Categories: Metalworking

Products for the house from metal the hands for sale: manufacturing technology, ideas of things

It is possible to decorate the interior of a house or a country house not only with shop trinkets, but also metal products, made with their own hands. And it is available to everyone, because this requires a minimum set of tools and knowledge. At the same time, such things can decorate any interior.

Thinking about creating such items, everyone can choose the technology of manufacture, focusing on their experience and knowledge. Although in each case the chosen technique will require certain costs, necessary for the purchase or manufacture of special equipment.

We can create a lot of different metal products, decorate with them a garden. It can be both products and furniture, and various decorative bridges and forging elements.

Technology of making things from metal

Handmade metal products can make any design more attractive, including benches, cornices, furniture and other things. And the owner can choose the style of his choice, paying attention to that, that the created thing harmoniously looked in this or that room.

In stores, metal products are offered at fairly high prices, given that, that they are made by hand. However, if desired, you can master the science of creating these items yourself, thanks to which it will be possible to save considerable sums on it. The only costs, which may arise here, will be related to the purchase of materials.

You can choose any technique you like to create metal patterns and details. Forging is quite common among them, stamping, cutting, bending, minting and filigree. After, when a diagram or drawing of the product is obtained, as well as the necessary materials have been prepared, the person will be ready to realize the idea of ​​creating an unusual and beautiful product.

Metal is that material, on the basis of which you can create a whole composition of various garden products.

Therefore, there are many different methods, which allow you to create quite original things at home:

  • Casting. The essence of this technique is to fill a special form with liquid metal.
  • Forging. This method is based on the impact on the workpiece with a hammer, temperature, press and other methods of deformation.
  • Bending. This technique is very similar to forging, it is based on riveting and welding of product elements.
  • Difovka. This method is characterized by the use of a hammer, by means of which thin sheets of iron are given the necessary forms.
  • Stamping and cutting. Using this technique, you can easily change the shape of the workpiece, as well as create holes.
  • Filigree. This method involves the use of raw or smooth wire as raw material, from which the product is created by soldering the curved elements of the pattern.
  • Mintage. This method of processing is easy to perform, and its essence is to place a special tool on the workpiece, affected by a hammer, thereby changing the shape of the product.

There are several ways, that allow you to make drawings for metal products. It can be developed manually or using special computer programs. Thanks to the drawings you can find out in advance, how much material will be needed to create things. First of all, you can't do without it, who plans to make large items, example, Gates, play. Having a ready sketch on hand, it will be easier for the master to understand before the beginning of works, how harmonious this product will look in place, selected for its placement.

Simple things made of metal

If you do not have experience in making such things with your own hands, then you are advised to start by creating the simplest items of metal. Such can be a metal box, which can act not only as a decorative element, but also to perform practical functions.

necessary tools

An ordinary can will be suitable as a basis for it. To make such a box, you need to prepare a number of tools:

  • Sandpaper;
  • Scissors;
  • ruler;
  • Pen and pencil;
  • Rock bottom, which will be used as a work surface;
  • Paper, which will serve as a basis for drawing.

The process of making a box with your own hands to clean the surface of the jar from the paint begins, for which sandpaper is used. It is desirable to perform the operation, when the jar is still full. Otherwise, you will have to perform such training as carefully as possible, because, if the metal is deformed, then you are unlikely to be able to make a beautiful box.

After that, start cutting the jars: it should be done this way, to get a rectangular blank. Before that you need to cut off the bottom, then cut the upper part lengthwise. During this operation, there will be uneven edges, which it is desirable to undermine immediately.

Next, it must be placed on a hard surface, where images are already applied, contained in the drawing, with a pencil. Then proceed directly to create a pattern. You will have no restrictions in choosing jewelry for the box, however, it is desirable to still use symmetrical parts. You need a ballpoint pen to create the pattern, with which you can easily sell aluminum. You can achieve the effect of pronounced texture, if you draw more than once along the contour lines of the pattern. After completing the above steps, you only need to assemble the box.

If you have welding equipment and skills to handle it, you can make a very beautiful metal owl with your own hands.. exept this, you will have to prepare the following tools:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Thin metal;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • Equipment for welding;
  • Washers and bolts;
  • Steel rods or wire.

At the first stage it is necessary to draw a sketch of an owl on paper, then it is transferred to cardboard. This will make it easier for you to cut out individual elements. To create an owl, we have to make eyes, body, which includes feathers, wings and tail. To make it easier for you to cut metal parts, you can use the Bulgarian.

Creating eyes for an owl, take care of that, so that large holes are made in them, in which it will be possible to insert bolts. You will have to make notches on all the scales, thanks to which the effect of plumage will be provided. To do this, you have to use a chisel. Paws can be made by connecting parts of the rod to each other, using for this welding. A piece of bent metal is used to create the beak. When assembling the product, the beak and paws must be welded at the very end. When all the elements are in place, the owl can be further decorated, treating it with a special varnish.

How to make frosty patterns?

Making frosty patterns is not a very long procedure, however, it is able to provide a very impressive look of the product, giving it a resemblance to ancient crafts. This is largely due to the manifestation of the structure of tin, which looks like crystals. To make frosty patterns, it is recommended to use cans, because a layer of tin is already applied on their surface.

You can show the picture as follows: this will require a candle, over which it is necessary to hold some parts of the metal for some time. The bank must be heated for a certain period of time. If you overdo it, then this will damage the product. the main goal, which must be achieved when heating the tin layer - let it appear.

You can also make a frosty pattern of metal with your own hands, if you place the tin on the surface of the steel plate in advance, and then heat or melt it.

A burner is suitable for this purpose: thanks to the stable flame, you can easily heat the required area of ​​tin. As the tin heats up you can notice, as it shines, which disappears in a few seconds. Try to process the metal sheet this way, that its sites were heated unevenly, because otherwise you will get a monotonous pattern. To give the workpiece an original look, creating a unique pattern, just warm the sheet in the corners.

When the required pattern is obtained, you need to dramatically reduce the temperature of the metal sheet. To do this, it is immersed in cold water or sprayed. To make the created pattern look as clear as possible on the sheet, the surface can be further treated with hydrochloric acid. For safety it is necessary to prepare the tool - a stick, to which a cotton swab is tied.

Sometimes after warming up it is not possible to achieve the necessary gap. In this case, you can remove it once with sandpaper. It is not recommended to repeat this reception, otherwise it will completely remove the tin layer.

For the purpose of decoration it is possible to address and to wax paint, which treats certain areas of the metal sheet, then they are heated. It is possible to provide stability to the drawing created on a bank by its processing by a special varnish. Even better, if you apply colored clear varnish on it, thanks to which your thing will look even more original.

How to make cold forging?

The method of cold forging can also be used to create metal products at home. With this technique you can make things with your own hands, having an unusual shape, this is done through the press. With a small thickness of the metal there is no need to resort to its heating, this will help avoid many difficulties.

Cold forging tools

Although this method of manufacture is more simple in contrast to the technique of creating metal products by hot forging, however, certain tools are needed here as well:

  • Gnutik, by means of which bends of preparation for giving the necessary form will be carried out;
  • Snail, which is also used to deform metal sheets;
  • Special flashlight, used for weaving;
  • Wave, which allows you to make wavy patterns;
  • Twister, which allows you to twist the rods together, thus you can get spiral elements.

stages of manufacture

Even before the manufacture of metal products by forging does not hurt to draw a sketch or diagram of the product.

Then, using available tools, begin to manufacture the components of the product, and then they are connected by welding.

The last stage of production of metal products by cold forging is the removal of seams, sanding and applying special varnishes.

The most common options for cold forging were discussed above, however, it can be done in a slightly different way - in the form of coinage. To use this method, no need to buy special sophisticated tools. This technique is based on work with the workpiece, on which a pre-assembled pattern is applied by extruding metal. After, when a sketch of a pattern or image is prepared, it must be cut. Then you need to make sure there is room to bend the material.

After that, the board is covered with a layer of resin, where the finished workpiece is already laid out. From this moment the process of its design begins by transferring the pattern to it.


You can decorate your home not only with modern accessories and beautiful little things, which are offered in stores. If desired, you can make your own metal things, which will look no worse. Naturally, in the absence of skills in the manufacture of such products is not excluded, that first box or other other thing, which will be made by your hands, will not be so good, as you would like.

However, as you hone your skills, you will be better able to cope with this task, and later it will not be difficult for you to create more complex things. This will allow you to turn your hobby into a very lucrative occupation. After all, things, which were made with their own hands, highly valued.



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