Today, more and more motorists are interested in improving the passability of the car. Off-road car models are also in increasing demand. Some buy or make ATVs, redesigning serial car models. It has to do with that, that many are fond of fishing and hunting - in these conditions the car with the increased characteristics of passability is practically irreplaceable. Someone just loves to travel and chooses not only a highway with a solid quality surface.
Low pressure tires - a means of improving the passability of the machine
Low pressure tires for cars
One of the factors, which significantly improves the off-road quality of the car, є шини низького тиску. As you know, tires can be 2 species:
- with camera;
- tubeless.
Autoros low pressure tires, usually, tubeless - they are much easier to operate and repair. Their installation gives the car many advantages, which allow you to move more successfully on rough terrain.
Chamber and tubeless low pressure tires
Let's consider, what are the advantages of such products:
- Improving the passability of the car on rough terrain by increasing the contact spot of the wheel with the ground.
- Increasing the width of the ground clearance in the car - such tires mean a larger wheel.
- Installation of ground hooks gives the chance of stronger coupling with soil.
- High environmental friendliness - low pressure tires are less likely to destroy the ground cover.
However, low pressure tires have their drawbacks:
- Installation of such rubber often entails the need for appropriate improvements to the design of the car, which affects the financial costs of tuning.
- The stability of the car suffers because of that, that the center of gravity will now be located significantly higher.
- Paved roads are no longer for your car - asphalt significantly affects the wear rate of low and ultra-low pressure tires.
- For installation of rubber of low and ultralow pressure special fixing with a disk is required. Otherwise, the slope may scroll;
- Low and ultra-low pressure tires are not suitable for high-speed travel. Their task is to overcome obstacles on rough terrain. Speeding will "kill" your chassis - it will need repairing very quickly.
- We will have to watch that, on what soil you move, and use the appropriate profile. Tread height affects the degree of wear of the transmission - with the wrong choice you will need repairs very quickly. We will have to learn to navigate the intricacies of using low-profile products and protectors with a high pattern.
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Installation of low pressure tires
Features of installation and operation
You have to remember, what, the older the car model, on which you plan to install low pressure tires, the more serious repairs will be required.
Regular units may not be adapted to the amount of load, які будуть виникати при їзді — їх доведеться вдосконалювати або замінювати. You should also keep this in mind, that there is a special table of recommended values in low and ultra-low pressure tires. She talks about it, which should be the value for different types of rubber. You need to know about the device, which help to fix the rubber for low and ultra-low pressure on the wheel, preventing turning and disassembly:
Tire Tylock
- Тайрлок — used for paved roads, він зміцнює покришку по краях колеса, not allowing to turn around.
- Bedlocks - used for various off-road competitions and movement in extreme conditions. These are mechanical rings, which are installed on a disk and fasten a tire. They are quite easy to mount, however, do not allow accurate balancing and increase the weight of the car wheel.
Which of these funds should be on the wheels of your car, you determine, guided by the planned driving conditions. Remember that, that the temperature affects the degree of inflation of your wheels, so pump them in the "cold" state.
low-profile tires
Features of the use of low-profile products
Recently, the use of low-profile tires on cars has become very popular. They provide a larger spot of contact with the surface and, Consequently, better adhesion. The frame of low-profile products is softer - they are used for high-speed machines. Installation of low-profile protectors gives the chance to the vehicle to react better to turns with the minimum swing and without care aside.
However, the use of low-profile wheels is the reason, that the car is harder to feel all the shortcomings of the road - your suspension will need repair faster, than when using a high profile.
Keep in mind, that the noise level from low-profile treads is much higher due to the increase of the contact spot with the road surface.
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Low profile car tires
Low pressure tires greatly increase the throughput for your car. This is due to various factors, among which one of the determinants is the increase in the spot of contact of the tread with the ground surface.
Remember, that for installation of rubber of this type, perhaps, need to repair the vehicle - regular units may not withstand loads, which will occur when using rubber of this type.
Operation of the car on rough terrain will lead, probably, before, that he will need repairs more often, than, if you used it on standard public highways.
Autoros low pressure tires
Among domestic products the most popular are the products of "Avtoros", "Belshina", TREKOL and Arctictrans. Each species has its supporters and skeptics - on the Internet you can find a lot of positive and negative reviews for each type of product. Make your choice, focusing on those sources, which you trust is a universal recommendation for any motorist.