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Salting cucumbers for the winter is crispy - a favorite recipe of all time + Photo

For many housewives, pickling cucumbers for the winter is very important, crunchy fruit which will be appreciated. Recipes for salty greens can be with cold water, with vinegar, acetic essence, without vinegar, with vodka, with lemon, cold way, and depending on the selected ingredients, taste characteristics will be manifested…

Salting cucumbers without vinegar

If you decide to move away from the usual winter preparations with acetic acid, and want to know, how to pickle cucumbers for the winter without vinegar essence, then, there are several ways for you to do this. The taste of your cucumbers may be different, it depends on the spices and greens, which you add when salting. If you want to feel the spice - add celery, marjoram, oregano or mint. You can put them separately, or combine to your liking. Recipe, which will be described below, will allow you to cook delicious, crispy cucumbers, which stand all winter, or even several, but most importantly - no one will be indifferent to the taste!

You will need four kilograms of cucumbers, 5 liters of water, for every one and a half liters of which, you need to take one and a half tablespoons (45 grams) large rock salt, any greens, which you like and some hot peppers.

Vegetables will turn out really crispy, if you use special secrets for marinating. Horseradish root will help to make the vegetables crispy, leaves of walnut or oak, but currant leaves will add a little tartness. If you use dill - take mature, with umbrellas of seeds, and even better - a special technical, which is very good for salting.

Wash the ingredients thoroughly, put the cucumbers in a deep container and fill it with ice water, - it will promote crunchiness and fullness of vegetables. Fruits, recently uprooted from the garden, it is possible not to subject to soaking, since they have not yet lost moisture.

Soak and drain the liquid. Cut the hot pepper into small pieces. Now you need to lay out the ingredients in a basin or pan in layers: first a layer of leaves, dill, horseradish and pepper, then cucumbers, then spices and herbs again, then cucumbers again, and so on. Be sure to finish with a layer of leaves.

The next step is to fill the cucumbers with a prepared solution of running water and salt. The water should completely cover the vegetables. They will emerge, so organize the cargo, example, press with a plate, and put something heavy on it.

Now leave the cucumbers to pickle, it will take from 2 to 5 days, the cooking time will vary depending on the air temperature - the higher, the faster the salting process will take place.

Do not be afraid of white film on the surface - it's bacteria. Having tried cucumbers, check their readiness, they will look like low-salt. Next, you need to pour the brine into a large container, in the future we will use it.

Cucumbers are washed, herbs and spices can be thrown away, we will no longer need them. Washed cucumbers are placed in jars in volume 3 liters, pre-washed and sterilized. The next step is to boil the brine - put the container with the liquid on the fire and boil. Fill her jars, wait 10 minutes, Pour back into a large bowl and bring to the boil. Now you can pour the glass container to the edges, cover with boiled lids and roll up.

Rolled cylinders are turned upside down with a lid and covered with a woolen blanket until completely cooled. Then put the jars in the basement or any dark cool place to store. It's OK, if the solution is cloudy at first, a couple of days will pass, and it brightens.

Salting cucumbers for the winter with vinegar

To twist pickles at home for the winter, you will need 2500 grams of cucumbers, garlic 3 teeth, one carrot, dill with umbrella seeds, a small bunch of parsley.

Brine for cucumbers is prepared as follows - one and a half liters of water, 45 grams of rock salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 black or multicolored pepper peas, 3 cherry leaf, 3 carnation, 1 h. L. acetic essence.

Fill the cucumbers with ice water for a few hours, and better for the night. Put cucumbers in pre-sterilized jars, garlic cloves, carrot slices, greenery. Pour boiling water over 10 minutes. After this, drain the marinade, boil it again and pour into jars with cucumbers.

Pouring the liquid into the container for the third time, add spices there, sugar sand, rock salt and cherry tree leaves. Bring everything to a boil. The marinade is ready, it remains to fill their jars, add vinegar essence and roll up with a typewriter. Then cover the jars with a warm blanket, to allow them to cool slowly. Place the chilled jars in a cool place for storage.

Cucumbers with citric acid and vodka

In this recipe, citric acid successfully replaces acetic essence. Certainly, cucumbers, pickled with acetic essence and citric acid, will differ in taste. You should try both options, to determine, which one will be your favorite. For the recipe, below, you will get pickled crispy cucumbers without sterilization.

To cook cucumbers with lemon and vodka, take on 2000 grams of cucumbers on 60 grams of rock salt and granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon, a quarter mug of vodka 1500 milliliters of water. If desired, you can add your favorite herbs, greenery, season.

Washed cucumbers fill with water and ice cubes for a third of an hour. Then translate them with spices and (or) greens in cylinders. Boil water, adding sugar there, rock salt and lemon. Pour the resulting brine into a prepared glass container with cucumbers, for ten to fifteen minutes, pour into a common container, bring to the boil again. This procedure must be repeated again 2 times. After, fill the jars with ready brine, pour vodka and roll up.

Salting cucumbers with cold water

The easiest and fastest way is to salt cucumbers with cold water, which does not require sterilization, boiling, twists. You will need a three-liter glass container, cucumbers, cherry leaves (5 things) and horseradish (2-3), pepper peas, three or four umbrellas of dill, 100 grams of rock salt and 4 garlic cloves.

Now it remains to wash all the ingredients, fold the cucumbers into a balloon in layers, alternating on the principle of a layer of cucumbers - a layer of greens. Dilute the salt in a glass of water and fill the cucumbers with this brine. Then fill the jar to the brim with clean water and leave it to marinate for four days. At the end of this time, remove the jar to the cellar.



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