Categories: Pipes

Steel profile pipe: main characteristics

Profile pipes are a very popular product on the construction equipment market. They are used mainly as a replacement for heavier and more expensive metal beams, channels and reinforcing corners.

Such pipes are different in cross-sectional shape and chemical composition of the metal. To select the desired product, you should get acquainted with the full range of features of each species.

Profile steel pipes are strong products, used in various fields of construction and economy

Main characteristics

Profile pipe is a metal pipe product, relating to the class of profiled metal.

It is made by welding or rolling in a special state.

A specific feature of such pipes is their unusual shape. They are mostly square or rectangular, which gives them an advantage in strength and ability to withstand significant static loads due to the presence of four stiffeners.

Importantly! But such equipment cannot be used to transport liquids and gases, cold and hot water supply, providing heating and ventilation. But the pipe is perfect as support beams and partitions.

Their production and implementation are regulated by different types of standards, the main of which is GOST. Some manufacturers, demonstrating particularly high quality pipes and professionalism of employees, lead also additional certificates. When buying such a product should pay attention to several factors: which lead to overheating of the gasoline or diesel engine, quality certificates, wall thickness, chemical composition. It directly depends on this, whether you can use this product for your own purposes. in addition, pay attention to both the seller and the manufacturer.

Production of profile pipes is carried out according to the state standard - DSTU, it is designed for each type of similar products


The profile pipe gained its popularity in the market of construction and repair equipment due to numerous advantages. Among them are the main ones:

  • simple algorithm for installation work. Convenient square shape makes it easier to fix the part in place, and light weight, compared to analog reinforcement parts, helps save time and effort of workers-installers;
  • versatility. Such a pipe can be installed in buildings of any size and purpose. It can be anything - from apartment buildings - to supermarkets and commercial buildings;
  • relatively low cost. As mentioned above, the range of profiled products is most often used as a replacement for reinforcing elements, which are more expensive and difficult;
  • high strength. Metal itself is a very strong and dense material. Pipe, made of high quality steel, resistant to mechanical damage and weight loads;
  • resistance to the adverse effects of extreme temperatures. For such pipes are not afraid of heat, no frost, since the metal has a very high melting point and a very low coefficient of linear expansion;
  • convenient shape. This greatly simplifies loading / unloading, transportation and installation of profile products.

exept this, such assortment is capable to provide non-standard engineering and design decisions.

Creation of designs from profile pipes is made by means of usual welding, which allows you to work even at home


Despite its advantages, profile pipe, like any product on the construction market, has its disadvantages. They must be taken into account when choosing equipment for your design, as the purchase of poor quality or does not meet the requirements of the customer products can lead to unnecessary costs of finances and time.

The main disadvantage of such pipes is the difficulty in bending. If you build, for example, gazebo, probably, you will need to bend the pipes, which will serve as its basis. Do it with your own hands, will be quite difficult. Not having enough knowledge and experience, there is a risk of deforming the pipe and simply damaging the part. Therefore, in this case it is better to use the help of a specialist. in addition, you will need special equipment - a pipe bender.

Importantly! Homemade handheld device of this type is unlikely to succeed, it is suitable for round pipes, and from the profile everything is a bit more complicated. Maximum accuracy and care are required when working with it.

Another problem is corrosion. It has to do with that, that the profile pipe is made mainly of ferrous metals. However, such a shortcoming is easily eliminated by galvanizing. This process is carried out at the factory and is also strictly regulated by GOST.


To better understand the equipment and choose just that, which would meet your requirements, it is necessary to get acquainted with all assortment of goods.

Steel pipes have greater strength, than aluminum, therefore, they are most often used for load-bearing structures

so, products are classified according to several principles:

Material, from which this assortment is made. It affects that, in which cases it is possible to use this or that kind and what volumes, types of loads it can withstand. Regarding this principle, assortment of profiled rolled products is divided into:

  1. Steel. They are made of special carbon steel alloys, due to which such pipes are strong, durable, not prone to the development of destructive processes due to corrosion.
  2. Galvanized. These details, included in the range of profile products, made of ferrous metal and covered with a protective layer of zinc, which prevents the development of corrosion and, Consequently, its destruction.
  3. Aluminum. Such pipes are resistant to destruction, but less durable and unable to withstand very high static loads. Aluminum is a soft metal, therefore such equipment will not be suitable as a replacement for reinforcing load-bearing structures.

Section shape. This criterion has a similar meaning. According to this principle, the range is divided into many classes, including:

  • standard: rectangular, square. Such pipes are used in the construction and repair of buildings, bridges, towers and towers. They are able to withstand heavy loads and are easy to install, are transported and stored due to their awkward shape;
  • non-standard: Drop-shaped, segmental, polygonal (from 6 to 8 angles), triangular. They are also used in construction, however, mainly to find unusual architectural solutions;
  • flat oval. Their scope is similar to pipes of standard shapes, but more often oval pipes are used for construction of small and easy on weight designs (canopies, gazebos, baby swing, carousel, metal simulators).

The range of profile pipes includes a variety of cross-sectional shapes

Method of manufacture. Technical characteristics directly depend on it, operational strength properties and chemical composition of the product. The whole manufacturing process is definitely controlled at every stage and regulated by state standards. According to this criterion, the pipes are divided into:

  • cold deformed. This steel pipe is made by seamless deformation in a special compartment of the molding state. After, as the product will pass all stages of production, it is subjected to heat treatment to test the strength and reduce internal stress;
  • hot-deformed. They are produced by a similar technology. The main difference of this type of roller is, that the deformation takes place at high temperatures;
  • electric welded. They are made of steel sheets by welding. Pipes of small diameters have a single seam, and large - double. This is done for that, so that the square part has a higher level of protection against damage.

Importantly! Thanks to its seamless, two types of non-welded profile pipes have greater strength, than, example, electric welded analogues, since they do not have a weak spot - the seam.

Wall thickness. Pipes, having different wall thicknesses, differ in scope, and by cost:

  • thin-walled - the cheapest type of steel pipes, they are less durable and able to withstand lower loads;
  • thick-walled, suitable for more massive structures. This steel profile pipe is used as load-bearing beams of medium-load structures;
  • especially thick-walled. The range of such steel profile pipes includes products, able to withstand the heaviest loads. They are more durable and have special strength. However, on the other hand, such pipes are steel profile (square or rectangular) will cost an order of magnitude more, as they have a higher metal content.

Welded pipes are formed of steel strips (strips), on the width of which depends on the size of the future product

Length. According to this criterion, the product is divided into two classes:

  • steel profile pipes (rectangular or square) measured length. This means, that it is possible to purchase only standard fixed length pipes (most often it is 6 or 12 m);
  • steel profile pipes of immeasurable length. The range of such parts includes the following, which can be purchased divided into segments of any length, ranging from 2 to 12 meters.

In that case, if you use profile pipes for non-standard solutions or work with objects of increased complexity, then pipes of immeasurable length will be more suitable, as with their help you will essentially save means on a material.

Production process

So the trumpet, like any metal, can be made in several ways.

The first is welding.

The process itself consists of several stages:

  1. First, the metal sheets are fed to the conveyor using skates and rollers, they are checked for rust and scale, if necessary, eliminating such defects.
  2. These sheets are then cut into strips, which are then welded together using electric welding equipment.
  3. After the welding stage, the rectangular part is cooled and tested for compliance with the stated standards of GOST.

The second way is seamless production.

In addition to electric welding, profile square pipe can be cold-deformed and hot-deformed. The essence of the deformation method is, that the workpiece takes the desired shape, passing through the molding compartment. This is a technique of seamless production. Cold deformation differs from hot deformation, that pipe, made in the second way, are carried out in the conditions of high temperatures and pressure.

Round blanks are used for seamless production of profile pipes

There is a third method of production. It is combined. According to this method, the pipes are made in several stages:

  1. Making a strip - a special blank of steel sheet.
  2. Welding of the workpiece. As a rough version, an ordinary round electric welded pipe is used.
  3. Forming a profile. From a round preparation by means of a molding condition with rolls form a profile pipe with stiffening ribs. The corners of this product will be smoother, and the shape can be square or rectangular.

At the end of the deformation in the production conduct additional inspection and control, and also relieve internal stress in the pipes.


The profile pipe has a convenient shape and attractive appearance, while having strength and a high level of wear resistance. It is because of these qualities that it is used in almost all branches of industry and the national economy. From such pipes make literally any frame design with a support.

Most often, a rectangular pipe is used in the construction of residential buildings and commercial buildings. It is a great replacement for metal beams, corners, beams and channels, while being lighter and cheaper. The strength of the profile square part is not much inferior to reinforcing elements, as it is completed with stiffening ribs, and the square form allows to maintain big static loadings and mechanical influence.

exept this, profile products are widely used in mechanical engineering (first of all it concerns pipes with a flat-oval section, made by deformation) as parts of heavy machinery for agricultural and industrial purposes.

One of the areas of application of profile pipes of small size is the furniture industry

Even in the light industry profile products are used. Often square, oval or rectangular details become a material for furniture (tables and tables, decorative constructions, partitions, niches), garden buildings (gazebos, canopies and more).

Markings and standards

As mentioned above, all types of profile pipes at the end of the production process are specially tested for compliance with the stated standards of GOST.

The main technical characteristics and properties of these products are regulated by the following standards:

  • GUEST 8639-82 - square pipe;
  • GOST 8645-68 - it regulates a rectangular pipe;
  • GUEST 8642-68 - determines the properties of flat-oval parts.

It is important to know! The material is of great importance, from which the pipe was made.

When buying equipment, pay attention, which brands were used. It can be:

  • St2kp, St2ps, St2sp, St4kp, St4ps, St4sp (according to standard № 380);
  • 08kp, 10ps, 10, 20, 35, 45 (in accordance with the requirements of standard № 1050).

As for the chemical composition of profile products, then the data on it can be extracted from the markings. Let's take, for example, marking of pipes profile 09G2S. In this notation:

  • 09 stands for the percentage of carbon in the alloy (0,09%);
  • P indicates the maximum manganese content (in this product it is equal to 2);
  • C means the level of silicon, not exceeding the figure on 1%.

Pipe crossings are also standardized. It varies from 15x15 to large products up to 450x350 in diameter.

in addition, norms also regulate the thickness of the walls. She can compose 1 mm for the thinnest profile products and the maximum value can be equal to 12 mm.

Profile pipes - products, for which there is a high demand. They are produced in a wide range, different shapes and sizes. This allows them to be used to make a variety of products, structures and structures.



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