Categories: ElectricityMachinery

What shall I do, if the microwave sparks and cracks inside?

As we would like, but no household appliance can work forever. So, over time, the microwave also fails. Breakdowns can be different: the appliance does not switch on or off during operation, poorly heated or not heated does not spin the pan, Buttons do not work… Today we will stop at one of them and find out, why the inside of the microwave is cracking, sparks and shoots.

What can provoke sparks

The microwave will spark for several reasons:

  1. Metal utensils or containers with a metal rim were placed inside the appliance.
  2. Burnt mica plate can also provoke sparks.
  3. Through the metal, silver or gold coating on plates.
  4. Mechanical damage to the enamel.

If your microwave oven sparks and cracks, and also shoots, means, you did not act in accordance with the instructions and bwithout repair here is no longer possible. Keep in mind, that self-repair of the device without proper knowledge, can be dangerous!

Determining the cause and eliminating it

Prohibited utensils

In a microwave oven in no case it is impossible to put on heating food in metal ware or in plates with gold., silver or metal coating. If you ignore this rule, then there will be a crack in the microwave, and the appliance will start to spark.

The point is, that during the operation of the device between its metal parts and metal utensils an electric arc is formed, because of which the microwave sparks. Be careful when choosing utensils for your assistant!

If you did not follow, and metal utensils or cutlery entered the cell, stop the microwave and remove all prohibited items. The sparking must stop.

Mica plate

One of the most common reasons, why the microwave bursts and sparks, there is a burning of the mica plate, which is responsible for microwave scattering.

Due to the heating of dishes, fats settle on the plate. And untimely cleaning and improper care of the microwave oven only accelerate the process of accumulation of food residues on the plate, which may catch fire. Over time, the diffuser breaks down.

The cause must be identified in time for the device to function properly, why your microwave will spark, and eliminate it immediately. Otherwise, you risk damaging the main part of the device - the magnetron, which costs almost as much, like the microwave itself.

What to do in this case? First you need to check the plate for serviceability.

The diffuser is broken and requires replacement in that case, if the microwave oven started to spark, gives off a burnt smell, and on its walls, near the mica plate, accumulated soot.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the plate:

  1. The first thing to do is wash the microwave.
  2. Most often, the purchased plate does not match the size of the old one. In this case, it is better to buy a larger part and cut, attaching the old one to it. The edges of the new plate should be sanded.
  3. Make mounting holes.
  4. Before fixing the mica plate, you need to make sure, that the magnetron cap is working. In case of breakage, it must be replaced.
  5. Fasten the new plate with screws.

As you can see, it is not difficult to eliminate such a breakdown, the main thing is to follow the instructions clearly. After replacing the part you need to check, how a microwave oven works, but this cannot be done with an empty camera!

Damage to the enamel inside the chamber

Sometimes you need to reheat a lot of food and save time, that we choose dishes more. When rotating the plate slides, rubs and hits the walls of the chamber, Microwave oven. As a result, scratches are formed on the enamel, which interfere with the proper reflection of microwaves. And that, in turn, detrimental effect on the operation of the magnetron, which (as already mentioned) is expensive. Therefore, when the slightest scratches on the enamel, they need to be painted over immediately.

You can handle this yourself:

  1. First you need to clean the chamber from grease, clean the damaged areas with sandpaper and degrease them with solvent.
  2. Then apply a layer of primer and two or three layers of enamel. Food is suitable for this, refractory or electrically conductive enamel.
  3. Wait until completely dry and check the device.

If the microwave does not spark or smoke after switching on, means, you did everything right, and the device is ready for use again.

Slice of the water pipe

Most breakdowns are due to untimely cleaning of the device from grease, which can catch fire over time. The antenna from the magnetron emits microwaves in the chamber of the waveguide, which is closed by a lid. Accumulated dirt on the cover of the waveguide will eventually start to burn, because it acts as a dielectric, which does not conduct electricity. The point is, that fire is the so-called plasma, which can be a conductor, which can cause sparks and cracks in the microwave oven.

Socket and plug of the cord device

Sometimes a microwave oven can only spark when it is turned on or off. This may be due to a faulty power outlet or plug. If the contacts are loose, then the electric current is distributed unevenly. This may cause a short circuit or break the microwave.

Read also: how to repair a microwave with your own hands.

To troubleshoot, the cord should be inspected for damage: inflections, gaps. If found, the cord needs to be replaced. The socket also requires replacement in case of cracks, chips and scale.

How to extend the life of a microwave

That the microwave oven served you for many years, it is necessary to pay attention to it periodically and to follow the generally accepted rules:

  1. Wash and clean from dirt.
  2. Do not switch on an empty microwave oven.
  3. Do not place metal utensils or plates with metal coating inside the appliance.
  4. Inspect the device for enamel damage.
  5. In order not to spray fat, you need to cover the plates with food with a special cap.
  6. Do not place large utensils in the microwave chamber, which can damage the enamel.

Devices, like people, need attention and care. Use the microwave properly: only for the purpose and in accordance with the instructions. Then the device will please you with long serviceable work.



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