Categories: Pipes

Sewer pipes. Requirements. See. Central sewer riser

Until recently, choosing sewer pipes was easy. Their range was limited to steel and cast iron products. But technology is constantly evolving. Therefore, on the market today, depending on the material of manufacture, other types of sewer pipes have appeared - polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc.. Of course, without special knowledge, it is very difficult to make a choice.

Today, different types of pipes are used to install sewer systems, including polymeric

Sewer pipes in a private house and requirements for them

Having decided to install a drainage system in a country cottage or cottage, must be taken into account, that all its elements must have high throughput, as well as to be characterized:

  • resistance to low temperatures (this applies to external sewer pipes);
  • long service life;
  • smooth inner surface;
  • high mechanical and chemical resistance (in this case we are talking about the surface of not only sewer pipes for external sewerage, but also for internal);
  • increased strength.

All modern sewer systems are divided by their location and purpose. Sewage is collected in internal networks, which are then transported through external sewer pipes to external networks. The final point of delivery of human products are treatment facilities. They are in any settlement. In these constructions sewage treatment to necessary characteristics is carried out, then they are sent to the reset point.

The device of the sewerage in the private house demands observance of rules of laying of pipes in the earth, the most important thing is their correct slope

The key indicator for the classification of sewer pipes is the material of manufacture. As mentioned above, today on the market there are not only metal products of rolled pipe, but also polymer products. The latter will be discussed below, Now let's talk about pipes made of traditional materials for this field.

According to this criterion, there are the following types of sewer pipes:

  • asbestos-cement. They are light in weight, chemical and thermal resistance, resistance to corrosion and low cost. However, fragility makes it difficult to transport and install such external sewer pipes. in addition, their inner surface is perfectly smooth;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete pipes for external sewerage. There are no complaints about the environmental friendliness of such products. However, for their transportation and installation due to the large weight without special equipment can not do;
  • cast iron sewer pipes. Their time-tested positive properties are offset by great weight, which complicates installation work, as well as prone to corrosion. Rough surface of cast iron pipes for plumbing, water supply and sewerage causes frequent clogging of these utilities
  • ceramic. In the recent past, sewerage in the apartment was often created on the basis of such products. Among their positive qualities is the resistance to most aggressive chemical compounds, absolute water resistance and smoothness of the inner surface. The disadvantages of ceramic sewer pipes for indoor use include fragility and heavy weight. Another significant disadvantage is the high cost. The reason is a rather complex manufacturing technology. It requires the use of kaolin, chamotte, natural clay, as well as the mandatory procedure of high-temperature annealing.

Among all types of sewer pipes, plastic products are the most popular

Useful Information! Modern metallurgy produces even special cast iron ribbed pipes. Although they are not used in sewerage networks and water supply systems, but very popular in the installation of heating pipelines.

Plastic pipes

For, to find the answer to the question, which pipes are best for sewerage, it is necessary to consider the properties of all types of pipe products. Only then will it be possible to make the right choice.

So, despite the growing popularity of plastic sewer pipes, their use is not possible everywhere, therefore, the design of such products must be modified. Modern industry keeps up with the times. Responding to consumer needs, it produces several modifications of polymer products.

PVC pipes. The abbreviation PVC refers to the material polyvinyl chloride. Such pipes under the self-flowing sewerage are used, that is, such, in which the drains move due to the force of gravity and the slope of the pipeline. These products are characterized by strength and resistance to ultraviolet light. They have found application, mainly, in internal sewage disposal systems, because they do not tolerate the effects of aggressive environments and changes in outdoor temperature. However, with the right approach, it is possible to install products polyvinylchloride and in external networks.

Classification of PVC polymer pipes for sewerage by strength class is as follows:

  • lungs. Class SN2. Used, when the drainage system does not pass under roads and lies at shallow depths;
  • medium. Class SN4. The scope of application of plastic sewer pipes of this class - pipelines under small roads;
  • heavy sewer pipes. Class SN8. They are laid under highways and industrial facilities.

PVC pipes are used for installation of sewerage systems indoors, outside them and even underground

Pipes from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (abbreviation NPVH). They are used in the drainage system of any type: internal and external, pressureless and pressure. The disadvantage of NPVH sewer pipe is poor temperature resistance and flammability. This is due to the properties of the source material.

Useful to know! Use of sewer pipes of NPVH pressure head and pressureless is allowed at long filling with drains, whose temperature does not exceed +60?WITH. At the same time, NPVH products are able to briefly move sewage with temperature +100?WITH.

Polypropylene pipes. These products are distinguished by long - to 100 (!) years - service life and resistance to high temperatures. The combination of such characteristics allows them to be used not only as sewer pipes in a private home, but also in the hot water supply system.

Polypropylene pipe products have the following advantages:

  • under the influence of high mechanical loads PP products are deformed, but do not break;
  • high diffusion resistance;
  • ecological safety;
  • resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • high heat resistance. Withstand temperatures up to 100?WITH.

Polypropylene sewer pipes have the following disadvantages, as:

  • low resistance to ultraviolet light;
  • increased elasticity. It is recommended to use a product of this type only as a pipe for internal sewerage. Due to its increased softness, it is easily deformed during operation.

Polypropylene pipes are only suitable for closed type systems, as they are negatively affected by ultraviolet light

Polyethylene pipes for the sewerage. Products made of this material are able to work in a wide range of temperatures. Among the disadvantages are insufficient heat resistance and high coefficient of thermal linear expansion. Therefore, it is not recommended to use polyethylene pipes of the sewer system, in which hot water drains.

HDPE sewer pipes. The abbreviation HDPE refers to a material of low pressure polyethylene. Experts single out the main advantages of products of this type:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to hydraulic shock;
  • possibility of operation at very low temperatures, up to -70?WITH;
  • lack of thermal elongation and expansion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • no corrosion;
  • long service life.

HDPE pipes for external sewerage must be laid exclusively underground, because it does not tolerate ultraviolet light.

Corrugated pipes for sewerage. In this segment of the building materials market, such products have appeared relatively recently. According to experts, this is almost an ideal version of the external sewer pipe. The consumer appreciates such qualities of a corrugated plastic pipe in system of removal of household drains;

  • long (about half a century!) service life;
  • ease of installation;
  • impeccable smoothness of the inner surface of flexible corrugated sewer pipes;
  • affordable price.
  • ease of maintenance.

Pipes for pressure and non-pressure sewerage

When considering this issue you need to know, that the pressure sewer is such a system, in which the drains move through the pipes under pressure, generated by pumps.

Corrugated pipes are one of the best options for a pressure sewer network

This technical solution imposes certain requirements on the design of the pipeline. In the first place, pressure sewer in a private house should be created on the basis of pipes with high annular rigidity.

Useful to know! The created sewerage in the apartment by the hands does not belong to the category of pressure head. Sewage is transported by gravity to the central highway, and already there the pumps are included in work.

Pressure sewer pipes must have the following properties:

  • resistance to water hammer;
  • versatility;
  • resistance to electrocorrosion, caused by stray currents;
  • strength;
  • ease of installation;
  • tightness.

AND, of course, pressure sewer pipes must be resistant to chemically aggressive environments. All these properties are inherent in NPVH products. The tightness of the structure is ensured by the connection by means of bells: sealing gaskets are inserted into their grooves. Table №1 presents the maximum operating pressures and dimensions of sewer pipes pressure NPVH.

Table 1

Average outer diameter, mm SDR 13,6 SDR 17,0 SDR 21,0 SDR 26,0 SDR 33,0 SDR 41,0
MPA 1,60 (MPA 2,00) MPA 1,250 (MPA 1,60) MPA 1,00 (MPA 1,250) MOP 0,80 (MOP 1,0) MOP 0,630 (MOP 0,80) MOP 0,50 (NPVH 100), MOP 0,630 (NPVH 125)
Wall thickness
par off name off name off name off name off name off name off
Three hundred and fifteen +One 23,2 +2,6 18,7 +2,1 Fifteen +1,8 12,1 +1,5 9,7 +1,2 7,7 +One
Two hundred and eighty +0,9 20,6 +2,3 16,6 +1,9 13,4 +1,6 10,6 +1,3 8,6 +1,1 6,9 +0,9
Two hundred and fifty +0,8 18,4 +2,1 14,8 +1,7 11,9 +1,4 9,6 +1,1 7,7 +1, 6,2 +0,9
Two hundred and twenty-five +0,7 16,6 1,9 13,4 +1,6 10,8 +1,3 8,6 +1,1 Seven +0,9 5,5 +0,8
Two hundred +0,6 14,7 1,7 11,9 +1,4 9,6 +1,2 7,7 +One 6,2 +0,9 4,9 +0,7
One hundred and eighty +0,6 13,3 1,6 10,7 +1,3 8,6 +1,1 6,9 +0,9 5,5 +0,8 4,4 +0,7
One hundred and sixty +0,5 11,8 1,4 9,5 +1,2 7,7 +One 6,2 +0,9 Five +0,7 Four +0,7
One hundred forty +0,5 10,3 1,3 8,3 +1,1 6,7 +0,9 5,4 +0.8 4,3 +0,7 3,5 +0,6
One hundred twenty five +0,4 9,2 1,2 7,4 +One Six +0,8 4,8 +0,7 3,9 +0,6 3,1 +0,6
One hundred and ten +0,4 8,1 1,1 6,6 +0,9 5,3 +0,8 4,2 +0,7 3,4 +0,6 2,7 +0,5

MOP is the maximum pressure of the working medium (MPa) at temperature 20?WITH. In brackets the sizes of NPVH of a pipe of the sewer pressure head mark are specified 100, corresponding to the maximum operating pressure.

Sewerage of apartment buildings is considered pressureless, but for it it is still necessary to choose strong pipes, example, made of PVC

There is a misconception, that special requirements for pipelines, on which the working environment is transported without pressure, are not presented. All of them must have the same properties, which are characterized by pressure types of pipes for sewerage, except for increased annular stiffness. However, it also does not hurt. Consider some features of pressureless sewerage, created on the basis of polyethylene pipes. Such products with a diameter of 125 to 4000 mm do not have worthy competitors in this field, even in the face of NPVH sewer pipes.

In the first place, this applies to ease of installation. Installation of PE pipes of internal sewerage systems does not require the use of special equipment. And the process of laying facilitates a wide range of modern industrial parts.

Apparently, the only disadvantage of this material of sewer pipes is the susceptibility to direct sunlight. Therefore, plastic products should be stored in a dark place.

Importantly! Despite its name - pressureless - liquid in utilities is transported under medium pressure 5 bar or 4,93 atmosphere. So the drains are given a certain flow rate.

Of the features of operation should be noted, that the degree of filling of polyethylene sewer pipes for internal sewerage should not exceed 0,8. This figure is the result of dividing the height of the transported effluents by the diameter of the engineering communication. There are different situations in life. But polyethylene pipes for sewerage, being filled at the time of peak load on 100%, will continue to do their job. And accident-free!

One of the disadvantages of using PE pipes for sewerage is the specific way they are connected

The color of the pipes: what he is talking about

Arriving at a hardware store, on the shelves you can see several types of sewer pipes, differing in color, but made of the same material. Thus, manufacturers have made life easier for consumers, providing products depending on the scope, appropriate color. So, for, to purchase, example, pipes for the internal sewerage it is enough to pay attention to production of gray color. There are other colors. Let's consider briefly, what they mean to the consumer.

Orange trumpet. This product is used as a pipe for external sewerage. Its walls are very rigid and can withstand high pressure, including external. Orange pipes are suitable for laying sewers in the ground, and do not worry, that in a few years they will have to change.

Green trumpet. Drainage pipes are painted in this color. They can be flexible and rigid. Their surface is perforated, due to which water penetrates into the product. The strength of the walls can withstand a considerable layer of soil. in addition, green drainage flexible sewer pipe is characterized by a high degree of resistance to temperature changes.

Gray pipe. As mentioned above, the choice of a sewer pipe of gray - the best decision for arrangement of internal part of system of drainage of a country cottage or giving. It is easy to work with, it is not afraid of corrosion and is very durable. Due to low resistance to mechanical loads, the gray pipe is unsuitable for the organization of the external pipeline.

White trumpet. In terms of frequency of use, it cannot be compared even with a black sewer pipe. Products of this type are preferred by people, who seek not to spoil the aesthetics of their homes.

White pipes are used for sewerage indoors, these are one of the few types of products, which can be glued

Black trumpet. Such products can be found much less often, than orange and gray plumbing pipes. They are made of low pressure polyethylene. Scope of black sewer pipes - laying as an internal, and external pipeline. However, it must be taken into account, that there is a certain range of pressure and temperature, which they are able to withstand.

These products alone are rarely used. They are most widely used as protection for communication cables. Some modifications of black pipes can be used as drainage. They can be distinguished by the presence on the surface of many holes.

Useful to know! Gray color can dissonant with the interior of the kitchen or bathroom. Therefore, white pipe is an excellent alternative to gray pipe.

Dimensions of polymer sewer and drainage pipes. GUEST

PVC pipes. The sizes of polyvinylchloride products are specified in the state standard P 51613-2000 (geometric characteristics of sewer pressure pipelines) and in VSN building standards 48-96 (dimensions of elements of pressureless networks). Contained in the last document, the product range contains everything 3 standard sizes of diameters: 110,90 and 50 mm. The first two values ​​of this parameter belong to the category of "sewer classics". Pipes (including NPVH) with such diameter are used for a vertical riser in the apartment.

Cross section of pressure pipes (total 13 standard sizes) fluctuate in the range of 63… 315 mm. Thus the basis of a riser of industrial sewer systems are usually products 250 and 300 mm.

PE pipes. According to GOST 22689.2-89 there is everything 4 standard size of these products. These are the diameters 40, 50, 90 or 110 mm.

When choosing pipes for sewerage, their diameter and wall thickness are important

PPR pipes. The range of polypropylene products is specified in two standards: GOST R 51613-2000 and GOST 22689.2-89. But besides them there are more dimensional pipes of the external sewerage. These include the well-known brands Korsis and Pragma. Their intersection reaches 1,2 meters. Of course, it is inexpedient to organize a riser of such diameter. And in general, these pipes are not suitable for internal sewerage. OST 4926-002-88742502-00 requires the use of polypropylene products with a cross section for this purpose 150, 100 or 50 mm.

Flexible drainage pipes. The most popular polymer products made of HDPE and PVC. Modern industry produces corrugated single-layer drainage pipes of this size:

  • length 40, 50 meters;
  • diameter 63, 90, 110, 160 and 200 mm.

The standard cross section of the holes is 5-15 mm, The interval between them is 50… 70 cm.

The upper shell of flexible corrugated two-layer drainage pipes has good characteristics of resistance to external mechanical influences. And the inner surface has excellent sliding performance. Such flexible polymer pipes are produced by extrusion.

Central sewer riser

Sewerage with their own hands in a private house, usually, is created on the basis of one riser. However, if the wiring system is large, there may be several. But, anyhow, drainage should be carried out through the lowest point.

Useful to know! That the sewer system worked normally, it must be connected via two points: higher (there is a fan riser for the release of gases) and lower (here the exit of a sewer pipe from the house in the general highway is provided).

Improper arrangement of the lower point of removal of a sewer pipe from the house will cause emergence in system of blockages, interfering with the normal disposal of sewage. In the absence of a background riser, the output of unpleasant odors will not be provided, and the formation of gases (methane and ammonia) will create pressure in the instrument valves. This also applies to the sewer system in a multi-storey apartment, and not just a private home.

All sewage pipes in the apartment are reduced to the central riser, which must be arranged according to all the rules

According to Sheaf, combination of a usual ventilating riser with a riser of gas removal and especially with the most fan is strictly forbidden. It is also forbidden to install a joint outlet risers in one ventilation shaft. Regulatory documents contain another important requirement. It sounds like that: it is necessary to install the riser according to the previously developed and approved project. in addition, all drains must be reduced to a single point of removal of the sewer pipe from the base of the house.

Sewer gate

This type of plumbing is designed to prevent flooding of sewage. An accident can occur not only due to internal blockage, but also a street sewer pipe, whose exit from the building is almost always carried out underground. Having risen to its level, sewage will flood basements and semi-basements.

There are two ways to prevent this negative phenomenon.

  • general. It consists in the installation of a hydraulic gate in the sewer at the outlet of the exhaust pipe.
  • local. This method involves the protection of specific plumbing, located below the outlet well.

There are several types of shutters.

Mechanical. They are made under diameters of pipes of 100… 200 mm. The following types of mechanical shutter are available:

  • single-chamber;
  • single-chamber, has manual locking of a gate;
  • two-chamber, in which the control of the valve of one chamber is carried out manually;
  • single-chamber prison, designed for vertical installation;
  • prison, designed for overflow well.

Single-chamber device is designed to work with conventional ? clean drains. The two-chamber sewer gate can be used for drains with fecal masses. Both types of such plumbing are installed, usually, in the basement before the exit of the inner pipe under the outer highway. Another location of the shutter may be the outer pit of the structure.

The sewer shutter is necessary to prevent flooding of the room with sewage

Shutter with electric drive. This device works in automatic mode. The shutter with the electric drive does not create obstacles for removal of drains, since the normal state of the damper is an open position. When the pipeline fills up on 70% or at its output the return current of sewage will be fixed, from the sensor, located on the shutter body, a signal is transmitted to the electronic unit. Having received it, "Smart electronics" includes light and color alarms and closes the valve, moreover, not only at the entrance, but also on the way out.

Importantly! So, in the event of an accident, the outflow of the structure will also not be made. That is, until it is removed, the bathroom can not be used.

Picking up plastic sewer pipes, it is necessary to pay attention to heat-insulating material at once. However, modern technologies come to the rescue in this matter. Today it is possible to insulate the sewer pipeline with special materials, as well as with an electric cable. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions, than traditional and new insulation. However, due to the significant cost of money, electric cable insulation did not displace the use of thermal insulation materials.



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