Categories: Garden and town

Stolypin tomato is a productive and disease-resistant variety

Tomato is a vegetable crop, which is very popular in Europe, was brought here in the XVI century from South America. The popularity of vegetables is due to its rich taste, nutritious, health benefits, as well as the ability to use it as fresh, and in canned form (marinated or salted). Today there are a variety of varieties of tomatoes, but, as you know, every gardener has their favorites. Recently, the variety of tomatoes is especially popular among gardeners, which is called "Stolypin" or "Stolypin tomato". Though, that it is considered quite new, he has already won the love of many tomato fans.

variety description

Tomato Stolypin belongs to the early-ripening varieties, the plant itself is the determinant, the fruit tastes a little sweet, juicy, rich in useful vitamins. Suitable for growing outdoors or under film. Because tomatoes are early ripening, from the moment of planting the seeds to full maturity usually passes 90-100 days.

This variety of tomato does not belong to the hybrid variety, its bushes grow no more 60 cm, are not stem. Leaves of bushes - medium size, dark green.

Stolypin tomatoes are also characterized by simple inflorescences and the presence of joints on the stalks. As for the yield of tomatoes, is considered, that in the case of growing under film shelters, one square meter of city can give from 8 to 10 kilograms of tomatoes.

Video "What kind of tomatoes is best"

You will learn from this video, what kind of this vegetable is best to grow in your garden.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stolypin earned the title of the most optimal for canning varieties of tomatoes. The fruits are not only very tasty, but also dense, non-spreading. The seedlings themselves are resistant to disease and cold, which makes it possible to get a bountiful harvest in our climate.

The main advantages of the variety are as follows:

  • resistance to late blight - a disease, which affects most varieties of tomatoes;
  • taste qualities - the fruits are delicious, fleshy, with a strong skin;
  • resistance to cold;
  • resistance to cracking.

Oddly enough, information on significant shortcomings of the Stolypin variety is not found. Most gardeners, who grow this variety, don't complain about those, that it has some serious disadvantages or negative qualities, on the contrary, only positive reviews are published on forums and in communities of gardeners.

fruit characteristics

If we talk about the fruits of the variety Stolypin, characterize them best for the positive differences from the fruits of other varieties. Among the distinctive features of this variety are the following qualities:

  • fruit shape - elliptical or oval;
  • weight - 90-120 grams per piece;
  • the surface of the fruit (peel) - dense and very smooth; in the immature state - light green, ripe - delicate red color;
  • tomatoes have two or three nests, in which - the average level of dry matter;
  • fruits - juicy, sweet to the taste, emit a pleasant appetizing aroma.

in addition, gardeners note, that inside the fruit of tomatoes there are almost no stones, mostly pulp, so great for making vegetable salads, and for bookmarks.

features of cultivation

Stolypin tomatoes can be grown throughout our country, but best suited for this light high-fertile soil. It is recommended to plant seeds for seedlings in late March or early April. The seeds should be deepened into the ground by two or three centimeters, before that, thoroughly rinse them with clean water and treat with a solution of manganese.

As soon as the first true leaves break through the seedlings, they need to dive. It is also desirable throughout the development of seedlings, several times to feed the plants with complex fertilizers, and a week before landing to subject to a little hardening.

Seedlings can be planted in the ground, when she turns out 60-70 days and do it only then, when it is no longer possible to start cooling. Example, in non-chernozem areas planting of these tomatoes should be carried out in the period from 5 on 10 June. If the seedlings will be grown under film cover, it can be planted from mid-May.

As for the scheme of the landing itself, then you need to keep the distance between the bushes, which must be at least 70 cm, and line spacing is a minimum 30 cm. The main measures for plant care - regular watering and complex fertilizers. in addition, tomatoes need to be shaped and tied.

Diseases and pests

As mentioned more than once, Stolypin tomatoes are highly resistant to diseases and pests, especially to such an unpleasant disease as late blight. But, even these plants can get sick or affected by insects, if they are not properly cared for. In this case, you need to use special drugs or resort to folk remedies.

Stolypin tomatoes are considered one of the tastiest varieties of all available in this vegetable crop. They are suitable for raw consumption, for conservation, and grow them easily and pleasantly.

Video "Feeding tomatoes"

In this video you will learn the features of folk fertilization of tomatoes.



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