Categories: AutoElectricity

Spark plugs for gas engine: how to choose the right

Let's start with that, that recently against the background of constantly rising prices for gasoline and diesel fuel installation of HBO on the car with the gasoline engine became really mass phenomenon. This option allows you to get the maximum benefit, as the conversion of a gasoline car to a cheaper gas makes it possible to significantly reduce fuel costs.

More to add, that diesel models, even with high efficiency, are more expensive than gasoline, and are not without a number of their own problems. As for electric cars, such cars are still in the minority. It turns out, in fact, the only available alternative is the ability to convert the car to gas.

However, not all motorists after the installation of HBO take into account a number of features and nuances, which occur after a change in fuel type. In other words, that the engine worked normally on gas, and there was no reduction in the resource of the internal combustion engine, you need not only to properly install and configure HBO, but also replace some items and working fluids.

To be precise, we are talking about motor oil for gas engines, as well as about spark plugs. If with engine oil everything is more or less clear, then there may be difficulties with candles. Next we'll talk about that, why change spark plugs for HBO, as well as what to consider and how to choose the right spark plugs for gas engines.

Why do you need "gas" spark plugs when switching from gasoline to gas

Usually, qualified specialists after installing HBO on the car separately recommend immediately replace the spark plugs. Special spark plugs for gas engines should be used for replacement, which are somewhat different from the usual.

The need for such a replacement is dictated by that, that ordinary candles are designed for that, to ignite the mixture, which consists of gasoline and air. Conventionally, this mixture is more "dense". At the same time during the combustion of this mixture there is a certain temperature.

If we talk about gas, the main differences are, that the mixture of air and gaseous fuel has a high electrical resistance, as well as higher temperatures during combustion.

It turns out, if you use ordinary "petrol" spark plugs when working on gas, the life of such candles is greatly reduced, that is, there is a rapid failure. Also taking into account insufficient efficiency the general processes of combustion of gas-air mix in cylinders are broken, which leads to a decrease in engine power and negative consequences for the engine.

Given these features, spark plugs for gas engines have a slightly reduced gap between the electrodes compared to traditional counterparts for motors., which run exclusively on gasoline. However, this is not all, because constant work in elevated temperatures means, that gas spark plugs should be more resistant to such heat. In this case, their service life must meet generally accepted standards.

For this reason, gas candles are often multi-electrode, the electrodes of such candles are made using expensive components. We are talking about electrodes, which are made of special alloys using expensive rare earth metals. It's not hard to guess, what we are talking about iridium and platinum spark plugs, which are quite expensive.

The central electrode is made of iridium, platinum coating irrigates the side electrodes, copper rod at the base of the side electrodes allows you to effectively remove excess heat. The design of spark plugs for gas engines can also be improved (the case is covered with an additional protective layer, etc.)

Selection of spark plugs for the engine with HBO

Given the above, it becomes clear, that the spark plugs need to be replaced after switching to gas fuel. This will achieve the required service life of these elements, and eliminate problems, associated with the completeness of the combustion of charge in the cylinders.

In other words, to reduce carbon black and achieve maximum recoil from the gas engine, special candles are needed. It would seem, there should be no problems with selection, however, in practice there are some difficulties, although HBO has long been widespread.

so, let's look at the most popular spark plugs for gas engines, as well as their pros and cons. At the very beginning it is worth paying attention to that, that many candles are on sale today, which are positioned as solutions for HBO motors. At the same time, a large selection not only does not make it easier, but also somewhat complicates the task of finding the most optimal solutions.

  • If we turn to the experience of motorists themselves, as well as analyze the recommendations of experts, Japanese spark plugs stand out. In the case of HBO, the position of Denso IW20 deserves special attention.

Let's note at once, the cost is quite high (close 10-12 у.о.. for one candle, that is, at least 50 USD for a set of 4 things). However, such a high price is partly justified, that this position Denso increases engine power by 3-5%, also reduces gas consumption by 5-7%. As for the service life, elements are able to work out the claimed resource in full.

  • In second place in the list of best candles for HBO were again Japanese products. Now we will talk about the NGK Laser Line 2, who have shown themselves worthily on motors, who use gas.

Their main difference from the competitor is twice the cost (from 110 у.о.. for a set). This is due to the fact, that the active use of iridium and platinum has increased their service life to 200 thousands of kilometers.

  • Now let's move on to more affordable options. Among such products are Bosch WR7DP spark plugs, which are specially designed for gas engines.

In practice, these candles have a good overall "margin of safety" and wear resistance of the electrode. The disadvantages are the shorter service life compared to expensive counterparts, and these candles are inferior in power to the spark.

At the same time, the price is affordable for most motorists, who installed HBO on their car. To be precise, the cost is within 21-22 у.о.. for a set.

  • Also among the most available spark plugs for gas engines should be noted Brisk LR1YS. This product is a good solution for value for money / quality, available at many outlets. The cost of the kit is close 13-15 у.о.. Candles are specially designed to work on gas and do a good job.

However, this is the end of the pros, as a special reduction in fuel consumption and significantly increased service life should not be expected.

  • In the list of the most budgetary decisions separate positions are also allocated. Example, Plazmo for Super GAZ spark plugs are a Ukrainian development for HBO engines. At the same time with low cost (close 5 у.о.. for 4 pieces) this product has an acceptable service life (to 100-120 thousand. Km.).

Quite obviously, that the use of such spark plugs will not reduce gas consumption and will not add power to the engine, however it is not necessary to be afraid also of considerable nagaroobrazovaniye, misfires, engine triple, startup problems, etc.. Given the democratic price and sufficient resources, the option is very good.

  • Beru 14R-7DU spark plugs are also on the list of the most affordable solutions for HBO engines.. In fact, this product is a regular mid-level spark plugs for gasoline engines. They can also be used for gas engines.

These spark plugs work normally in the engine with gas equipment, do not greatly reduce power, do not increase gas consumption, etc.. For candles, which are "petrol", this is a pretty good figure. The price of the set is around 7 u.o., which is also quite acceptable.

As practical operation shows, if the driver actively uses it as gas, and gasoline, these candles in this case fit well, because they are not particularly sensitive to changes in the type of fuel.

It is also worth noting, that among the representatives of the lower price segment of spark plugs for gas can be found many solutions, however, in practice, even conventional "petrol" analogues of medium quality may be better, than special gas, but the cheapest candles.

First of all, an important resource of candles, stability of their work on gas, droplet number, etc.. For this reason, before buying one or another option should not only select candles for cars with HBO, but also carefully study the characteristics, specifics, parameters, etc..

Tips and tricks

As you can see, Choosing the right spark plugs for gas engines is not the easiest task. Moreover, quite often you can find statements, that gas spark plugs are a complete analogue of gasoline, that is, there is no need to use such solutions. They added to this the extremely high cost of HBO products from the top line, then it is clear, why there are so many supporters of this opinion among motorists.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how often you need to change the spark plugs in the car. In this article you will learn about the average life of spark plugs, as well as what affects this indicator and when it is optimal to change the candles taking into account certain factors, conditions and features.

In other words, drivers are often inclined to think, that cheap gas spark plugs are worse than the average gasoline, at the same time it is inexpedient to put expensive candles under gas. Let's be clear.

Really, when comparing expensive positions for gasoline and gas, in practice, the driver will not feel any noticeable difference. From this we can conclude, what, example, the use of ordinary iridium or platinum candles with HBO does not mean, that these candles clearly work worse or serve much less.

The cost of such products is almost on a par with similar gas. It is quite logical, that the owner of a car with HBO should not immediately change the existing Iridium or platinum candles. You can switch to gas options after the end of the service life of the spark plugs, taking into account some differences and adaptation to gas fuel.

If the car has ordinary gasoline spark plugs, and medium or cheap, then even mid-level spark plugs will really be better. Let's remind once again, that gas spark plugs have a narrower gap between the electrodes, which allows you to ignite the gas-air mixture no less efficiently, than ordinary candles with a benzo-air mixture do.

Candles for gas wasters also have increased resistance to heat, incandescent index number, etc.. This means, that they are able to work in higher temperatures and cope with the heat load, which increases after the transition to gas.

As a result

If we talk about power, gas consumption and engine life, important to understand, that everything depends not only on candles. First of all, the engine must be carefully tuned to the gas, there should be no problems with mixture formation (severe enrichment or depletion of the mixture), if necessary, the valve clearances are additionally adjusted, as well as used oil for gas engines, etc..

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to refine spark plugs to save fuel. In this article you will learn about ways to refine and upgrade candles, as well as what results to expect after such a procedure.

Only if the above and a number of other conditions are met, special gas candles will contribute, and the driver will be able to feel the real changes in the engine.



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