Varieties of honey: which happen, their medicinal properties and features

Honey is not only delicious, but also a useful product. Its use will quickly cure a sudden illness and fill the body with all the necessary vitamins. There are many varieties of this wonderful healing nectar, and each variety has individual useful qualities. To treat certain diseases you need to know, which type of honey is best to use.

This product can be used not only in the treatment of the disease. If you drink hot tea with honey several times a week, then it will provide quality prevention for the body and reduce the likelihood of disease. The following types of honey and their medicinal properties will help to choose the most appropriate treatment option for a particular disease.

a little theory

In addition to differences in varieties, honey is divided into several main types, according to botanical science.

Sweet amber happens:

  1. Floral. This product is obtained after processing bees nectar flowers. Flower honey is divided into monofloral and polyfloral. A monofloral product is formed, if the nectar was collected from plants of the same species, and polyfloral - from several. Monofloral honey is considered one of the most expensive, as for its extraction the undiluted grade of plants is necessary.
  2. Padiev. Padium honey is obtained in the case of extraction of nectar by bees, and paddy and honeydew, which are formed on the stems and leaves of plants.
  3. Mixed. A natural combination of paddy and flower honey. Creating such a product, achieve a large number of vitamins from several varieties, as well as delicate aroma and unusual taste.