can offer 61 ready template with layout restrictions.

Keep in mind! Creating Landingham from scratch is not provided here. No integration with other services.

From the functional there is A / In testing, Useful Services tab, which has links to various tools.

The trial period is 15 days. Sufficient time to check the capabilities of the service.

The cheapest rate - 500 rubles per month. One landing page can be generated.

For the most expensive rate will have to teach on 2000 rubles per month.

Subscription to the premium tariff allows you to create an unlimited number of landing pages.

Other online landing page designers

There are a couple more site builders, which are worth paying attention to:

"Bazium" - quite a good site designer. The service offers almost 400 design variations, 53 block and 27 different settings, able to fully meet all needs. Of the positive aspects, we can highlight the ability to pay for services as they are used. You will have to pay for this service 35 rubles per day.

«Tilda» - offers a modular system. The cheapest rate is 500 rubles, subject to payment for the whole year. If payment is made monthly, in this case the cost of the tariff will be 750 rubles.

5. How to Create a Landing Page?

Consider popular services, where you can also create a landing page (one-page) free:

  • Creating Landings (one-page sites) under the order for a small amount on freelance sites (from 1000 p. and above).

6. Examples of the best sell Landing Page

Consider a few examples of Landings selling. Keep in mind, that landing pages are constantly changing their relevance. If "today" certain templates were with high conversion, it's not a fact that these "tomorrow" templates will work with the same conversion.

Therefore, we recommend do not copy, and take an example and create your Landings with their unique pictures and texts (content, which is not present in others), or order them from specialists, who know the urgency of Landing's action.

Landing's example №4

7. Landing Page Templates - where to download + step-by-step installation instructions

The structure of the landing page consists of several elements:

  • Logo, phone numbers, form of data capture, that is, a callback.
  • Offer or offer, which is displayed as a relevant header.
  • List your preferences.
  • Call to action (placed red button).
  • Photos, drawings and other high-quality graphics.
  • Information, which helps to increase confidence in the product - certificates, reviews, etc..
  • Contact Information.

Every known platform, example WordPress, Joomla and others., has its own landing page templates. However quality and free Landing Page for WordPress meet impossible. Relatively good Landing starts from 15-25 dollars.

There are also templates, not tied to any of the platforms. They number in the hundreds of thousands. You can find many sites, where you can download ready-made free templates Landing Page.

However, to talk about a normal free Landingham is not necessary. For the most part, such proposals are just rubbish. There are very few worthy options. Follow the link - see the best Landing Page templates, which we can recommend to you.

Step-by-step instructions for installing Landingham

Let's be clear, that you have already acquired (downloaded) normal pattern, hosting, domain. What steps need to be taken next?

There are just a few simple steps you can take to set up your single page. Here they are:

  • Step 1. Зайти на веб-сайт вашого хостинг-провайдера. Then go to the account control panel.
  • Step 2. Find the root folder of the site (it must be empty). The name of this folder is a pre-purchased domain name.
  • Step 3. You need to click the download button and under the pop-up window you need to select the archive with the template.
  • Step 4. After copying the archive to the domain folder, click on the adjacent "Extract" button.
  • Step 5. Are you waiting close 20 seconds until the unpacking process is complete. Refresh pages.
  • Step 6. Landing Page is set!

To edit the landing page, go to the root folder of your domain and find the file you want.

You can change the text, image, insert video. It's not difficult to do - just read a few thematic articles, and you can safely start earning.

8. Frequently asked questions

We have a lot of questions in the editorial office, associated with landing pages, consider the private ones.

Question №1. How much does it cost to create (development) Landing Page and what its price depends on?

Some customers of a one-page site are sometimes surprised, why the cost of its development is not too different from the price of multi-page. After all, the site will be represented by only one page with a not very complex structure. However, there is no relationship between the number of pages and their price. Let's consider why.

Landing is an advertising medium, which has an order of magnitude higher conversion than a regular site. In other words, the main purpose of the landing page is to do so, to make the ratio of all users of the site to the number of those people, who made the target action (order, registration, subscription, purchase) became the maximum.

According to statistics, the conversion of a regular multi-page site is kept within limits 3-5%. But the conversion of a good landing page comes to 25%.

When calculating the budget for advertising must take into account not only the cost of one-page, but the payback time. Quality Landing has a high conversion rate, therefore, it will immediately generate income, and generally optimize promotion costs. This product is not cheap, but justifies itself.

If you have saved on the creation of Landing Page, then the finished page will most likely not sell enough, so there is a risk of significant loss of effectiveness of the advertising campaign. The reason for this will be a low conversion rate.

The main factor, What determines the value of a Landing Page is its complexity. That is, volume of work, which needs to be done, to achieve a high conversion rate. Also, the price of Landingham will depend on the specifics of the product, advancing - the complexity of developing a trade offer, availability of thematic video material, infographics, etc..

Landingham market is constantly evolving and the exact price is difficult to name. However, it is safe to say, that a quality one-page can not be cheap. (Usually freelancers take a job from 100-200$, Design studios - from 1000$, Well-known agencies - from 5000$ And more.)

Question №2. How to promote (to untwist) one-page?

We offer you to get acquainted with 10-Yu effective channels for receiving traffic:

  1. Creating contextual advertising in "Yandex.Direct". We recommend reading the article - "How to configure Yandex Direct, pick up keywords and so on ».
  2. Creating contextual advertising in Google Adwords.
  3. Advertising on various social networks.
  4. SEO optimization and promotion.
  5. Article promotion or content marketing.
  6. Placing information on bulletin boards on the Internet.
  7. Promotion via email.
  8. Using the landing page as a presentation at offline events.
  9. Submission of advertising in teaser networks.
  10. SMS mailing to all mobile devices.

Read also our article "Advertising on the Internet - types of Internet advertising and its cost". You will find out, what are the features, The pros and cons of each of the ways to promote their products and services on the Internet.

Question №3. Where you can see examples of product Landing Pages, noteworthy?

You can find the best examples of landing pages on the Internet. In the search bar "Yandex" or "Google" kill the query "Landing Page Examples" (or "landing page examples") and you will be offered various options of sites with inspiring samples of selling pages.

Question №4. How to Make Money on Landing Page?

In the long run, Landingham can be earned in three ways:

  • Way 1. To be engaged in development of Landingham under the order. That is, create a web studio, find the right team and start working.
  • Way 2. Use one-page sites for their intended purpose. That is, sell their goods through them / services.
  • Way 3. Engage in lidogeneration. The term "ice" means contacts of potential buyers. Such applications are sold to target companies. Example, you have "Landing Page" Sliding wardrobes "Ekaterinburg". You drive traffic to it, and then offer the generated applications to companies, engaged in the manufacture of these same sliding door wardrobes (It is also called traffic arbitrage).

The choice of a particular way of earning is up to you. The first method involves revenue from customers, who themselves need such sites. Focusing on other ways to earn money will end consumers.

Question №5. What taxes to pay from Landing Page?

Entrepreneurs, who sell online, are required to pay income taxes. Make it better then, when your landing will increase sales, turnover, etc.. To pay taxes you need to register a limited liability company or open a business. (In these articles you will find the necessary documents and actions to register a company).

There are several types of tax systems:

  • Taxation system №1. General system of taxation (OSN). Applying this regime, the entrepreneur will pay the largest amount of tax. These include personal income tax, VAT, income tax, numerous contributions to various insurance bodies and other taxes.
  • Taxation system №2. Simplified tax system (SSO). Даний режим найбільш популярний серед підприємців, who are just starting out. 1) paid 6% from the amount of income. 2) You can also use the bet 5-15% from the difference between income and expenses. The size of the interest rate depends on the region, in which business activities are carried out. We also recommend reading the article - "Simplified Taxation System for Individuals".
  • Taxation system №3. The only tax on income (ENVD). This type of taxation applies to certain types of business activities, which are prescribed in the tax code. This regime provides for the payment of a fixed tax. The amount of taxation will depend on the region, in which the business is conducted.
  • Taxation systems №4. Patent taxation system. You must purchase a patent for a particular activity. The cost of such a patent is different for each region. The tax is fixed, paid in rubles. This type of taxation is available only to VP. Read the article in more detail - "How to get a patent for an individual activity"

More about tax systems for individual entrepreneurs, as well as what taxes and contributions the individual entrepreneur pays - read the article at the link.

When registering your business, you need to indicate the NACE codes and the type of your business activity.

Example, if you stopped at the registration of a sole proprietor (IP) and chose a simplified tax regime (SSO), then you will be required to pay 6% from income, regardless of the channels of their receipt. Naturally, that all activities should be carried out only within the framework of domestic legislation.

9. Conclusion

Today, many people are tired of Landingham. They see endless timers on almost every landing page, almost one hundred percent discount on goods, a bunch of positive reviews and many other tricks, which do not change for several years and cause only irritation.

Importantly! If you want a user, which went to your one-page, in a second he did not close it - to make it non-standard.

Templates must be used, but when filling them out you should try hard and create a truly unique site.

It is not necessary to deceive the visitor in a rush of desire of short-term earnings. Always think about the customer and try to meet his needs.

Now let's summarize:

  1. Landing is a great tool for increasing the number of buyers, subscribers.
  2. You should not focus only on the landing page. At the same time it is necessary to develop other areas - the main site, blog, etc..
  3. No need to rush to the studio and order a landing page - you can do it at any time. To begin, try to make a one-page with your own hands. There are numerous constructors and templates for this. All you have to do is develop a marketing strategy, write text and set up contextual advertising.

At the end of the topic, watch the video "What is a landing page? Why do you need it?»:

In any case, Landing Page has prospects for many years to come. And it will always be one of the best tools to increase sales.

Dear readers of the business magazine "", we will be grateful, if you share your comments on the topic of the publication in the comments below. We wish you good luck and success in creating and promoting landing pages!



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