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How many years have alcohol been sold in Ukraine and others?. Countries

Everyone knows, that there are age limits for the sale of alcohol. And although in the US and Russia, they are slightly different, opinions of doctors, educators and sociologists on this issue were one - the younger the age, the worse the alcohol affects the body. In this you will learn, how many years have alcohol been sold in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as other subtleties of this important issue.

How many years have been selling alcoholic beverages in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

Country For how many years have alcohol been sold by law From what age can you buy alcohol (bars, restaurants)
Russia 18 18
Ukraine 18 18
Belarus 18 18
USA 21 21
Lithuania 18 18

How many years can you sell alcohol in other countries?

Country For how many years have alcohol been sold by law From what age can you buy alcohol (bars, restaurants)
Australia 18 18
Austria 16/18 16/18
Azerbaijan 18 18
Albania without limits without limits
Algeria 18 18
Argentina 18 18
Bahamas 18 18
Belize 18 18
Belgium weak alcohol (beer, wine) - without limitation
strong alcohol - 18
weak alcohol (beer, wine) — 16
strong alcohol - 18
Bulgaria 18 18
Bolivia 18 18
Botswana 18 18
Brazil 18 18
Brunei dry law dry law
Burundi 18 18
Hungary 18 18
UK 18 18
Venezuela 18 18
Gabon without limits without limits
Guyana 18 18
Gambia dry law dry law
Ghana without limits without limits
Guatemala 18 18
Guinea-Bissau without limits without limits
Germany weak alcohol (beer, wine) — 16
strong alcohol - 18
weak alcohol (beer, wine) — 16
strong alcohol - 18
Greece without limits 18
Georgia 16 16
Denmark 16 18
Dominican Republic 18 18
Egypt weak alcohol (beer) — 18
wine and spirits - 21
weak alcohol (beer) — 18
wine and spirits - 21
Zambia 18 18
Zimbabwe 18 18
India from 18 to 25 (depending on the state) from 18 to 25 (depending on the state)
Israel 18 18
Indonesia 21 21
Ireland 18 18
Iceland 20 20
Spain 18 18
Italy 16 16
Cape Verde 18 18
Kazakhstan 18 18
Cambodia without limits without limits
Cameroon 18 18
Canada 18/19 18/19
Kenya 18 18
Cyprus 17 17
China 18 18
Colombia 18 18
Comoros without limits without limits
Republic of the Congo 18 18
Costa Rica 18 18
Kyrgyzstan without limits without limits
Latvia 18 18
Lesotho 18 18
Libya dry law dry law
Lithuania 18 18
Luxembourg without limits 16
Mauritius 18 18
Malawi 18 18
Malta 16 16
Morocco 16 without limits
Mexico 18 18
Micronesia 21 21
Mozambique 18 18
Namibia 18 18
Niger 18 18
Nigeria 18 18
Netherlands to 15% alcohol - 16
from 15% alcohol - 18
to 15% alcohol - 16
from 15% alcohol - 18
Nicaragua 19 19
New Zealand 18 18
Norway to 22% alcohol - 18
from 22% alcohol - 20
to 22% alcohol - 18
from 22% alcohol - 20
Pakistan Muslims are forbidden alcohol
NOT Muslims - 21
Muslims are forbidden alcohol
NOT Muslims - 21
Panama 18 18
Papua New Guinea 18 18
Paraguay 20 20
Peru 18 18
Portugal 16 16
El Salvador 18 18
Samoa 18 18
Swaziland 18 without limits
Seychelles 18 18
Singapore 18 18
Slovenia 18 18
Solomon Islands without limits 21
Thailand 18 18
Togo without limits without limits
Tonga without limits 18
Trinidad and Tobago 18 18
Turkmenistan 18 18
Turkey 18 18
USA 21 21
Uganda 18 18
Fiji 21 21
Philippines 18 18
Finland to 22% alcohol - 18
from 22% alcohol - 20
to 22% alcohol - 18
from 22% alcohol - 20
France 18 18
Croatia 18 18
TSAR 18 18
Chile 18 18
Sweden beer strength to 3,5% — 18
for everything else - 20
Switzerland 16/18 (depending on the canton)
strong alcohol - 18
16/18 (depending on the canton)
strong alcohol - 18
Sri Lanka 18 18
Ecuador 18 18
Equatorial Guinea without limits without limits
Eritrea 18 18
Estonia 18 18
Ethiopia 18 18
STEAM 18 18
South Korea 19 19
Jamaica 16 without limits
Japan 20 20

The age limit for the sale of alcoholic beverages is not a whim of every outlet and not even a decision of local authorities, such matters are regulated by the federal or central authorities and operate throughout the country.

In the federal law of the Russian Federation from 22.11.2005 p №171-FZ "On state regulation of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products ", according to p. 2 Art. 16 retail sale of alcoholic products to minors is not allowed, that is, have not reached the age 18 years. But the problem of child and adolescent alcoholism in Russia is so relevant, that in 2016 year in the State Duma a bill was introduced, prohibiting the sale of alcohol to persons before 21 year. To begin with 2017 years already 16 regions supported this initiative, so this project has every chance to be realized in the near future.

According to the article 153 Law of Ukraine from 19.12.1995 year №481 / 95-VR "On state regulation of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, cognac and fruit, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products "is prohibited from selling beer (except non-alcoholic), alcoholic, low-alcohol beverages , table wine and tobacco products to persons who have not reached 18 years.

Age, from which it is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages in Belarus is regulated by order №43 of 30 July 1993 year. So sell alcohol to people before 18 years, as well as persons with obvious signs of intoxication are strictly prohibited. But as with Russia, the fight against juvenile and child alcoholism has been fierce for many years, and almost every year the government considers raising the age limit to 21 years.

By the way, for those, who likes to remember the Soviet past and compare it with our everyday lives, we want to remind, what to 1985 year in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 16.05.172 year №361 could sell alcohol only to those, who reached 18 years. A 7 May 1985 year a new resolution was issued №410, which "moved" this age to 21 years.

Do you need age restrictions on the sale of alcohol

WHO, as well as the practice of almost all developed countries on the example of numerous studies proves, how relevant is the problem of alcohol consumption at an early age. In all EU countries, in USA, Canada, Russia, Turkey, Of Ukraine, Belarus and many other countries have strict restrictions on the sale of alcohol. There, a conscious citizen is unlikely to have questions even about that, from how old can you sell alcoholic cocktails or soft drinks, not to mention that, how many years can you sell strong alcoholic beverages.

Implicitly, restrictions are required, and even more control is needed over compliance with these restrictions. Proven in practice - in those countries, where legality is respected, and every second does not look for ways to get around it, the problem of adolescent and child alcoholism is not so acute, despite the same age restrictions.

Harmful effects of alcohol on the adolescent body

Considering the appropriateness of age-related bans on the sale of alcohol, must be understood, how harmful it is for the weak, essentially the child's body and psyche. Mentions of the harm of alcohol to the body, growing are found in the medical literature of the late XIX century. There, in the brightest colors, you can read clinical cases of severe toxic poisoning, most often fatal in adolescents and children, even from small doses of alcohol.

Modern science has already proved, that there are no such tissues and organs, on which alcohol would not have its detrimental effect. And when it happens during the period of active growth and development of all organs and the body as a whole, this effect is amplified dozens of times.

At the cellular level, even small doses of alcohol irreversibly alter the passage of nerve impulses, contribute to the active death of brain cells, that creates, Unfortunately, irreversible consequences. This is the right way to develop various mental disorders and other pathologies of the nervous system. At the same time both physical and mental development is delayed.

You can endlessly pour medical terms and describe the impact on all organs and systems, but even without this it is absolutely clear, what is the scale of the problem and, that it must be fought with the most brutal methods.

What shall I do, if you are not sold alcohol when you reach the age

Hearing an incredible outrage in the queue: "IN 40 years I buy alcohol on the passport !!», involuntarily there is a smile. After all, this is a reason for pride, who in 40 years to look at 18. If the seller refuses to sell alcohol without documents, certifying age, don't get angry or try to figure out a relationship. Show documents (the passport, rights, birth certificate any document that will confirm your identity and date of birth) and the situation will be instantly resolved in your favor. They can refuse only in individual cases, mainly due to strong visible ??signs of intoxication.



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