Technology of laying paving slabs on the sand with their own hands

The technology of laying decorative paving slabs on the sand with his own hands has a number of nuances, knowing which you will be able to do all the work easily and without serious mistakes. Thanks to this material, you can create a unique coverage in the parking lot, sidewalk or in the garden. Let's find out, what is this technology.

Most often, paving slabs are laid on a dry cement-sand mixture

Types of paving slabs

Before you consider the technology of laying tiles with your own hands, you need to find out, what types of material are used for paving and playgrounds. Today there are a huge number of product variations, primarily, they differ in shape, the most popular are:

  • pavement;
  • clover;
  • scales;
  • fleece;
  • wave;
  • honeycombs;
  • flower;
  • gzhelka.

The main types of paving slabs

Production technology also affects the end result. According to the method of manufacturing tiles can be divided into two types:

  • Vibropressed. The machine feeds the mass into the mold, then compresses it and vibrates under pressure, after that the matrix is ​​removed, і the tile is set aside to dry.
  • Vibrocast. The liquid solution is poured into a mold, vibrates for some time and dries.

You can use both approaches on your own. With, if you make the solution with your own hands, it is important to follow the proportions and use the appropriate raw materials.

Homemade tiles will be of proper quality only if, when good components and a vibrating unit are used to seal the liquid mass.

Soil preparation

Before laying paving slabs it is necessary to prepare the work area. The surface must meet certain requirements. If you do the work with your hands, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Deepening. The tile fits into the recess, but it must protrude above the ground 3-4 div.
  • Dense soil. To do this, the soil is carefully compacted.
  • Smooth surface. You need to perfectly align the area for laying.
  • Provision of drainage. This condition is met by two methods. Firstly, sand-gravel substrate is arranged, secondly, need to provide a slight slope of approximately 5 degrees per meter.

Before you start laying paving slabs on the sand you need to carry out a number of soil preparation works. Consider, how to do it with your own hands. First you need to remove the top layer of soil, thanks to this you will be able to level all inequalities, compact the soil and prepare a sand-gravel cushion. The depth of the site depends on its purpose, for sidewalks on average will be enough 20 cm, and for car entrances and parking, you need to add more 7-10 div.

After you dig a hole you need to compact the ground. To do this, wet it with a hose with a sprayer and walk tamping. This procedure will prevent subsidence of the site over time.

The base for laying tiles must be leveled and compacted

Installation of curbs and drains

Also, before you start laying paving slabs on the sand you need to take care of the installation of limiters, that is, curbs. They are placed around the perimeter of the sidewalk. If you do not install them, probably, over time, your tiles will shift and the sidewalk will simply "fall apart". To perform their installation with your own hands you need to dig a trench along the site. Its depth should be slightly greater. Crushed stone is laid on the bottom for the stop and covered with sand to seal the cavities. Then you need to put the curbs, adhering to the level.

A concrete mortar based on cement is prepared to fix the elements, sand and screening. With its help fill the trench with curbs. After drying, the struts and clamps are removed, and the trench is filled with earth to the desired level.

Before laying the tiles around the perimeter of the site install curbs

Additionally, you need to provide a drainage system. It is laid on the inside of the sidewalk along the curb. It is in his direction and should go the slope of the site.

Sand pillow

In order to lay the tile itself, this technology involves the use of gravel and sand as a substrate. First of all it is necessary to cover the soil with sand. The bottom layer in terms of raw material quality does not matter. On top of the sand is covered with a layer of rubble about 15-20 cm, it allows you to evenly distribute the load on the pavement and ensures the outflow of water. To fill the voids, sand is additionally poured.

The top layer will act as a retainer, so it is important to know, what kind of sand is needed for paving slabs. The best option is a material with fine particles, it will fill all the gaps, but it is important to clean it from impurities. The site should be sprayed with water and wait for the materials to dry.

After leveling the surface, cover the working "pillow". It is a mixture of sand and dry cement. It also needs to be perfectly aligned, maintaining the slope. After that, you can start laying.

Schematic representation of a gravel-sand pillow

Laying tiles

Laying paving slabs on the sand with their own hands is carried out in a certain direction, you need to put it "from yourself", so you do not break the equality of the sand. The elements should be stacked as follows, so that there are small gaps between them in about 1-2 mm. Wooden or plastic wedges are used for fixing.

The technology involves deepening the tiles into the sand mass to about half, so you need to take care of it, that the layer of sand was sufficient. The thickness of the substrate must correspond to the size of the recess in the soil.

Each row should be checked for level and eliminate all defects in place. The rule is used for this, is a flat wooden bar, and a woman from Kiev. You need to move carefully on the sidewalk, so as not to shift the elements until they are fully fixed.

Irregularities on the surface are eliminated with the help of a wooden rule and a rubber mallet


The last stage - processing of seams. To paving tiles, enclosed in the sand, maintained its position and did not shift over time, it needs to be fixed, this is done very easily with your own hands. To do this, use the same mixture of sand and cement powder, it is covered with tiles, and then with a brush evenly distributed on the surface as follows, that seams of platforms were completely filled with it.

Cement-sand mixture is used to fix the tiles by sealing

After you finish the whole sidewalk you need to remove the excess and moisten the surface with water. As soon as the water is absorbed, check the quality of sealing. The cement will swell and bond the individual tiles together. The struts can be removed. You may need to update the joint filling in the future, especially after heavy rainfall.

Filling with water is necessary for that, so that the dry mixture is compacted and compacted, therefore, such a procedure must be performed 2-3 times, to completely fill the seams between the tiles.

Now you know how to lay paving slabs on a sand pillow with the help of technology. If the work is performed qualitatively, you will get a smooth and stable surface for many years.