Restoration of a paint and varnish covering of a body of the car by the hands

Restoration of a paint and varnish covering of a body of the car by the hands

The body is considered one of the most vulnerable parts of the vehicle. Small stones, flying towards the car while driving at high speed, damage the lacquer coating. Scratches can also occur as a result of a minor accident or after a collision with branches. Even a shallow scratch is dangerous.

If the lacquer coating is damaged, sooner or later moisture gets on the metal, which can cause the development of corrosion.

In order to restore the car and give it a spectacular appearance, the car's paintwork is being repaired.

Therefore, the sooner the car's paintwork will be restored, the better. Putting in order the paintwork of the car body with his own hands - a real event. It is worth noting, that self-produced procedure will cost you two or three times cheaper, than the services of a specialized garage. If you want to know, how to restore the paintwork (without painting or with it), this article is for you!

Varieties of damage to the varnish layer

There are three types of scratches and chips, which are observed on the surfaces of the machine. These include:

  1. Minor injuries. In this case, only the outer layer of varnish is damaged. Scratches of this type are easy to remove - a regular pencil-paint will do. in addition, you can make liquid glass on the car with your own hands.
  2. Damage of moderate severity. In this case, the protective film of the car is also damaged, and soil layer. You will have to tinker to remove scratches of medium severity more. However, if you have the tools and experience to work with them, you will not face problems.
  3. Severe injuries. They are quite difficult to eliminate, because the damaged layer of varnish, and primers and metal. Carry out repairs to the car without painting in this case will not work. In the presence of severe damage, the rational solution is to contact a specialized service. But if you have all the necessary tools and experience of such work, you can still remove deep scratches of the car with your own hands.

Can acrylic paint be varnished
The paint and varnish covering of the car carries out not only aesthetic function (giving the car a spectacular appearance), but also protects the body from damage and rust

Materials for body surface repair

Before you start restoring the paint on the car, make sure, that you have the following tools and materials in your arsenal:

  1. Putty materials.
  2. Varnish materials.
  3. A mixture to create a primer.
  4. Grinding machine.
  5. Skins for abrasive works.
  6. Materials for abrasive works.
  7. Fragments of felt fabric.

Materials for body repair

Restoration of a paint and varnish covering of the car

Restoration of a paint and varnish covering of the car should be carried out according to this algorithm:

  • Take care of that, that all non-working surfaces of the vehicle are securely protected. Covering materials are usually used for this purpose (type of construction film), fixing with adhesive tape.
  • Clean the surface area, to be processed (and the entire area around it within a radius of five millimeters). To do this, use a grinder or abrasive skin with a high grain content. Stripping is required to remove dirt and rust, which could already be formed in a scratch.

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