Categories: Pipes

Reinforced concrete pipes: varieties, marking and installation

Reinforced concrete pipes (ЖБ) - these are products, which are made of high-strength brands of concrete and are used for transportation of household waste, as well as rainwater. All products, made of this material, are divided into: non-pressure and pressure. Such details are very profitable, because they are low cost, ease of maintenance and long service life.

Reinforced concrete pipes are strong, practical products, which are used for the device of water supply and drainage systems

The main characteristics of reinforced concrete pipes

Physical and technical characteristics of reinforced concrete pipes are regulated by state standards (GUEST). Consider the basic requirements, which must correspond to the reinforced concrete parts:

  • there should be no cracks on the walls of the reinforced concrete products, otherwise their use is prohibited;
  • products with TV marking, SMEs, TBP and TK must be equipped with special rubber seals, which are necessary for the organization of sealing joints.

Useful Information! Marking should be applied in certain places, specified in Guests. So, marking, usually, applied to the outer surface of the bell-shaped connecting element. However, for rebate-type pipes, the location of the marking at the end of the part is permitted.

The cross-sectional area of ​​such pipes can vary greatly, which allows to expand their operational area. Special equipment is used for installation of reinforced concrete structures, as their weight does not allow to make a lining by the hands. However, despite this, such communication is able to pay for itself fairly quickly at the stage of operation.

Reinforced concrete pipes are available in different diameters, they are also distinguished by the absence or presence of a bell

Advantages and disadvantages of reinforced concrete pipes

To date, the most common and frequently used pipes are bell-shaped reinforced concrete parts. This is due to the ease of joining the individual segments of the pipeline with each other. Reinforced concrete products are considered an excellent option for the organization of pressureless (self-flowing) sewerage, in which wastewater is removed naturally. Reinforced concrete products have many benefits, which are worth paying attention to:

  • such pipes have high strength characteristics, which allows them to withstand heavy loads. Due to the high strength, Reinforced concrete parts are actively used for laying under highways and railways;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures - another plus of these details. Some products, made of special brands of concrete, allowed to use even in harsh climates;
  • the ease of joining the individual elements of the pipeline is achieved through the connecting parts (bells and folds);
  • the inner walls of such parts have a low coefficient of roughness, which allows you to achieve good throughput. In some cases, special compounds are applied to the inner surface of the pipes to reduce the coefficient of resistance, which eliminate microscopic defects;
  • concrete is a material, which is resistant to harmful corrosive effects, and is also resistant to rot. Therefore, under certain conditions, reinforced concrete pipes are considered more reliable, than steel counterparts;
  • concrete is a dielectric material, therefore, reinforced concrete products are able to resist the effects of stray currents in the soil;
  • such pipes have a minimum metal content.

Like any other product of reinforced concrete pressureless and pressure pipes have some disadvantages:

  • large mass, which requires the use of special equipment when installing the channel;
  • weak resistance to aggressive environments.

An important advantage of reinforced concrete pipes is high strength, which allows you to lay them underground and in those places, where a large load on the ground

Reinforced concrete pipes have a long shelf life, which can reach 50 years (under normal use). Such products are divided into several varieties, depending on the design and functional features.

Varieties of reinforced concrete pipes

Today it exists 4 main types of reinforced concrete pipes:

  • безнапірні;
  • pressure head;
  • bells;
  • безнапірні розтрубні.

Reinforced concrete pressureless pipes are used for laying channels, according to which the transportation of fluid is due to the inclination of communication.

pay attention! It is important to note, that the flow cross-section indicator, transported by pressureless pipelines, usually, on 5% Less, than the diameter of the tubular structure.

Pressure parts are made of strong brands of concrete and are used for installation of sewer and other systems, in which the working medium moves as a result of pressure. The pressure in such communications is pumped by special pumping equipment.

The bell parts are called so, because they include special connecting elements - bells. Reinforced concrete pipe is a segment of the pipeline structure, which has an extension at one end, and on the other - narrowing. Concrete pressureless pipes are the most common today.

Pressureless bell-shaped concrete pipes are used for the organization of self-flowing channels. Such products are resistant to harmful corrosive effects, and also differ in long service life. Joining of separate segments of such pipeline is carried out at the expense of bell-shaped connecting elements.

Pipes, having extensions at one end, called bells

All reinforced concrete products are divided into 2 main groups, depending on the docking option:

  • bell-shaped concrete pipes;
  • rebate concrete pipes.

Reinforced concrete pressureless bell pipes have a cylindrical cross section and a stepped surface in the area of ​​the sleeve element. They are completed with rubber rings for sealing of joints and a sole. Details, which are joined by folds, practically no different from bells, except the connection type.

Marking of reinforced concrete pipes

Marking of reinforced concrete products determines their functional purpose and is applied, as mentioned above, on the outer surface of the bell or on one of the ends of the rebate parts. Firms, producing reinforced concrete products, it is obligatory to mark, which consists of:

  • letter designation;
  • digital designation.

The letter designation indicates the type of pipe and its features. The table below shows the main options for letter marking of reinforced concrete pipe elements.

Table 1


product characteristics
T Cylindrical detail, which has the shape of a cone. One end of the product is made in the form of an extended funnel, and the second is equipped with a sleeve element. The butt joint of such a part is completed with a rubber sealing ring.
TN Products of this type are used for laying pressure channels, which are equipped with pressure boosters (pumps).
TP Such models, like T-tubes have the shape of a cone. They are joined by means of bell-shaped connecting elements. In the lower working position include the sole.
TB They have the same shape, as the previous type, however, The big difference between these products is the presence of persistent ??burtika. Equipped with rubber sealing elements to increase the tightness of the joints.
TBP They are no different from previous reinforced concrete products, in addition, including the sole.
TS Concrete pipes of this type are equipped at the stage of production with a stepped surface, which promotes docking. Include a docking surface, which is sealed with rubber seals.
TSP They are no different from the previous type of reinforced concrete pipes, in addition to the presence of soles.
TFP These parts are rebate and are equipped with special rubber seals, used in butt joints.
TBFP The same details, as well as TFP products, but include the sole.
THEN Technically, these products resemble TBFP parts, but have one difference - an oval hole.
THEY They differ from the previous type of pipes only in that, having holes not oval, and elliptical shape.

Geometric characteristics, which are applied in the form of a digital symbol on the reinforced concrete product, such:

  • the first digit, usually, indicates the internal cross section of the part;
  • the second digit corresponds to the useful length of the part, which can be calculated in decimeters;
  • the last figure tells about the bearing capacity of the reinforced concrete pipe.

So, by marking it is possible to define not only purpose of this or that reinforced concrete pipe, but also to get acquainted with its geometric characteristics, which are necessary for various calculations.

Some types of reinforced concrete pipes are equipped with rubber seals, which ensure the tightness of the connection

Features of installation of reinforced concrete pipes

Consider the step-by-step procedure for installing a reinforced concrete pipeline:

  1. The coupling of the reinforced concrete part must be positioned as follows, so that the end of the operated side is aligned with the mark on the pipe. Sealing element, represented by a rubber ring, must be located as follows, that the distance from it to the working seal of the coupling was minimal.
  2. Then at the end of the second reinforced concrete segment sketch a sealing element. The distance of this element to the end should be small.
  3. At the third stage by means of use of special assembly tools the coupling in the direction of the joined pipe is moved. At the same time, the first element of the rubber seal is pumped.
  4. Further, the coupling is moved until then, until it reaches the special mark on the second pipe.
  5. At the end of the installation of the second ring of the seal in the slot of the coupling.

So, assembly of the reinforced concrete pipeline is carried out. The presence of sealing rings allows to achieve the required sealing performance.

pay attention! ZhB trumpets, the intersection of which exceeds 700 mm, are joined in this way, that the distance from the smooth end of a detail to its surface made not less 1-1,5 cm.

It is important to remember, that after the organization of a joint of two pipes it is necessary to take care of its laying. It is recommended to use hemp strand for these purposes, which is tarred with a composition based on bitumen. After sealing the joint is often minted, which is necessary to ensure maximum reliability of the received connection. Minting is performed with a mixture of asbestos (30%) and cement (70%).



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