Categories: Garden and town

Grid for cucumbers: installation and further cultivation

Wallpaper net for cucumbers - a very practical modern invention, which allows you to form bushes and direct the plants up. Everyone knows, that cucumbers grow and unravel incredibly fast, turning the bed into a dense thicket. in addition, their thin and fragile whips can not always withstand the load of ripe fruit. The net for growing cucumbers can solve not only these problems, but also significantly save planting space, which is important for a small country site or greenhouse.

Growing on a grid in a greenhouse

The net for wandering vegetable crops is very popular among gardeners today. It can be used to tie not only cucumbers, but also other annual plants: zucchini, patissons, bean, peas, and not only in the garden, but also in the greenhouse. Mesh is a great alternative to bulky wallpaper designs and has many benefits:

  • makes the bed compact, saves usable area of ​​the greenhouse;
  • looks much more attractive than other wallpaper designs;
  • easily installed and dismantled, does not spoil, can be used repeatedly;
  • in the folded form takes up little space;
  • creates comfortable conditions for development of cucumbers - on a grid the cucumber bush is better lighted and ventilated, blooms earlier, less sick, because the leaves do not touch the ground;
  • simplifies the process of weeding, watering and fertilizing plants;
  • facilitates harvesting - it is much easier to remove cucumbers from a vertical support, than to look in the thickets, in addition, the fruits always remain clean and dry;
  • due to that, that the fruits do not spoil and ripen faster, yield increases;
  • makes it possible to timely monitor the process of ripening cucumbers and prevent overripeness.

Wallpaper grid is very easy to use. It is a mesh fabric, consisting of large rectangular cells mostly green. When placed vertically, it is an ideal support for cucumber beds. It is only necessary to direct each whip on a separate track, then the plants themselves cling to the tendrils of the cells and stretch upward.

It is especially convenient to use the grid in the greenhouse during fruiting, when intensive mass ripening of fruits begins. The material of a cloth has the increased durability and at correct installation can maintain big loadings. So, in the most important period - harvesting, the net will keep the fruit healthy, and the process of picking cucumbers will be easy and enjoyable.

When growing greenhouse cucumbers on the grid of stem formation must begin immediately, as soon as the whiskers begin to appear tendrils. The first stem should be carefully tied, then monitor the growth of the bush. When the lateral processes will be formed, they will also need to be directed that way, so that the shoots do not interfere with each other. With timely watering and fertilizing greenhouse cucumbers can be harvested not only in the warm period, but also in winter.

Video "Growing on the wallpaper"

You will learn from the video, how to grow cucumbers on the wallpaper.

Types of garter nets

The choice of nets for growing cultivated plants today is huge. In specialty stores you can find industrial nets with different mesh sizes, designed for thin and powerful plants, made of thread of different thickness and quality.

The material for making the canvas can be synthetic (polymeric) and natural. It should be understood, that "naturalness" in this case does not matter, and synthetic material is stronger, more resistant to moisture, therefore, the nets of it are more durable. As for the size of the grid, then for the cultivation of cucumbers should be preferred cells with a width 10 cm.

Wallpaper design is able to perform not only a functional task, but also aesthetic, here the form of a skeleton for fastening of a cloth is meant. The following types and forms can be used for cucumbers:

  1. Vertical. Such designs are standard and easiest to perform. You can use wood as a frame, metal profile, pipes. The frame is installed in the form of a frame or columns.
  2. Inclined. The framework for fastening of a grid settles down at an angle. For resistance to a design on all width crossbeams fasten. If the angle of the grid is greater 35 °, then under it you can plant low-growing crops.
  3. A-shaped. The design has the shape of the letter "A", and plants along it are planted on both sides. This framework is very stable, he is not afraid of winds, therefore, it is more relevant in open areas.
  4. Arched. This type of design is suitable for aesthetes. The construction of such a network is more time consuming, but it will have a presentable appearance and will be able to decorate the area.

How to install

It is easy to install a wallpaper grid on the site or in a greenhouse. To begin, you need to mount the support columns, to which the canvas will then be attached. If the grid is small, then two bearing columns are enough, but if the design is long, then it is further strengthened in the middle by columns of smaller thickness. As supports it is necessary to choose columns not less than height 1,2 m at the rate, what the total height of the wallpaper should be 80 cm, a 30-40 cm will go deep into the ground.

Installation of a grid is carried out as follows:

  • support columns are dug into the ground to a depth 30-40 cm and well compacted;
  • a grid of the required size is placed between the columns, So, so that the canvas covers all the space;
  • then the canvas is stretched, and, starting from the bottom, fix on the edges with a rope.

The most reliable fixation should be provided in the center of the wallpaper, since the mesh in this part will experience the maximum load.

how to tie

Growing cucumbers on a net involves forming and tying shoots. Ogudina themselves are looking for vertical support, but if they are not tied up in time, they will unravel on the ground, and further formation of bushes will be impossible.

After pinching the growth of the main shoot will stop, and the bush will begin to branch and form lateral shoots. At this stage, the plant can no longer be tied, with the help of tendrils shoots will braid your own wallpaper. Now it remains only to provide good care of the bed and wait for the harvest.

Video "Growing on a grid"

You will learn from the video, how to grow cucumbers on a grid.



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