Categories: Pipes

Laying a drainage pipe. Types of drainage systems. What materials will be needed

The most effective way to protect the foundation of a private house from the destructive effects of rainfall and groundwater is a drainage system. This is especially important when water accumulates in the upper soil layer, as its excess can lead to flooding of the basement and basement, to provoke moistening of walls with their subsequent deformation and to promote emergence of fungal deposits. The best solution to this problem is to install a drainage system.

Deciding to make drainage of the site with your own hands, it is necessary to study rules of laying of drainage pipes

When required

Pipes for such a system, laid along the perimeter of the entire site, provide an opportunity to create quality drainage. It is necessary to organize it therefore, that the danger of flooding is not only soil, but also flood waters. If the permissible norms are exceeded, precipitation can also cause damage.

The difference from the waterproofing of the foundation in this case is the admissibility of laying pipes after the construction of the house, if there are grounds for this. But there are certain conditions, requiring the implementation of such measures in the initial stages of construction:

  1. Sloping location of the site. This contributes to a significant accumulation of water.
  2. Earthen, as well as loamy soil. They have weak water permeability characteristics.
  3. Statistics. This refers to information on the probability of excess rainfall for the region, in which the house is located.
  4. Elevated groundwater level. Distance from the soil surface is less than one and a half meters.

The depth of the structure on the site of other structures should also be taken into account. The presence of a deep foundation near the main building, not just prevents the outflow of groundwater naturally, and contributes to their accumulation, what, in turn, increases the risk of flooding. The role of a barrier for the free movement of water is also played by the existing asphalt pavement and equipped with concrete paving.. Prevent consequences of groundwater level fluctuations, as well as the accumulation of moisture in the soil around the house will allow the laying of drainage pipes. The right solution in this case is to connect the drains to the main drainage system.

In many cases, the best solution is to combine a drainage system with a drainage system

Types of drainage systems. What materials will be needed

Today, two options are used to install such systems.

  1. Superficial (open). Presented in the form of trenches and ditches. Used to remove excess moisture, arising from the accumulation of meltwater and precipitation.
  2. Closed (deep). Here, perforated pipes are placed in a pre-prepared trench to a certain depth.. The main functions are protection of the foundation of the house and drainage of groundwater.

An open system is optimal in this case, if the water floods the area only slightly, or it is not enough. Then experts recommend formation drainage without laying pipes. Work on its implementation involves the formation of ditches or trenches of two layers - one of gravel, and the second - sandy. Together they form a layer, which is well permeable to water.

On a side note! The ditch should have a slope of about three centimeters per meter of its length.

From the materials will be needed:

  • gravel. The optimal particle size of the material - 20-40 millimeters. If necessary, gravel can be replaced by gravel of medium or large fraction. Large lumps of soil and dirt do not penetrate through it;
  • sand. It should be taken from the banks of rivers. Sand is used to arrange trays. An important requirement - it must be large. The advantage of this material is, that at sharp temperature differences its form does not change.

The same gravel and sand will be needed for the deep drainage system. But here they are, in addition to the above, perform other functions. Crushed stone eliminates excess soil pressure on the pipe, and the sand creates a kind of filtration cushion around the drainage pipe.

You will also need the following materials and equipment:

  • geotextiles. Designed to protect the perforated pipe element of the system from soil contamination. Usually dornit or flazelin is used. Both types of textiles have a filtering ability in addition to strength;
  • drainage pipes. The formation of the drainage system is carried out on their basis. The diameter and quantity are affected by the complexity of the bookmark method;
  • couplings. These parts are used to fasten the above elements of the system together;
  • drainage pumps. Used only in case of significant flooding of the garden with groundwater.

Pipes are required to install the drainage system, wells, crushed stone, sand and geotextiles

For periodic cleaning of the drainage system, without which, usually, can not do, along its perimeter it is necessary to install inspection wells. And to ensure the collection of water in the system, a collector well is being arranged.

To work, you need to have such tools at hand:

  • pick;
  • shovel;
  • bayonet spade;
  • wheelbarrow for transportation of sand and rubble.

Choice of drainage pipes

First of all, should know, that to create a drainage system will require the installation of perforated drainage pipe. Others, what to pay attention to when choosing, this is its diameter. No less important feature, raw materials are applicable to the drainage pipeline, from which it was made. According to this criterion in the market of building materials you can find the following types of pipes:

  • from polymeric materials;
  • ceramic;
  • asbestos-cement.

The most popular products of the first kind. And this is not surprising, since polymer pipes have the following advantages:

  • service life can reach 70(!) years;
  • resistance to aggressive environments and resistance to corrosion;
  • due to the light weight, transportation and installation are not difficult;
  • resistance to siltation;
  • thanks to the smooth surface, polymer pipes are capable of self-cleaning;
  • ease of maintenance. This advantage is due to the presence of a geotextile filter;
  • reasonable value for money.

Modern drainage systems are assembled from PVC plastic pipes, PE, PP and others

A few numbers, concerning the diameter of the pipes.

  • To 300 millimeters for the system, which removes a large amount of water.
  • To 150 millimeters for the system, operating under light load.

Council! Use large diameter pipes to create the main drainage line, and for branches - small.

Varieties of plastic drainage pipes

It was said above, that these products are increasingly popular today. Therefore, they should be considered separately.

Polymer pipes are made, used in the laying of drainage systems, usually, made of polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. Modern industry produces the following types of these products:

  • corrugated or smooth;
  • pipes with or without filter shell. Drainage pipes usually already have holes along their entire length. But if the purchased products do not have them, special holes can be made with a drill and a small drill diameter;
  • flexible and rigid. On the basis of the first on all site the difficult branching is created. But rigid pipes are used to create simple drainage schemes;
  • single-layer or double-layer pipes. When choosing the number of layers it is necessary to take into account the density of the soil.

Corrugated drainage pipes have higher strength, than smooth

A few words about textile coating. Samples are presented on the construction market, usually, already covered with geotextile. If uncoated products were purchased, you can wrap their surface yourself. For this purpose it is enough to fix material on perimeter of a pipe a thin wire or a rope.

We create a drainage system with our own hands

First you need to develop a plan-scheme for the placement of drainage pipes in a particular area, taking into account the level of groundwater and soil type. The most commonly used branched scheme, in which installation on joints of observation wells is carried out. The distance between the branches is selected according to the type of soil. So, for sandy soil it will be 45, loamy - 20, and for clayey - 10 meters.

Independent laying of a drainage pipe begins with definition of a concrete place of installation. There are two options for accommodation: drainage along the perimeter of the entire homestead. Allows you to protect and greenery, outbuildings, and the base of the building; "Genuine" drainage system. Fits around the perimeter of the foundation of a private house and prevents moisture from entering.

The sequence of stages of installation works looks like this:

  • the site is marked, where drainage ditches will be laid. Significantly facilitate the initial steps of using a laser rangefinder. But it is necessary to do so, paying attention to the excess water that has accumulated after the rain. They clearly demonstrate the fact of the complexity of water exchange due to existing obstacles or high soil density.
  • a drainage trench is being prepared taking into account height differences. Deepening is required for unobstructed and rapid outflow of water.

Trench, in which the pipes will be placed, should be dug with a slight slope towards the water collection point

Council! In the process, use a watering hose. Filling the trench with a little water, you will see, how easily the fluid comes out of the recess along the entire length of this ditch.

  • before installing the drainage pipe, the bottom of the ditch is carefully compacted. Then the filter material is laid, the edges of which must go beyond the trench. River sand is poured on top, as well as crushed stone of different factions. But here you need to follow this sequence: big at first, and then the middle. The thickness of the rubble layer should not be more 20 centimeters;
  • by means of an electric jigsaw or a pipe cutter drainage elements are cut according to parameters of the scheme;
  • the pipework is laid and the joints are connected by fittings. To establish a secure connection, the joint sections are preheated;
  • pipes rotate with geotextile. Joints are tightly fixed with rope or thin wire. This is a very important stage, therefore it is necessary to know in advance a technique of laying of a drainage pipe, obscured geotextile. The excellent throughput of this material allows you to absorb the liquid coming out of the perforation. in addition, geotextile protects the perforations of the pipe from contamination;
  • laying of drainage must be carried out with a slope with a series connection of the ends of pipes and inspection wells. The latter can be arranged in two ways: absorbing - the collected liquid is returned to the soil, and sealed - when water will be used for technical purposes. The angle of the drainage elements is related to the value of their diameter in inverse proportion. That is, the larger the cross section of the pipes, the smaller the slope;
  • at the end of the laid drainage pipes are covered with gravel and sand. Next, the structure is covered with lying on the surface edges of the insulating material, after which this kind of cocoon is covered with a layer of earth.

Pipes are laid in the prepared trench, wrapped in geotextile

Possible errors in the arrangement of drainage

The efficiency of the drainage system and the quality of the installation are interrelated. Any errors in operation can damage the drainage, and that, in turn, will cause the need to repair the problem area or a complete reinstallation of the entire system.

List of errors, which take place during installation, quite wide. The following are the most common.

  1. The condition of the soil was not taken into account when choosing the pipeline.
  2. Wrong angle of inclination or it was not expected at all.
  3. No filter element or geotextile.
  4. Unscrupulously soldered pipes.
  5. The technology of arrangement of the drainage system was not followed: installation was carried out without sand / gravel.

Competently carried out work on the installation of drainage, you will reliably protect the basement and basement of your home from the destructive effects of sewage.



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