Categories: Machinery

Trigger - what is it, device features and classification

Currently, there are various concepts and terminologies, which are not always understandable.

What are the triggers?

In general, this concept can be considered in various fields. It is found in science: medicine, psychology, computer science, computer systems and even in economics. Each definition means completely different things, unrelated. The most common terminology is computer systems.

Triggers in medicine and psychology

As a medical term, it is a factor of asthma. Triggers of allergies are ordinary dust, which is often formed on the surface of home furniture. Feathers can also be a symptom of allergies, wool and plant pollen. Allergies are not always triggers, they can be caused:

  • Virus infection;
  • Ecology;
  • Harmful substances;
  • Hormonal functions of the body;
  • Emotional moods of the person

In psychology, they are human reactions. This is a special process, which acts as a phenomenon of the surrounding world, and man, in turn, perceives it. Mechanical actions, who are able to perform such a process, and called triggers.

Human reactions to the mechanisms are completely different, as they can be harmful to health. Such damage, like smoking, overeating, poisoning by drugs and alcohol. People under the influence of such reactions can not control their body, their brain automatically shuts down and does not perceive the outside world. Mechanical reactions can also have a positive effect on the human body, these include emotions: joy, happiness, love, etc.. P.

Triggers in computer science

They are an important part of your computer's RAM, as well as its internal registers. Such information devices allow storage, memorize and read important information. Triggers in computer science are electronic circuits, which are used in the registers near the computer and remember the binary code. Binary code is two stable states with 0 and 1.

Triggers in the economy

Today, the economy has a huge impact on human life. The concept of "trigger" plays the role of the managerial function of marketing, that is, it forces you to perform some actions. The main goal for the management function is to attract customers, performance of tasks. This factor helps to make big deals, find new buyers for the product and do so in the future.

Powerful tool, which gives feedback among buyers - advertising. With its help the consumer learns a lot about the product, its quality. Manufacturers, who advertise their product, usually have a good income. The main thing, design a beautiful advertising design, describe everything, as it should and techniques will work. Demand for goods will grow, and therefore, the trading business will move in the right direction. All this is in the hands of individual entrepreneurs, because they know for sure, what is their job.

Triggers on the site

They represent a variety of functions, which can attract site visitors, help to do useful for the site owner, that is, promote the portal. People are motivated by such triggers to buy goods from the site or order services. Due to this, the owner of the organization receives a good profit. A simple kind of trigger is a portfolio. These include the company's brand, usually its logo. All awards, diplomas and certificates also build trust among consumers of the company's products. Positive feedback, which are placed on sites are the same triggers, as well as guarantees. Guarantees are a sign of that, that the consumer will be entitled to a refund or exchange.

Computing systems and triggers

In computer systems, they represent a class of electronic devices, which can be in two steady states and alternate them under the influence of some signals. The condition can be determined, using the output voltages of the devices. They usually work, both switching devices and state changes occur in the shortest possible time. A distinctive feature of such devices is the storage of binary information, coding which is often used in their work by programmers.

Memory is understood as two stable states, as 1 and 0. So, one can mean that, that the signal is coming, and zero, in turn, vice versa, plays the opposite role. Triggers in computer systems are made of semiconductor devices, such as: bipolar or field-effect transistors. Their circuits are created in an integrated environment for different logical elements of the device. Depending on the presentation of the source information, distinguish such triggers: dynamic and static.

Dynamic are those, which are controlled generators, one state, Rivne 1, and the other one 0. They change with the help of internal impulses. The value of "1" is the presence of a pulse of certain frequencies, and the value "0" - no pulse.

Static devices are those, which characterize each state by the invariance of the output voltage levels. High levels are usually close to the supply voltage, and low close to zero. Static triggers are also called potential, which can be divided into two types: symmetrical and asymmetrical. They were implemented using a two-stage two inverter amplifier with positive feedback.

The difference between symmetric triggers and asymmetric triggers is, that they are formed symmetrically in their structure, the parameters of the elements will also be symmetric. They are the basis of triggers, which are used today in electronic devices. Asymmetric devices have non-identical parameters and relationships between them.

A common feature of functionality for symmetric and asymmetric triggers systematizes them by the way of its organization. On this basis, the classification of logical elements, the number of inputs and outputs is calculated.

There are different types of triggers:

  • RS;
  • D;
  • T;
  • JK

RS are those trigger devices, which can be presented in two versions: synchronized and asynchronous. Asynchronous can change their state, depending on the time of the corresponding signal with a certain delay. Synchronous can respond to informational signals, if there is a corresponding signal at the output of the synchronization.

D are synchronous devices with a delay. They are such a device, which remembers the state of the input and outputs it. They usually have two entrances: synchronous and informational. The information in such devices is stored only when the synchronization pulses decrease. Devices of this type are usually called triggers with a latch. Their name sounds like this, because they literally memorize the information and leave it unchanged until the release.

T-flip-flops are asynchronous and synchronous devices, resembling a counter. Asynchronous meters have no input, which allow the account, they can only switch on the pulse at the input. Synchronous counters, when the value of "1" at the input T, able to change their logical state to the opposite, already at the entrance C. The initial state will not change when the value is "0" at the input T. Such triggers are used to reduce frequency waves.

JK triggers are devices, operating on the principle of RS-triggers, but they have one difference. It is, that when applying a logic element per unit, both inputs will change opposite. Input J is almost as good as input S in RS devices, and K will be the opposite, similar to the R input. Synchronous JK devices are usually used in the application, their states are taken into account only at the time of the pulse clock. The base of such devices allows you to build D and T-flip-flops.



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