Categories: HeatPipes

Pipes for heating a private house is better: see, differences

Building a private home involves worrying about comfortable living, and it is inconceivable without high-quality and economical heating. Heating system design, which includes steam heating and underfloor heating, entrusted to specialists. The choice of boiler depends on the efficiency of a particular model of boiler and the fuel it consumes. And the pipes for heating a private house must correspond to the power of the boiler and the total load of the entire system.

The choice of pipes for heating depends on many factors, first of all - from the type of future system

What determines the choice of pipes for the installation of the heating system?

The building materials market offers ample opportunities to choose pipes for heating a private home, which to choose - depends on many factors. Counseling in a construction supermarket is ineffective, retail chains are interested in selling stale and expensive goods. Private homes are sometimes connected to the citywide system. For this option, calculations are made according to established norms. Individual construction is calculated according to a different scheme.

The house will be cold with poor insulation or inconsistency:

  • pipe intersection;
  • total living space;
  • design capacity of the boiler;
  • type of fuel.

All heating pipes for a private home meet certain criteria. It depends on the type of heating system:

  • hidden;
  • closed.

In accordance, there will be different temperature loads and the tendency of temperature changes. Built-in pipes are laid:

  • on the outer perimeter of the house;
  • inside the building;
  • under the floor.

The type of future heating network is one of the important factors when choosing pipes, example, flexible pipes are necessary for a heat-insulated floor

In apartment buildings, in order to save money, an individual heating system is arranged; such heating is better to do from the same pipes and according to the same scheme, as in a private home. It is important to take into account the probability of water hammer when starting seasonal heating, although most materials can withstand this load.

Features of the heating device in the private sector

Autonomous heating in a private house is not subject to city tariffs, there is no surcharge for heating the heating main, which is brought to the house, therefore it is more economical. Expensive boiler pays off in a few years, regardless of its type. The following models are available for choice:

  • solid fuel;
  • gaseous;
  • combined.

The overall efficiency of an independent heating system is hidden in the possibilities:

  • adjust the heat in the house manually;
  • turn off the heating or reduce the process of allocating gigacalories;
  • increase or decrease the number of radiators;
  • open and flush the system yourself;
  • do not use heating unnecessarily and during warming;
  • independently determine the start and finish of the heating season.

The method of installation of the system depends on the choice of pipes for heating a private house, you can do it yourself or use the services of specialists. The choice comes down to that, will it be pipes:

  1. Metal.
  2. Polymer.
  3. Composite.

pay attention! Metal pipes are a priority for private developers - because of their ability to withstand heavy loads. But for the built-in system inside the walls of the house enough metal-plastic pipes, they can be used in that part of the system, where the water will not be very hot.

An important advantage of autonomous heating is the ability to regulate the heat supply yourself

To decide, which pipes to use for heating a private house, it is important to consider all the parameters of the heating system:

  • self-flowing or forced;
  • simple or complex scheme;
  • for one-storey or multi-storey building;
  • with low or maximum pressure;
  • under hot or warm water.

Varieties of pipes and types of their connection in the heating system of a private household

The construction market offers a choice 2 types of pipes - polymer and metal. Composite pipes are polymeric materials, although they combine plastic and metal (for reinforcement).

By polymeric include:

  1. Plastic and metal.
  2. Cross-linked polyethylene.
  3. Polypropylene.

Metals are used for pipes:

  1. Iron and stainless steel.
  2. Black carbon steel (cast iron).
  3. Copper.

pay attention! Different types of material can be used in one heating system, metal-plastic and iron pipes, but it is important to choose the right articulation and installation.

Installation of a heating system from metal pipes is possible both by means of welding, and with the use of fittings

Metal pipes for heating are mounted in several ways:

  • gas welding;
  • threaded connection;
  • docking with couplings and flanges.

Tim, who intends to independently install the heating system without welding, will be easier to work with, using articulated joints - couplings and flanges. These methods are not used very often, as welding, but it is quite possible to apply at a choice of pipes from various metals for heating for the private house.

Butt joints are required for pipe joints:

  • couplings of appropriate cross section,
  • sealant,
  • nuts and bolts;
  • flanges;
  • rubber gaskets
  • clamps and sealing rings.

Threaded connections are used to lay the heating main and connect the equipment. All joints are threaded with Unipack sealant., rag or FUM tape. The market also offers quick-mount connectors, such, as "american". With a simple threaded connection, the ends of the pipes must have a screw notch, and on the cut site of a carving it is better to do the special tool.

With such a fitting, as an "American" you can connect pipes easily and quickly

For this type of joint acquire the whole set for mounting and branching pipes:

  • Barila (threaded couplings);
  • adapters from one diameter of pipes to another;
  • rotary elements (crosses, corners, tees).

Installation of the circuit by a welding machine is a time-tested method. The pipeline will be durable and strong, but do not do without a specialist in welding equipment.

With any method, it is important to flush the system, and it is better to check the connection before starting the heating system, to detect leaks. Not so important, what pipes were used for heating in a private house, in case of tightness they are equally successfully laid clamps with rubber gaskets or polymer cold welding.

What is the diameter of the pipe suitable for heating in a private home?

Identify, which pipes are better to choose and with what diameter of a gleam they should be, easiest by simple calculations:

When calculating is taken into account:

  1. Flow rate.
  2. Total heat load.
  3. Total living space.
  4. Climatic features of the region.

What are the rules? According to standardization, with steles in 3 meters for heating 1 square meter of the house needs about 100 W of energy. Coolant speed (hot water) in the system - within 0,4 — 0,7 meters per second. For the room to 20 square meters required 2 kw, a plus 20-30% - for losses and external temperature fluctuations. In accordance, necessary 2 radiator on 1,2 kW under each window. But there is a choice - it is better to install 1 large radiator total on 2,4 kW under one of the windows.

The operation of the entire heating system depends on the correct choice of pipe diameter

Along the cold outer wall or on both sides of a large balcony door, vertical radiators with a decorative shield should be preferred.. They are recommended for installation in the nursery. At any type of radiators establish pipes with internal section from 10 millimeters, which are easier to rinse if necessary.

According to standardization standards, the temperature of the heat carrier in the heating system for residential buildings should not exceed 90-95 ° C. Regardless of the choice of pipes for heating a private home, it is important to adhere to this threshold.

Metal pipes are used for gravity heating systems (natural) or combined circulation.

Their diameter is selected for the solid fuel boiler pipe (maximum), then it may decrease.

In modern boilers, the diameter of the outlet - to 50 millimeters, the "return" should be the same. After branching, the diameter usually decreases, and closed systems often have pipes on 12,7 millimeters of internal section.

pay attention! Pressure in the heating system of a private household 2-3 times lower, than in urban conditions of central heating, that is close 1,5 atmospheres. Any type of pipe under such conditions is not threatened by water hammer or increased heat load. Therefore, when choosing a pipe for heating a private home, the owners themselves have the right to decide, what is better and more economical to buy.

What is important to consider when choosing a wiring system?

It is better to entrust the design of the heating system to a specialist. Depending on the architectural features and number of storeys of a private house, different wiring scheme of the heating system is used.

A two-pipe heating system will require almost twice as much material, than for single-pipe, this should also be taken into account when estimating

Metal pipes have no restrictions on the wiring scheme:

  • changes (collector);
  • single pipe;
  • two-pipe.

The most common 2-pipe scheme, including upper and lower wiring, which provides fast and uniform heating of radiators. This is important to keep in mind when calculating, what pipes are needed for heating a private house, and how many running meters they will have to buy.

The main types of heating pipes and their parameters

Metal pipes. Previously, heating in a private house with iron pipes was unalterable, because there was nothing else. Pipes made of this material served long and flawlessly, but this metal is subject to corrosion, and rust gradually clogged the duct. We had to look for a solution to the problem, how to flush heating pipes in a private home.

Ensuring the operation of a self-flowing autonomous heating system involves the use of a large cross-section pipe. Steel pipes cope well with this task in the system of solid fuel boilers and furnaces with heat exchangers. Galvanizing and steel are always better, than ordinary iron pipes.

Advantages of heating with iron, steel or copper pipeline:

  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • high strength;
  • ease of operation;
  • sufficient thermal conductivity;
  • possibility at heating and installation to bend a pipe and to do at any angle;
  • the rigidity of the metal minimizes the number of attachments to walls and other vertical surfaces;
  • low cost and availability of components for connection without welding (lap, adapters, couplings, corners of cast iron and steel);
  • withstand significant mechanical action and internal pressure;
  • possibility to use in one system pipes and small details from other metals;
  • the service life of steel and iron is close 40-50 years (depends on the quality of water and its temperature), copper - more 100 years.

It is recommended to choose copper pipes - the most durable and reliable, but expensive. They easily tolerate high heat and freezing. But it is better to entrust installation to experts.

Copper pipes are considered one of the best materials for heating installation, but the cost of such a network will be higher, than systems from any other type of pipes

Disadvantages of metal:

  • heavy material, which requires additional shipping costs;
  • high-quality installation of the system involves welding;
  • longer pipe laying process, than joining fragments of polymers;
  • uneven inner surface of iron leads to accumulation of precipitation and oxides, especially on turning areas, they are difficult to dismantle and wash;
  • external and internal corrosion, it is undesirable to stack them with a hidden heating system (in the walls);
  • the need for frequent painting of pipes and radiators;
  • significant heat loss in cold rooms;
  • expensive welder services.

Advice! This choice is undesirable, when it is intended to mount pipes in the wall. They gradually oxidize and rot, especially on the outer perimeter of the house.

Polypropylene pipes. Affordable heating system option. The permissible temperature amplitude is indicated in the marking. The positive qualities include:

  • smooth-walled inner lumen, which eliminates the possibility of rapid formation of sedimentary plaque, so, the need for internal cleaning will be less;
  • small specific weight, which makes them better when arranging a sagging house or based on moving soils, cheaper transportation;
  • can be mounted in the wall according to the scheme of the closed type;
  • the material expands less when heated, than metals, it is not necessary to paint often;
  • at low temperatures pipes are not subject to deformations and serve long enough - from 20 years;
  • do not freeze at occasional inclusion of heating of a country house in the winter;
  • ease of care (cleaning and washing).

Polypropylene pipes are often used in modern private homes for heating systems


  • requires a special connection type (the device for the soldering of plastic and polymers);
  • pipes inelastic, fittings are used in turning areas;
  • the finished pipeline is difficult to repair or flush, it is necessary to replace sites between two fittings;
  • low heat resistance - up to 70 ° C, episodic warm-up - to 90 ° C;
  • low rigidity of pipes (sag on long fragments between the mounts).

It is important to consider! Concealed installation involves some expansion of the heating system and installation of compensators.

Pipes from the sewed polyethylene (PEX) for water supply. The name is associated with a special technology for the production of adhesions at the molecular level.


  • sufficient resistance to high pressure and high temperature - the workload is close 90 ° C;
  • high density of the material;
  • special properties when heated - the pipe bends at the right angle, when repeated heat treatment takes the same form (memory effect);
  • durability of material - from 50 years;
  • small specific weight, which simplifies transportation and installation, minimizes the load on the foundation;
  • easy installation with the use of connections such as press fittings;
  • smooth inner lumen prevents the deposition of calcium;
  • due to the small linear expansion it is the best material, if it is decided to make a heating system of internal type.

Cross-linked polyethylene pipes are used in systems of varying complexity, they are also combined with other types of pipes

No significant shortcomings were identified, you can choose such pipes for any scheme.

Metal-plastic pipes. One of the most popular types of pipes for heating a private home. What makes them better than others? This is affordable and easy to install. Metal-plastic combines the advantages of polymers, thanks to the multilayer type of "stitching". Inside - smooth plastic, reinforcement of metal foil plus a protective outer layer, which does not require painting.

There are no significant shortcomings, but fittings and other components are expensive, and they have a narrowing of the section, which reduces passability. However, such pipes are not desirable to use in country houses, where the use of heating is seasonal: when frozen they deform. If you choose them for a country house with permanent residence - this is an ideal option.

Today there are many types of heating pipes, each of which is attractive to the buyer in its own way. However, they, what products to use, depends on many factors. First, than to make a purchase, need to be studied, what features of this or that kind will be a plus for you, and which - a minus, and on this basis, make a decision.



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