Flea shampoo for cats: insecticidal for kittens, celandine from ticks, flea repellents for dogs, pet shampoo rolf club

Flea shampoo for cats is now available along with products in other forms (drops, collars, sprays)

What criteria to pay attention to before buying?

Shampoo for cats, that saves from fleas, has a special composition, therefore, the components and their properties must be considered in the first place. Criteria for selecting such drugs:

  1. The main component of the funds. It can be an insecticide or a non-toxic natural substance: decoction of herbs, butter. Cat flea shampoo can contain a variety of ingredients.
  2. Concentration of active substance. The more toxic compounds the drug contains, the stronger the effect it has on parasites. However, too toxic shampoo for kittens is not suitable.
  3. The volume of the vial. Small animals are treated with a small amount of the tool, therefore, it is not advisable to buy a volumetric vial.
  4. Purpose. You need to make sure, that the drug is intended for cats. Means for large animals contain a significant dose of insecticide. Today you can find a universal medicine for dogs and cats. Also pay attention to the scope of shampoo. So, products of some brands are designed for cats from fleas and ticks. Other drugs kill certain types of insects, example, only fleas. There are shampoos with a wider range of action: from fleas, ticks, hair follicles.
  5. Prolonged action. Shampoos hardly protect the animal after treatment, but the residual effect is still manifested for a short period.

Preparations against fleas and ticks (video)