Drilling machine with steering rack: design features and stages of assembly with their own hands

Drilling machines are special devices, used in working with wood, metals, plastic, etc.. D. With their help you can perform a large number of functions, which would take a lot of time to use when using improvised means. The design of the machine is nothing complicated, as well as the collection, therefore it is quite possible to collect it with your own hands. in addition, such a homemade device in many cases differs little from standard factory models.

General Information

Drilling machine is most often used for drilling parts. He does his job, using the power of the electric motor, which, rotating your shaft, transmits force to the main rotating element of the unit or spindle. Attach to the latter:

  • adapters;
  • drills;
  • cartridges;
  • bushings.

In essence, such a machine is a mechanism, fixed in a stable position, designed for drilling various parts for a long time.

Man, working on such a unit, it is only necessary to substitute details in time, adjust their position and control the operation of the machine. It is much more convenient, than if I had to work manually. in addition, high accuracy cannot be achieved as a result of manual drilling. The point is, that a person needs to choose the right angle of effort. An error of a few degrees can be fatal. And not everyone is able to withstand work at this pace.

Quite another matter, when a drilling machine is used for work. In this case, you only need to fix the part in the vise, then start the machine. All the following steps will not take much time and effort.