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Infectious and non-infectious diseases of turkeys: symptoms of disease, treatment and prevention of diseases

When breeding turkeys, there is often a problem with the disease of these birds, including turkeys. Diseases of turkeys can lead to loss of individuals or their productivity. And in adults, and in young animals are found as contagious, and non-communicable diseases. Infectious diseases are a great danger, because they can cause mass deaths.

Measures to prevent diseases of turkeys and their young

The best treatment for the disease is to prevent it. Turkeys pick up viruses and infections quite easily, especially in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions. The main rule in the prevention of diseases of turkeys - is to keep clean.

The main preventive measures against diseases of adults and turkeys

The main prevention measures include the following:

  • compliance with the conditions of detention. Maintain the necessary humidity in the room, create the right temperature conditions, provide good ventilation without drafts;
  • regular disinfection of the turkey. Before settling birds in the turkey, you need to thoroughly wash all surfaces with water, in three days to carry out joint disinfection of the room and whitewashing with lime milk. Subsequently, regularly disinfect the equipment and the poultry house;
  • freshness and quality of feed. Feed for turkeys and young animals should be fresh, under no circumstances should moldy or stale food be given, especially of animal origin;
  • cleanliness of drinkers and feeders. As the feeder and drinker become dirty, they should be washed, after all spoiled remains of a forage are capable to cause illnesses and even death of turkeys and especially turkeys;
  • periodic inspections of turkeys and isolation of individuals with suspected disease. If signs of the disease are detected, the bird should be placed in a separate room and treated there.

Additional measures for the prevention of diseases of young animals

Difficulties in keeping turkeys arise when raising turkeys. The chicks need special attention in the first ten days of their lives. That young growth did not suffer from a cold, it should be warm and dry, in the cold and humidity of the turkey will get sick and die. If the chicks are mobile, do not get lost in the pile, actively fed, means, installed ??the temperature suits them.

Young animals should be kept on a mesh floor with the size of a cell 1 X 1 see or 1 X 2 cm. Under this condition, the turkey poultry will be deprived of the opportunity to gnaw manure along with falling food. This is the prevention of intestinal diseases, to which chicks are often exposed.

Diseases of turkeys and young animals

The causes of diseases of turkeys are many - congenital defects of turkeys, poisoning, unfavorable microclimate of turkey, infection. All diseases of birds can be divided into two categories: infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious diseases of adults

The most common infectious diseases of turkeys:

  • Respiratory mycoplasmosis. Causes of the disease are hypothermia due to non-compliance with temperature and excessive humidity or unbalanced diet. Respiratory mycoplasmosis affects people with reduced immunity and deficiency of vitamins A and B.

The main symptoms of this disease are inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, visual impairment, manifestation of respiratory symptoms (discharge from the nose and eyes). Sick turkeys intensively lose weight, their productivity decreases, in the running case, death is possible.

Treatment of birds is carried out by introducing into the diet of antibiotics chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline, the use of chloramphenicol is also possible, erythromycin or streptomycin.

To prevent respiratory mycoplasmosis, you need to keep the room clean, monitor the correct diet of birds and regularly air the turkey.

  • Tuberculosis. This is the most dangerous disease, affecting the respiratory tract, lungs and other internal organs. Infection occurs through contaminated water, infected inventory, timely uninfected litter, eggs.

One of the first symptoms of the disease is the rapid deterioration of the turkey, anorexia, the individual behaves apathetically, practically without movement. Diarrhea and skin nodules occur.

It is not possible to cure a sick bird because of that, that the infection rapidly affects the internal organs. To avoid the case in the turkey, the sick individual must be destroyed, and the poultry house to cultivate.

The best preventative measure in the case of tuberculosis is sunlight and fresh air. But it is difficult to destroy it with disinfectants. Rooms, in which the sick individual settled down, should be left open for a long time, that the scattered light of the sun destroyed the infection.

  • Worms. It is a very common disease among poultry, including turkeys. Most sources of worm infestation are in the soil, stern, water, inventory and other birds. The danger of infection is, that there is a rapid defeat of the digestive system and respiratory system.

There are no pronounced symptoms at the beginning of the disease. Then the turkeys reduce the weight, impaired immunity and as a result may develop other viral diseases.

The treatment of this disease is quite difficult because of that, that the initial stage of the disease is asymptomatic. Regular preventive sanitation of the turkey will have a greater effect. In the detection of worm infections used drugs piperazine sulfate or phenothiazine.

  • Smallpox. Turkeys can be infected with this common disease from chickens or through drinkers and feeders, or in direct contact with a carrier of the virus. Flies can also carry this infection, mosquitoes and gnats.

The initial symptoms of the disease are as follows: the sick individual is not active, apathetic, she has no appetite, she does not want to drink water, spends all the time in a dark place, wings down, feathers disheveled. After some time, areas of the body without plumage (legs, head, corals) and mucous membranes are covered with spots.

Smallpox in turkeys is not curable. Sick individuals and carcasses of the dead must be destroyed and burned. The rest of the birds in the turkey must be vaccinated with the embryo vaccine.

  • Synovit. This infectious disease is characterized by inflammation of the joints. People are most often ill, which is more than seven weeks.

Sick birds have the following symptoms: apathy, lethargy, lameness on one or both legs, pale coral and scalp, joints are soft to the touch, hot and painful, turkeys are difficult to approach the feeder and drinker. There is diarrhea with yellow-brown watery discharge.

Many turkeys recover, even if left untreated. Terramycin is used to treat and prevent the disease, biomycin and streptomycin.

Non-communicable diseases of adults

The most common non-communicable diseases of turkeys:

  • Hard goiter. This disease occurs because of that, that the turkey goiter is overflowing with solid food, example, grain. The most common cause of this disease may be an unbalanced diet or lack of food for turtles, chalk or gravel of fine fraction.

Symptoms of this disease are hardening of the goiter when it is felt, its inflammation, discharge from the goiter, the sick individual does not leave the place, refuses to feed, sluggish and stiff.

This disease in turkeys is not curable, because their goiter has a specific structure. Even if you try to cure a sick individual, after a long period of treatment, the turkey dies of exhaustion.

  • Distorted appetite. This disease occurs due to improper feeding of birds. Manifestation of the disease is a strange behavior of a turkey, who begins to eat everything, that catches his eye. This provokes digestive problems.

In the first days of the disease, the only symptom is that the turkey constantly feels hungry and eats everything, what is possible and what is not possible. Later, the possibility of hard goiter is possible, violation of the intestinal microflora, diarrhea, etc..

The main method of treatment and prevention of this disease is a balanced diet.

Infectious diseases of turkeys

The most common infectious diseases of chicks:

  • Hemophilia (contagious rhinitis). Turkeys under the age of twenty weeks are most prone to this disease. Infection occurs from a sick chick, feed, water, inventory. The disease is spreading rapidly on the turkey.

At a hemophilosis mucous membranes of a nasal cavity become inflamed, larynx and eyes. Fluid is released from the nostrils, the chick suffers from shortness of breath, lack of appetite, wheezing, tearing. The head takes the form of an "owl" due to strong tumors of the orbital sinuses. Turkey develops poorly and loses weight.

Sick chicks are destroyed, since the disease is not curable. In order to prevent inhalation of iodine and chlorine-turpentine vapors, without taking the chicks out of the turkey. The room is also disinfected with a 2% formaldehyde solution, twenty percent suspension of freshly slaked lime, two percent sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature 70-80 ° C.

  • Histomonosis (black head). Chicks aged twenty days to three months are susceptible to this disease. At a disease appendicitis is inflamed and there is a focal defeat of a liver.

Sick turkeys lose their appetite, they stand, closing his eyes and hunched over. Across 2-4 days of diarrhea. In the young ??due to circulatory disorders, the head and legs turn black.

Treatment with metronidazole and furazolidone should also be given if there is a risk of infection.

  • Pullorosis (white bacillary diarrhea). Most turkeys get sick before the age of twenty days. Infection occurs by contact with a sick individual, through feeders and drinkers.

The main symptoms: young animals sitting with their eyes closed, shrink, squeaks and breathes hard. The feces is white, foamy structure. Stinky secretions stick together the fluff around the cloaca. Mortality is high, is close 70 percent. The chicks sit on their feet, fall and die in convulsions.

Treatment involves the use of tetracycline, chloramphenicol, furazolidone, furacillin, sulfadimezin.

In order to prevent the disease, turkeys should be kept separate from adults. It is necessary to maintain a high level of sanitary hygiene, disinfect with a 20% solution of freshly slaked lime, change the bedding often, water the chicks with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, add vitamin A to the diet.

  • Paratif. Aged turkeys are susceptible to this disease 3-30 days. Mortality among chicks reaches 80 percent.

The main symptoms of the disease are diarrhea, sleepy state of the chicks, they are sedentary, their wings are lowered, tearing and gluing of eyelids is present, hitk's move, no appetite, and the feeling of thirst is intensified.

Trimerazine is used for treatment, mepatar, lautecin.

For prevention from the first day of life 10 day the chicks are given furazolidone and biomycin. Sanitary hygiene must be at a high level.

  • Infectious sinusitis. This disease is most predisposed to turkeys aged 30 days and older. The disease most often occurs due to overcrowding, hypothermia, deficiencies of vitamins A and D..

The main symptom is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes in the form of a tumor, where purulent fluid accumulates.

Furazolidone is used for treatment, streptomycin, oxytetracycline, tilane is water-soluble.

Preventive measures for sinusitis - providing chicks with vitamins A and D and hygienic maintenance.

Non-communicable diseases of turkeys

The most common non-communicable diseases of chicks:

  • Enterit. This disease affects turkeys aged from 6 to 12 weeks. It is characterized by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. The cause of the disease is the use of poor quality food and dirty water.

With enteritis, young animals lose their appetite, manure is liquid with undigested particles, as a result, the fluff around the clogged cloaca.

The method of weaning sick chicks from healthy ones and further providing them with favorable housing conditions until complete recovery is used for treatment..

Vaccination is used to prevent enteritis, use of quality feed and timely cleaning of feeders and drinkers.

  • Hypovitaminosis. With this disease in the body of the chick is catastrophically lacking complex or individual vitamins due to the use of dirty water, poor quality feed or improper housing conditions.

In this disease, young animals have inflamed eyes, nasal discharge is present, tearing, rickets.

Turkeys can be cured by injecting the necessary vitamins. Preventive measures are a balanced diet, additional sources of vitamins, including in the form of additives.

  • Rasklyov (cannibalism). This disease occurs due to a deficiency in the diet of turkeys of such components, as a protein, minerals and vitamins.

For treatment and prevention it is necessary to feed young animals of high quality, fresh, balanced food with sufficient vitamin content, minerals and protein. Aggressive chicks also need to be removed from the herd, trim the turkey's upper half of the beak.

Maximum costs in the form of turkeys or delayed growth may be incurred due to lack of young animals in the diet ??vitamins A, B і D. From the first day of life of chicks and till the end of the period of cultivation it is necessary to add concentrates of the specified vitamins to their forage.. When breeding birds over time, any costs of keeping and feeding individuals can pay off., but not disease. The main task of poultry farmers is the prevention of turkey diseases. If you detect various symptoms of bird diseases, you should consult a veterinarian, to avoid serious consequences.



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