Categories: Pest control

Pests and diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse and their treatment

Many avid gardeners are able to derail cucumbers in the greenhouse. When they are detected, the question arises, how to determine, what disease did your favorite vegetables get sick of, and how to help them quickly. This is our today's article.

Diseases and their treatment

In the open ground crops are not so much protected from disease, as in a greenhouse. Although in the greenhouse, including polycarbonate, and a microclimate as close to natural conditions as possible is created, but diseases and pests are often avoided.

The attentive owner can really identify the diseases of their cucumbers by various characteristic symptoms, such, as withering, stains or rot on the leaves, powder deposits. Most of them are treatable, it is also possible to carry out prevention with the help of agricultural machinery. Proper diagnosis is the key to successful treatment of your favorite culture, prevailing in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or any other.

There are many diseases and pests of cucumbers. Consider in more detail the most common.

Powdery mildew

Signs of powdery mildew is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, having a white plaque. This characteristic plaque experts also call mycelium. Gradually the disease covers the entire surface of the leaves, turning them into dim, dry. Cucumber seedlings, sick with powdery mildew, stops development, and young shoots stop growing. The causative agent is a fungus, wintering in the remnants of vegetation. It intensifies with the onset of spring.

Treatment of unpleasant plaque on the leaves involves the use of a special solution, example, of weeds. It consists of a dandelion, plantain, mother and stepmother, nettle, woodlice, ivan tea. These crops should be crushed and poured into a 10-liter bucket of boiling water. There they add 1 teaspoon of urea, liquid soap, manganese in powder form, mix thoroughly.

In addition to this recipe for cucumbers, Other proven folk remedies will help to remove harmful plaque on the leaves. So, use a mixture of mullein, whey, urea in proportion 10 liters of water on 1 kg of cow manure and on 1 tablespoon of urea.

Some gardeners prefer to use a solution of sour milk at the expense of getting rid of fungal spores 1 liters per 9 liters of water. But this method can only suspend the disease for a few weeks, rather than get rid of it altogether. In mild forms to overcome the disease will help 1 kg of attached hay, which should be filled 1 bucket of warm water, to insist 1 days, or 3 liters of serum on 7 liters of water with the addition 15 drops of alcohol iodine.

To prevent plaque, called powdery mildew, sulfur powder has proven itself, which is customary to dust the soil, using gauze, rolled up in 3 layers, then the soil is covered with a film on 3 years. Horsetail decoction is also effective. It is taken for its preparation 1 kg of fresh or 100 grams of dried horsetail, pour 10 liters of water, insists 1 day, then boil for several hours. After cooling the finished broth, it is again diluted with water at the rate 1:5.

An excellent solution would be to plant resistant to this disease varieties - such, as Othello, Khrustyk, Lapland. Thinning plants at a distance will also help 15 – 35 see each other, which will ensure normal air circulation.

False powdery mildew

False powdery mildew or downy mildew can be identified by yellow-green spots found on the leaf surface. The underside of the leaf is purple-gray, over time, it dries and falls off. This dangerous disease is manifested as when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or other material, and when planting in open ground.

Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are high humidity and temperature 16 – 18 degrees. The onset of the disease is really determined by the presence of small drops on the surface of the leaves. Spores are active in the ground for a long time, that's why fighting them is not so simple.

For the treatment of false powdery mildew of cucumbers, their leaves are treated with copper-containing agents, such, as a Bordeaux mixture, Oxyhom, Ridomil Gold. They are more effective as prevention. And the drug Rizoplan will help to fight an infection. It includes living cells of some bacteria. The drug does not tend to accumulate in the soil, it decomposes quickly. To save cucumbers in the greenhouse, their leaves are sprayed with such a famous folk remedy, as whey.

Brown spot

Cladosporiosis, brown spot, sticky stem rot is a dangerous disease, which is manifested by the presence of chestnut or coffee-colored spots. They are able to grow, becomes wedge-shaped necrotic areas, may have a characteristic ring in a circle. Thick mucus can be observed around the spots, she is rotten. This fungal infection can destroy completely new whips, as it spreads rapidly throughout the plant. If affected shoots are detected, they are advised to destroy. This disease exists even in the root system.

Methods of combating this rot involve stopping the supply of water to 100 hours. If the temperature inside the greenhouse is less 18 degrees of heat, it is raised to 20, applying heating. Until the appearance of greens, it is permissible to use copper-containing drugs. Many gardeners prefer to use Bordeaux liquid in combination with liquid soap. Bactogen or Planriz have shown good results in overcoming stem rot. It is recommended to wipe the surface of the greenhouse with disinfectant solutions, chlorine-free. Cucumbers should not be watered with cold water.

For prevention it is necessary to change plants in the affected areas. The disease spreads very quickly. In order not to lose the harvest, we need to start helping crops as soon as possible.


Cucumber diseases in the greenhouse are always unpleasant. This is especially true of the common white, root and gray rot. The first type of rot owes its name to powder formation, which appears on the trunk and leaves. This disease can provoke the death of cucumber bush. The disease can spread to other crops. Fight, when your plants rot, can be modern chemicals.

Root rot spreads to plants very rapidly. It is the result of violations of the care of shrubs, such, as watering with cold water or reducing the usual temperature. Plants are often infected during deep planting of seedlings in the ground or when hilling. Relief of the root system is helpful in the early detection of the virus. In this case, an effective solution of copper sulfate or copper chloride. After treatment, the roots and parts of the stem are sprinkled with dry and clean soil.

At detection of gray rot of cucumbers on their leaves the characteristic color of a spot is visible. Harmful parasites tend to spread at night. What to do in this case? To get rid of gray rotting mass, culture when planting when sprinkled in between rows of wood ash. It is also important to keep the distance between the bushes. The disease can be treated by applying to the affected areas after removing the leaves of a mixture of chalk and manganese. Prevention of the disease is a competent care of plantings.

Black mold

Because conditions are created inside the greenhouse, in which the room is warm and humid (and it loves mold so much), it often affects cucumber bushes. This disease, having a fungal nature, forms branched mycelium and spreads in a short time. An excellent companion of mold inside the greenhouse, experts say the accumulated condensate.

Visual inspection of stems and petioles reveals dark gray spots with a purple tinge. There are brown spots on the leaf, this is mostly true for old leaves. As the disease spreads, a powdery area is formed, reminiscent of a web. Eventually the leaves dry up and fly away. Black mold is also called "burn" cucumber leaf. For the rapid development of the disease, a favorable temperature level 20 – 26 degrees of heat, humidity 50 – 100%, lack of ventilation, temperature jumps, received injuries, which were the result of pruning pinching the culture. The latent period of the disease is up to 5 days. The fungus is dormant, when the air temperature drops below 10 degrees, then disputes arise.

Prevention of black mold:

  • tightness of greenhouse joints during assembly;
  • enough light;
  • planting crops in one place 1 times in 3 years;
  • maintaining the optimum temperature;
  • the presence of a through ventilation system;
  • plant nutrition (example, solution with 10 grams of urea, 2 grams of copper sulphate and 1 grams of zinc sulfate);
  • watering with warm water under the rhizome;
  • tying;
  • removal of affected shrubs with soil.

Biological methods of disease control include the introduction of coal and wood ash into the soil before planting. Chemical treatment involves spraying Bordeaux liquid or copper chloride. Barrier or Curtain is also effective. In case of severe lesions, it is recommended to treat the greenhouse with a soap solution, manganese, and plants - the drug Fitosporin-M

Pests and control methods

The main parasites on cucumbers in the greenhouse are spider mites, watermelon aphid, sprout fly and whitefly.

Spider mites actually suck the juice from the leaves, which leads to the flight of the ovaries, flowers, leaves and even the death of shrubs. What shall I do? Cleaning the greenhouse from weeds will help, soil replacement and disinsection, soil moisture, infusion of onion or pepper, use of the drug Carbophos, planting nearby dill to attract suns.

Melon aphid affects the fruit, flowers and ovaries. To destroy it, the plants are sprinkled with a stream of water, apply tincture of onion peel, yellowed whips are burned, and the rest are treated with sulfur powder or Carbophos. Iskra and Fitoverm biological product will also be suitable, mint is recommended, coriander, mustard, garlic, basil

From the colonies of sprouts and whiteflies will save prevention - compost. The soil is loosened before planting, germinated seeds are not placed deep in it. When they are soaked, growth stimulants are used, and when harvesting the earth is dug up, getting rid of residual vegetation.

Video "How to save the roots of cucumbers from root rot"

This video will introduce you to the method of obtaining new roots of cucumber bushes for root rot.



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