Categories: Apiculture

Zabrus - the benefits and harms of bee products for the body

The benefits and harms of zabrusa due to its unique composition. This is a special beeswax, which insects use to close honeycombs. It acts as a kind of lid, which is needed for that, to protect honey from possible damage.

Most of its composition is ordinary animal wax. in addition, there are other components - propolis, pollen, honey, ambrosia. Combining with wax, they create a one-of-a-kind product with a rich chemical composition, which is represented by a whole set of vitamins, organic acids, carbohydrates and enzymes. Lysozyme is especially abundant there. There are both micro - and macronutrients.

Special beeswax has long been used with considerable success by humans, as a high-value drug, and it is used in cosmetology. So what is so useful bee sting and what are the properties of the product make it so?

What is useful zabrus

This bee product has a number of positive qualities, and its action is multifaceted. It is completely natural, and therefore its effect on the body is always favorable. And even more so it can not cause harm in the form of side effects, which are observed when taking strong drugs. Its benefits are obvious:

  1. It is a powerful antiviral and bactericidal agent. In any disease of this kind, it has a depressing effect on harmful microorganisms and promotes rapid recovery.
  2. Useful and manifested by wax anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. In the presence of acute conditions, it is able to quickly stop such processes and repair damaged tissues.
  3. Zabrus is a good immunostimulant. It has a strengthening effect on the body, enhances its protective functions and, in accordance, the ability to withstand the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  4. The analgesic and antispasmodic properties of wax will come in handy, if you need to eliminate pain, relieve spasm in any part of the body.
  5. Useful zabrus as a tool, which improves metabolic processes in the body. Accelerates metabolism, which leads to disordered complex mechanisms of various organs to normal. All systems begin to function stably.
  6. Wax has the ability to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In excited states, it proves to be an excellent sedative.
  7. Zabrus can be a sorbent. It reliably absorbs and quickly removes all harmful substances.

Honeysuckle from zabrusa

The useful properties of bee sting do not end there. This mixture is a complete complex of vitamins and micro - and macronutrients, which are necessary for the human body for normal existence.

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When useful zabrus

Beeswax is used in folk medicine as a healing agent, which helps with many diseases. The industry also produces various drugs based on and containing this substance.

For ingestion, it is simply chewed until completely tasteless. All its components are harmless, and therefore it can even be swallowed. And in some cases, it's a must.

The course of taking zabrusa is different, but it is not addictive, so do not be afraid, that wax will harm the body.

Here are the cases in which such a drug will be useful:

  1. For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Among them is the flu, SARS, ARI and so on. It will help with coughs.
  2. With asthma can relieve the attack, facilitate breathing and stabilize the situation. It can also reduce the frequency of the disease.
  3. In destructive processes, occurring in the nose and paranasal sinuses, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis.
  4. To eliminate many dental problems. Example, such as stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis. Wax is also effective against tooth decay. Good removes plaque from teeth and whitens them, reduces bleeding gums. Disinfects the oral cavity.
  5. In diseases and disorders of the digestive system, such as inflammatory processes, painful symptoms, stomach ulcers and so on.
  6. With pancreatitis can significantly reduce pain symptoms, which a person feels from this organ.
  7. Relieves inflammation and reduces discomfort in rheumatism.
  8. Good effect on the skin. At their disease successfully treats, and as a cosmetic effectively cares for it.
  9. With frequent recurrent diseases, indicating reduced immunity, the use of zabrusa is also quite justified.
  10. Reduces the manifestation of any allergic reactions or prevents their occurrence.
  11. At the increased irritability chewing zabrusa has calming effect.

11 medicinal properties of zabrusa

Preventive use is good for everyone. Even if a person is rarely ill and does not need medication, then you can still use wax caps. At least for that, to get nourishment in the form of valuable and useful substances, which are so rich in zabrus.

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Who benefits from zabrus

There are no restrictions in zabrusa, it can be applied to everyone. This drug is useful:

  1. Sick people. As mentioned above, the benefits of bee sting for any organism are obvious. Him, Of course, cannot be considered the only possible cure in some cases. But it should not be abandoned, if possible. In combination with other drugs, it also works great.
  2. To small children. Their weakened body still does not cope well with all the troubles. If you give kids a bar, they will be stronger, stronger and healthier. For older children, this will be a good prevention of seasonal colds. And in general, zabrus can become their favorite delicacy, which can replace chemical chewing gum.
  3. People with weight problems. Those who lose weight should also pay attention to this product. It can be a good helper in the fight against excess weight. Usually when losing weight sweet is excluded from the diet, but zabrus can be used and even needed. In addition to a relaxed conscience for eating delicacies during the diet, You can also get a slim body as a reward for your efforts, because bee stings are excellent at fighting such problems.
  4. Expectant mothers. Beeswax has no contraindications, therefore, it is recommended to use it throughout pregnancy. This is good not only for the mother, but also for the unborn child, and the process of delivery is easier.
  5. Elderly people. In old age the body is not so strong, as before and poorly tolerates disease. He needs full support, which can be provided by the use of zabrusa. It can be taken constantly.
  6. People, engaged in physical and mental activities. As in the first, and in the second case, the body needs outside help, so as not to lose all his strength. A rich combination of biologically active components of wax will help to quickly restore lost strength and increase brain function.

How to use zabrus correctly

It is a pity zabrusu

All of the above concerned only the benefits of zabrusa. And it's really huge. But still not one substance in the world can not be completely harmless. And beeswax is no exception. In particularly rare cases, it can cause harm, causing allergic reactions.

The point is, that one of the components of zabrusa - pollen - a strong allergen. And although it is there in small quantities, people with individual intolerance to this component, you need to refrain from using the product. Actually, that's all the damage, which is able to bring beeswax.

In the treatment of diseases, modern man is accustomed to more trust in scientific medicine, and at the same time tablets, injections and other procedures provided in these cases. However, not all of them are safe, they have many side effects. Natural remedies, which have long been used in folk medicine - less aggressive, the action is softer, but still effective.

There is no denying it, that in some cases without chemistry can not do. In other respects, natural remedies as a handy tool in the treatment of various diseases look more attractive. Knowing, what is zabrus and how it is useful, chemotherapy can be minimized, as it will easily replace many pharmaceuticals.



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