Categories: Pipes

Polypropylene pipes technical characteristics. Pros and cons

Not everyone knows, that there are currently many types of polypropylene pipes, differing in technical characteristics, quality, purpose and color. But these products are increasingly used for indoor plumbing, and, practically, supplanted steel counterparts. On their basis it is possible to create engineering communications with the raised temperature of working environment - systems of hot water supply and heating..

Today there are many types of polypropylene pipes for use in various fields

Marking of polypropylene pipes

First, what you need to pay attention to when choosing these products - what are their markings. The point is, that the technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes differ from modification to modification. And this factor imposes significant restrictions on the scope of their application. In particular, not all of them are able to operate at high pressure and high temperatures.

The current standardized classification of polypropylene pipes divides such products into 4 groups. Their designation contains the Latin letters PN and two numbers. This number shows, at what pressure polypropylene pipes are designed.

PN10. Systems, collected on the basis of this product withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres. The answer to the question of the maximum temperature of the working environment is unambiguous: + 45?WITH. These figures are indicated on the surface of the pipes. With the help of pipe products of this type create communications for the transportation of only cold liquids. The main difference is the thin walls. "Due to" such technical characteristics, polypropylene pipes of the PN10 group have not been widely used for laying pipelines in apartments.

PN16. Polypropylene pipes, marked with the following sequence of characters, withstand pressure up to 16 atmospheres, with it it is possible to transport liquid with temperature +60?WITH. These polypropylene pipes can be selected only for "cold" highways. in addition, they are characterized by a fairly high coefficient of thermal deformation, that in pressure pipelines of heating and hot water supply is unacceptable.

You can determine the type and purpose of the pipe by marking on its surface

PN20. What pressure will withstand a polypropylene pipe, in the name of which there is such a combination of characters, we already know - 20 atmospheres. And water temperature +95?It's not scary with her. Technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes PN20 allow their application in hot water supply.

Importantly! Due to significant temperature deformation in pressure heating systems is not currently used. When a liquid is transported under such a pipe under high pressure with temperature, approaching the maximum allowable, it leads and bends.

PN25. These are full-fledged heating pipes made of polypropylene. The coolant temperature can reach +95?WITH. Answer to the question, which pressure is kept by a pipe from polypropylene type PN25, clear - 25 atmospheres. Composite material with reinforcing inserts is used as raw material for their production. These can be nylon fiber or aluminum foil. Both types of layers not only improve the performance of polypropylene pipes, but also reduce temperature deformation. Even when transporting water with the maximum allowable temperature under high pressure, their linear dimensions will not change. Therefore, reinforced products are widely used in pressure pipelines. Another important factor: in comparison with a thick-walled pipe from polypropylene, which is installed in similar highways, heat loss in metal-plastic products is twice lower. But the level of frost resistance of these types of pipes are comparable.

Pros and cons of polypropylene pipes

Technical characteristics of polypropylene pipe, which made it one of the most popular types of building materials, due to the amazing properties of this polymer.

One of the advantages of polypropylene pipes is installation: with a fairly simple technology, a strong and durable connection is obtained

What are the features of polypropylene pipes experts point out? There are several of them:

  • service life is close 50 years. And when used only in cold water, according to the manufacturers, - all 100;
  • prevent the formation of solid deposits. This characteristic of polypropylene pipes is due to the use at the stage of production of special technology of internal surface treatment;
  • noise insulation. This property is inherent even in a polypropylene pressure pipe, in which the movement of fluid under high pressure can cause unpleasant to the human ear vibrating and rumbling noises;
  • no condensate. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of polypropylene pipes;
  • light weight. The value of this characteristic of polypropylene pipe in 9 times less than the value of a similar parameter of a metal product;
  • ease of installation. But if you are doing this for the first time, you should listen to the advice of professionals. In particular, pay special attention to the heating time of polypropylene pipes when they are welded together;
  • do not require additional maintenance;
  • resistant to chemically aggressive acid-base compounds;
  • high elasticity;
  • affordable price. You can choose such products in any price range.

Not the last role in high demand taking into account features of climate of our country is played by frost resistance of pipes from polypropylene, due to their low thermal conductivity.

Polypropylene pipes are resistant to low temperatures, and no special conditions are required for their storage and operation

The advantages of polypropylene pipes were mentioned above. But, as always, there are no disadvantages here either. The main ones are as follows:

  1. Fairly high linear expansion. Unreinforced polypropylene pipes require special expansion joints during installation.
  2. Low heat resistance. Regardless, which polypropylene pipes are selected, it is necessary to look for a heater at once. This is especially true for heating systems.
  3. Poor ability to deform. It is impossible to change the direction of the pipe without the use of additional fittings.
  4. Weak resistance to direct sunlight. Although reaching the maximum temperature for polypropylene pipes does not cause this phenomenon, but it is accompanied by premature accelerated aging of the material.

Council! Follow the special installation rules, taking into account the expansion factor when installing the pipeline. In particular, do not allow sagging of pipes - for this purpose it is necessary to place points of fastening of pipes on a wall with small intervals..

How to choose polypropylene pipes

There are five things to keep in mind when choosing the right product. Marking of polypropylene pipes has already been discussed, therefore remain 4 important factors.

Maximum temperature. The choice must be made, based on the estimated value of this parameter of the coolant, taking into account the marking of polypropylene pipes. As mentioned above, PN25 is the best choice for heating systems, PN20 - for hot water supply, PN16 - for cold water supply systems.

Ordinary home plumbing can be mounted from small diameter pipes

Diameter. It is necessary to select it taking into account technical characteristics of the created pipeline system. The best polypropylene pipes for apartment breeding are products with a diameter 20 and 25 millimeters. For risers it is better to use products with a cross section 32 or 40 millimeters. Thick-walled polypropylene pipe of large diameter is used for the main pipeline, mounted in the basement of an apartment building.

Maximum allowable pressure. If we talk about household use, then almost all types of pipes are suitable, including PN10 product. How their service life is related to pressure and temperature, consider the example of this pipe.

  • water temperature 20?WITH. The service life will be at least 50 years, if the pressure in the central line does not exceed the mark in
  • water temperature 50?WITH. In this case, that the service life was 50 years, it is necessary to withstand the pressure, not exceeding ;
  • water temperature 70?WITH. The service life will be equal to the declared by the manufacturer at pressure ;
  • the water temperature stays at that level for a long time 95? WITH. In this case, the service life 50 years there can be no language. The maximum is some 5 years at constant pressure .

Coefficient of thermal expansion. We already know, that polypropylene pipes are such products, the geometry of which changes at high temperatures of the transported liquid. The changes concern the thickness of their walls. And this is critical for such a parameter, as the capacity of the pipeline.

It is not recommended to lay the PN20 pipe closed. After all, its deformation can cause cracks in the plaster layer. And here application of polypropylene pipes like PN25 allows to carry out laying both the closed and open way. In the latter case, the interior of the living space will not deteriorate due to the lack of bending of these products. After all the pipe reinforced with polypropylene perfectly keeps the form.

Importantly! Characteristics of polypropylene pipes "Coefficient of linear expansion" largely determines the method of laying the pipeline hot should be chosen.

As for the service life of polypropylene pipes, then, if used properly, each will last at least five decades.

Plumbing, laid inside the walls, will not spoil the look and style of the bathroom, but for this method of laying you need to choose strong pipes

Assortment of polypropylene pipes

This segment of the world market is represented by the following types of polypropylene pipes:

  • PPH. These are the simplest polypropylene products and all those, which only modern industry produces. They are designed to create cold water supply systems, industrial pipelines, as well as ventilation systems;
  • PPB. This type of pipe rolling range is made of a complex block copolymer of polypropylene. These products are used in pressure systems for cold water supply and heating. But they are used not only as pressure pipes made of polypropylene. They are used to make high-strength impact connectors;
  • PPR. Random copolymer of polypropylene is used for production. Systems are created on the basis of this type of pipes, as hot, and cold water supply, including water underfloor heating;
  • PPs. This is a separate type of pipe rolling range, Hardly flammable high-strength polymer is used as a raw material for its production. The maximum operating temperature of polypropylene pipes type PPs is +95?WITH. According to experts, this is the best single layer option (unreinforced) products for heating systems.

Color of polypropylene pipes

The assortment of polypropylene pipe rolling is presented by products of four colors. They are white, gray, black and green. Various engineering communications are mounted on the basis of white or gray polypropylene pipes, from plumbing to individual heating system.

Each type of pipe has its own color or marking strip on the outer surface

However, the disadvantage of white pipes is the impossibility of operation in the street, as such products are characterized by low frost resistance. Already at the temperature 0?From the type of polypropylene used for their production begins to crystallize.

Useful Information! White pipes withstand pressure 25 there is! However, gray polypropylene pipes have better thermal load tolerance.

Gray pipes also have the following advantages:

  • possibility of operation in pressure systems;
  • thermal and chemical resistance;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • tightness.

in addition, gray polypropylene pipes are perfectly combined with an ordinary soldering iron.

From the existing range of these products to create a sewer, as well as drainage systems it is recommended to use black polypropylene pipes. Imported raw materials at the stage of production of additives, that increase their technical capabilities. Of the advantages of plastic black pipes should be noted:

  • resistance to various aggressive environments;
  • resistance to UV radiation;
  • high strength;
  • the service life declared by the manufacturer is completely maintained.

Currently, many owners of suburban areas are interested in the question, which polypropylene pipes are best for watering. The answer is simple: green. They are sold at such a low price, that gardeners may simply ignore the strength characteristics of these products.

Corrugated pipes made of polypropylene

Such large diameter products are used for the construction of drainage systems, sewerage, removal of rainfall (storm sewer) and groundwater (drainage).

Corrugated polypropylene pipes are used in various fields - small diameter is required for laying electrical networks

The maximum value of permanent effluent temperature for polypropylene corrugated pipe is approx +60?WITH, and short-term to +100?WITH., which is rare. Pipelines are being laid, created on the basis of this product, trenchless gasket and in open trenches, and the organization of transitions is carried out by means of reinforced concrete wells. And no other designs, and also special equipment for laying and installation of corrugated pipes of big diameter is not required.

Modern enterprises have now mastered the production of two-layer corrugated polypropylene pipes. Of their advantages are worth noting:

  • high annular rigidity;
  • chemical and corrosion resistance;
  • resist the action of stray currents. Dielectric properties favorably distinguish these products from metal counterparts. After all, those, being laid near cable routes, due to the effects of electrochemical corrosion are prone to accelerated aging;
  • high bandwidth;
  • increased resistance to hydroabrasive wear;
  • long service life.

Features of welding of polypropylene pipes

The method of thermal polyfusion is used for welding products of this type. It consists in heating the welded parts, followed by their quick connection. This procedure is performed using a special soldering iron. Some manufacturers of such tools equip them with two heating elements at once, the capacity of which is sufficient to heat pipes of a specific diameter. It would seem, this is a plus. But not in this case.

For high-quality connection of pipes by means of a method of thermodiffusion the special equipment and strict observance of welding technology will be required.

Importantly! Heating with two elements at the same time can overheat the plastic and cause overload of the power supply. Therefore, use a second heater as a spare, when the first fails.

Heating time depends on:

  • pipe diameter;
  • width of a welding belt;
  • ambient temperature. It should not go beyond the norm.

The material retains its plasticity for a very short time after heating. You need to have time to secure the connection in a few seconds, at the same time getting rid of distortions. The optimum temperature for heating is considered a mark +260?WITH. To ensure a secure connection, the pipe material must be heated sufficiently. But overheating can cause loss of shape. Therefore, you should control the execution time of this operation. Depending on the cross section of the pipes, it is:

  • 8… 9 seconds for pipe cross section 20 millimeters;
  • 9…10 Seconds, if pipes with a diameter are welded 25 millimeters;
  • 10… 12 seconds when welding pipes with a diameter 32 millimeters, etc.. d.

Heated and already connected pipes must be properly cooled. Fixation takes the same amount of time, as well as the heating phase. If you hurry and stop this procedure ahead of time, deformation of the joint will occur. Welding of polypropylene pipes is a relatively difficult process. It is not only the non-observance of the heating time that is critical, but also non-compliance with the rules of soldering. The main ones are as follows:

  • the welding machine must be switched on at all times during operation;
  • it is obligatory to mark the surface of the pipe in order to ensure the proper depth of the weld.
  • the mating elements must be heated at the same time.

Learning, which are polypropylene pipes, most of our compatriots prefer to buy just such products. The money invested will pay off a hundredfold due to many factors. In particular, the low thermal conductivity of the material allows you to abandon the purchase and installation of insulation. The heat savings during the transportation of the coolant is about 20%. That is, gas consumption in an autonomous heating system can also be reduced.



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