Categories: Pets

European marsh turtle: character, features of appearance and content at home

The European terrapin can be considered one of the most popular species of aquatic reptiles, which can be kept at home. Habitat of the animal, quite large - from European countries to the Middle East. But before you decide to keep an amphibian at home, it is necessary to get acquainted with features of character and subtleties of the maintenance of a marsh turtle.

First of all, the marsh turtle at home should be approached responsibly. Through those, that the animal is a reptile, which is found almost everywhere, it does not require special conditions for living in an apartment. But for a full life of the pet should follow certain rules.

Marsh turtles are predators with very powerful jaws. If an animal bites its owner, then the sensations will be very unpleasant. Most reptiles can be aggressive, so it is better to take a reptile from the back of the shell, that it did not reach and did not bite. Many zoologists recommend buying a terrapin at a very young age, to get used to her master.


As mentioned earlier, European terrapins can be found almost everywhere in Europe, and in Asia and Africa. Since the reptile is very common, then it is not in the Red Book. It lives in various freshwater bodies: pond, water channel, swamp, stream, river, etc.. Though, that marsh turtle is an aquatic animal she loves to bask in the warm sun.

Even if it is cool and gloomy outside, the reptile tries to catch the moment to bask in the sun, which barely make their way through the clouds. Like most aquatic reptiles, the turtle in natural conditions instantly hides under water at the sight of threat. Thanks to powerful paws and long claws, the animal calmly makes its way through the thickets, and, if necessary, buried in silt or leaves at the bottom of the pond.

Features of the appearance of marsh turtles

The European marsh turtle is the owner of a rounded smooth carapace, usually with black or yellow-green color. Many small yellow or white patches are scattered on the shell, which can form whimsical patterns or lines. Wet reptile house shimmers in the sun and fades after drying. The turtle has a rather large and slightly pointed head and no beak. The skin on the head is dark, almost black. On the dark paws are visible light spots with a yellow tinge.

To date, zoologists are considering several major subspecies of marsh turtles, which may differ in color and size of the shell. So, Sicilian reptile has a bright yellow-green carapace and the same skin color. Amphibian, living in Russia or Ukraine is dark, almost black without bright clothes. A mature marsh turtle can grow up to 35 cm in length and almost 1,5 kg weight. But in captivity the animal does not reach such dimensions.

The European tortoise is often confused with an American relative, as they are very similar in their habits and external parameters. Therefore, reptiles have long been classified as one subspecies of the genus Emys. But in the future, getting acquainted with each species in more detail, they were divided according to the difference between the internal skeleton and external features. The lifespan of the marsh reptile today remains a source of debate for many scientists. But they all agreed, that the animal is long-lived.

Arrangement of an aquarium for keeping at home

Care and maintenance of the marsh subspecies of turtle at home does not require from the owners of the pet special encyclopedic knowledge in the zoological field, since they spend most of their time in the aquatic environment. But still some features of the arrangement of the aquarium for a pet must be observed.

  1. A spacious aquarium is a must for the terrapin, the volume of which must be at least 150 liters. This is the optimal size of housing for a pet to make him feel comfortable.
  2. It is very important to arrange a small area of ​​land in the reservoir. Though, that marsh turtles are aquatic reptiles, drought is vital for them. Otherwise, the animal will simply drown. The third part of the aquarium area is considered to be the optimal size of the land island.

In addition to water and land resources in the aquarium should always be present and other important elements for the residence of reptiles.

  1. Ordinary electric lamp, which will create the optimal temperature in the aquarium. Its location is recommended over land, where the turtle will bask.
  2. An ultraviolet lamp is also important, which has a beneficial effect on the health of reptiles.
  3. You also need to make sure you have a water filter. Its necessity is conditioned ??team, that the water in the aquarium should always be clean.

As additional elements to create comfort for the animal, use aquarium soil to simulate the bottom. In the presence of aquarium plants is important, so that they are not poisonous, since the terrapin loves to eat them.

How to feed a house marsh turtle?

In order for a pet's diet to be complete, it is necessary to understand, eating reptiles in their natural habitat. The terrapin is a predator, therefore, her basic diet in nature consists of animal food. Naturally, that the animal cannot be left without plant food. Young shoots of aquatic plants - the main source of trace elements and useful vitamins. Ideally, the turtle's diet at home should consist of the following menu:

  • animal food - fish fry and small fish, miniature frogs and larvae of various insects;
  • plant foods - young dandelion leaves or clover.

To maintain the health of the marsh turtle at the proper level, be sure to use supplements, which supplement the pet's diet with calcium. Powders are used as a source of vitamins, bought at a pet store.

Do you need to bathe a turtle and how often to change the water?

In view of the, that the marsh turtle lives in water, many owners have a question: whether to bathe a reptile? That is why, that the reptile is aquatic, some pet owners doubt the appropriateness of such a hygiene procedure. But since it is almost impossible to keep the aquarium perfectly clean and dirt appears on the animal's shell, it must be removed mechanically.

Water hygienic procedures are necessary together with the formation of dirt on the shell. Wash your pet in warm water with a soft cloth, and better with a brush. Under no circumstances should hard materials be used, which can damage the horny coatings of the pet.

The terrapin in the apartment should be kept only in clean water. First of all, it is due to that, that the animal defecates right there, where he lives, thereby leading to pollution of water resources. Reptile owners must constantly monitor the purity of the water, otherwise it can cause various diseases in the reptile.

A complete change of water and cleaning of the aquarium should be carried out at least 1 once a month. In order not to disturb the animal, you can leave a small amount of water in the tank, diluting it fresh. Aquarium experts recommend the use of settled tap water. With, if you install quality filters, then cleaning the turtle's home will be much less frequent.

Domestic turtle and hibernation

For many years there has been a heated debate among turtle lovers about the feasibility of hibernation for reptiles.. Under natural conditions, the sleep of reptiles in the winter is vital. This is primarily due to the fact, that the turtle animal is cold-blooded and cannot control its body temperature.

With the onset of colds, the reptile goes to sleep, during which all life processes are slowed down. But a pet in a long sleep does not need, as the appropriate microclimate is always maintained in the aquarium. Opponents of hibernation of domestic turtles motivate their point of view also by that, that preparation for a long hibernation is quite difficult.

If the owners of domestic reptiles provide their pet with proper care and constantly clean water in the aquarium, then the pupil will be pleased with his presence for more than a decade. It is advisable to buy a very small animal, which is easier and faster to get used to the person and will even eat from the hands.

Precautions and communication with reptiles

Most cold-blooded people are quite smart and quick to understand, when they are fed. But at the moment, when an animal rushes to its owner in the hope of getting a favorite treat, it is very aggressive. Like most reptiles, turtles are insidious. Therefore, in such moments, the owners must be as careful as possible, since the reptile bite is very noticeable. It is better to keep a turtle alone. Often observed, that when several reptiles are kept in the same aquarium, they bite off each other's limbs.

The adult terrapin is quite aggressive and can bite its owner. The reptile bite is so painful, that the owners of the pain greatly changes facial expressions. Therefore, it is better to take the animal by the back of the shell. Proper approach and compliance with the rules of care for the tortoise in captivity will help avoid many troubles. But, if any strange things are noticed in the animal's behavior, then you need to immediately consult a specialist.



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