Categories: Pets

The perfect diet for a husky: what you can feed the dog, and why not?

Husky - one of the oldest breeds of sled dogs. However, nowadays they are most often used as companion dogs. Husky - a fairly large dog. Its height at the withers is 0,5 to 0,6 m, weight - from 20 to 28 kg. Dogs of this breed are friendly, tidiness, calm and beautiful appearance, which is why they have become very popular recently.

However, before you start such an animal, you need to think about it, that husky is by nature a sled dog, therefore, she needs daily intense physical activity, long walks and special food for the normal development of the skeleton and muscles. If the husky menu, especially the puppy, will be wrong, there is every chance, that the dog will suffer from many diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to study in detail, than to feed huskies, even before buying a puppy.

Proper nutrition for huskies

There are two options for compiling a diet for this dog: feeding natural products and the use of dry food.

In the case of huskies in any case, you can not choose a mixed type of food, which is suitable for most other breeds. This is the most common mistake of pet owners. Mixed diet leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and adversely affects the body of the husky as a whole.

You should also keep this in mind, that huskies are fed only after a walk. If the dog will be exercising after eating, intestinal torsion may occur, therefore it is impossible to feed huskies before walk.

What type of power to choose?

Each of the two types has its pros and cons.

Pros of natural nutrition:

  • there are no harmful additives in natural products;
  • the presence in the diet of natural protein and fiber;
  • the ability to independently monitor the quality of products, which cannot be controlled in the case of dry food.

Cons of natural nutrition:

  • it takes time to cook;
  • knowledge and time are needed to choose the right balanced diet, as well as consultation with a veterinary nutritionist;
  • Difficulty in translating a dog from natural food to dry food, if necessary.

Pros of feeding dry food:

  • you do not need to spend a lot of time selecting a menu for the dog;
  • no time required for cooking;
  • food already contains the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • dry food is easier to take with you on a trip.

Cons of feeding dry food:

  • insufficient moisture content in dry feed;
  • the complexity of feed selection, which is suitable for a particular dog;
  • possible content in the feed of harmful additives;
  • the price of good dry food is very high;
  • inability to give the dog natural products, if dry food is usually used.

It should be reminded once again, that a mixed type of food is not suitable for a husky, so you need to choose between these two options.

Feeding huskies with natural products

When choosing a diet for members of this breed should be considered, that the menu must include products, containing proteins, fat, fiber, which is required for normal bowel function, amino acids, as well as all the necessary vitamins, macro - and micronutrients.

Products, which you need to feed the huskies:

  • Meat. It is the main source of protein for the dog, therefore should be 70% diet. Huskies are best fed lean meats. This is chicken, turkey, beef, venison. Pork and lamb are best avoided. However, due to that, that huskies have a protein-fat metabolism, they are able to digest fatty foods with less strain on the liver, than other dogs. But in any case, it is better not to feed fatty huskies. in addition, pork is contraindicated, because it is often infected with the carnivorous plague virus.
  • By-products. This is the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, trachea. They contain a large number of vitamins and trace elements. in addition, very useful scar, it must be present in the husky menu, especially the puppy. Feed your dog offal regularly, but not every day, so as not to face the problem of excessive intake of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Bones. Huskies cannot be fed them, but sometimes it is useful to gnaw large bones, as it cleans and strengthens teeth, prevents the development of caries.
  • Cartilage. They contain collagen, as well as vitamins and trace elements, necessary for the normal functioning of the dog's body. You can give the meat along with the cartilage.
  • Porridge. Huskies can be given only three species: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Porridge should be present in the dog's diet, as thanks to them work of intestines is normalized. They should be up to 10% diet.
  • Fish. Only marine species are suitable. Fish contains a large number of essential amino acids, iodine, phosphorus, fluorine and other macro - and micronutrients, B vitamins, as well as A and D, so be sure to feed her a husky.
  • Fermented milk products. They contain calcium, necessary for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. Huskies can be fed only low-fat dairy products, namely kefir (0%) and cottage cheese (to 10%). It should be as fresh as possible, especially kefir (up to three days from the date of manufacture). Cheese or kefir is given instead of feeding, usually in the morning.
  • Eggs. Chicken (yolk) or quail (quite). 1-2 times a week.
  • Vegetables. They contain a large amount of all necessary vitamins and minerals. Especially useful cabbage, which improves digestion. in addition, tomatoes should be present in the diet (in small quantities), which are good for teeth, as well as carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beans.
  • Vitamin supplements. They should be chosen, after consulting a veterinarian.

Products, which cannot be given to huskies:

  • fatty meats, as well as veal and chicken;
  • milk;
  • chicken egg white;
  • boiled bones, chicken bones;
  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • raisins and grapes;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • tomatoes in large quantities (only a little is allowed, as they can cause allergies);
  • nutmeg;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • vitamin supplements, designed for people;
  • smoked, marinated, salty, fried, spicy food;
  • products with a high content of artificial preservatives, dyes, flavors;
  • hot or cold food.

How to cook food for a husky?

Meat should be given raw, previously froze it 3-7 days. Be sure to thaw it well before serving. Meat should be given in large chunks, it should not be given in the form of minced meat or broth.

The fish must be boiled. Varieties with soft bones can be given raw, but be sure to thaw thoroughly beforehand.

Porridge should not be cooked, and brew boiling water. To do this, pour boiling water over the cereal, close the container with a lid and leave on 30 minutes. You can add a teaspoon of butter. You also need to add a little salt to the porridge. Seasonings cannot be added.

Chicken eggs must be boiled, then separate the protein, can be fed only egg yolk. Quail eggs are given raw.

Vegetables do not need to be cooked, but they can not be given raw. They must be welded. To do this, cut the vegetables and put in boiling water for a few minutes. You can give fresh cucumbers and tomatoes raw.

By-products must be thoroughly boiled, as they may contain helminth eggs, which die during heat treatment.

Eating dry food

It is very important to choose the right dry food. At the same time it is necessary to consider its structure first of all. Most likely, by means of tests it is necessary to select a forage, which will suit a particular dog.

The composition of dry food should be as follows:

  • Meat should come first.
  • Must be specified, what kind of meat is in the feed. Feed is suitable for huskies, made on the basis of lamb, chickens, beef.
  • There are also fish feeds, in this case, the species of fish must be indicated, which was used. Such food is also suitable for huskies, they can be alternated with meat.
  • Vitamin E must be present. In quality feeds it is used as a natural preservative.
  • A large amount of protein should be present in the feed.
  • In the composition in the first place should not be grain. This indicates that, that the feed has low nutritional value and for the most part consists of a filler, which is of no use, but only clogs the stomach and intestines, thereby impairing digestion.
  • Artificial dyes should also not be present, flavors and preservatives.

Only premium and super premium feeds meet these requirements, among them Orijen, Acana, Canidae, Royal Canine and others. Dry food economy class can not be used for feeding huskies, however, like any other dog, as they contain a large number of harmful additives, most are made on the basis of filler, which has a detrimental effect on the digestive system, do not contain natural meat, and slaughterhouse waste, such as horns and hooves.

How often to feed a husky?

It directly depends on age:

  • 1,5 month - 4-5 times a day;
  • 2-3 months - 3-4 times a day;
  • 3-6 months - 3 times a day;
  • 6-12 months - 2-3 times a day;
  • with 12 months - 1-2 times a day.

Huskies can often have a poor appetite. This is not always a symptom of disease: dogs of this breed by nature do not eat much. In summer, especially in the hot period, Huskies can arrange unloading days for themselves. If the dog does not eat for 1-2 days, it should not scare the owners, if appetite problems last longer, you should seek the help of a veterinarian.

As for the amount of portions, then everything is individual. However, you need to watch out for that, so that the husky is not overweight. This breed of dog is characterized by light cattle, Of course, without signs of exhaustion. When holding the hand on the back and ribs of the animal, the spine and ribs must be clearly palpated. If these bones cannot be felt, you need to reduce the number of servings, and review the husky's diet as a whole, as being overweight can soon lead to cardiovascular problems, digestive and musculoskeletal system.

Proper feeding of puppies

The diet of a dog at a young age should be given special attention, as it depends, how healthy and strong the animal will be in the future. in addition, that the puppy needs to be fed more often, it should also be provided with plenty of vitamins and minerals. To do this, you need to choose special vitamin supplements for puppies, after consulting a veterinarian.

If dry food was chosen, need to buy special food for puppies, as it contains more vitamins, macro - and micronutrients. It's important to remember that, that puppy food is not suitable for an adult dog, since she no longer needs so many vitamins, and in high doses, they can cause disturbances in the body.

When choosing to feed natural products, you can use this approximate menu for the dog at the age 2-4 months:

  • Breakfast. 9:00. Low-fat cheese, grated carrots or 2 quail eggs.
  • Dinner. 13:00. 150-200 grams of meat or fish.
  • Afternoon. 17:00. 0,4-0,5 l of yogurt.
  • Dinner. 20:00. Porridge with meat and vegetables.

V 3-4 noon is removed for months. V 6 months the lunch is taken away, breakfast consists of cheese, fish or meat.



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